usf, is just a whiner with blood on his hands

i dont remember legion troll posting personal information of members. some other mod might have dealt with that situation. typically if a member released personal information we'll just delete it until it becomes a repeat problem at which point they will be perma banned.

I don't think us mods cut legion troll much slack but for day to day occurances legion troll doesn't really break any rules and is merely annoying. we obviously don't ban people for being annoying or 90% of this website would be gone.

damo deleted it and banned the one user of legions....he kept doing it though and eventually stopped after damo banned two of his troll accts
well again, most of the time legion troll doesn't break any rules. we don't really perma ban people for a first offense.
I read on your wall that you believed a mod was operating a troll. Was it some other troll than Legion?

Something freaky happened with the Joe Wilson troll. I could have been mistaken, but I believed that a "You Lie!" line got added in front of me laughing about how I beat him to the punch...
if you actually just look at the stuff legion troll writes sometimes you should very easily be able to see it's none of our's style.
and in addition to us not sounding like legion troll, we mods are very very very princpled on not revealing other members private information. That's why JPP got started in the first place, and it was over stuff that was far more tame than irl stuff