usf, is just a whiner with blood on his hands

I saw a feature on Cayce and I think the poles are going to shift in 2012 and all of this won't matter anyway! Alaska will be in the ocean...California and New York will be gone, and with those states most of the liberals, so what the hell!

Well, that's a relief. You might want to consider looking for a new state to inhabit. :clink:
i wonder if legion troll is a mod....

the guy has had certain trolls banned for posting personal info, family members...yet...his other trolls are allowed
I don't accept that responsibility.

Yes, but the God I could believe in would be some sort of enlightened creature that would not want to interfere with our free will. Therefore, your rejection of the responsibility is more proof that you are God. lol

I saw a feature on Cayce and I think the poles are going to shift in 2012 and all of this won't matter anyway! Alaska will be in the ocean...California and New York will be gone, and with those states most of the liberals, so what the hell!

So God does exist!! :cof1:
i wonder if legion troll is a mod....

the guy has had certain trolls banned for posting personal info, family members...yet...his other trolls are allowed

do you really think any of us mods would be posting personal information yurt?
How is outing a troll with regrads to their member ID "personal info" especially if the troll harrasses?

yurt was suggesting that legion troll itself was one of us mods. legion troll has said personal information of some members apparently... ergo if one of us mods were legion troll we would be saying the personal information of the memberbase.
do you really think any of us mods would be posting personal information yurt?

i certaintly hope not and my first thought is is just odd the defense of legion troll and how he got certain info...he could have talked to MM...but its odd the stuff he gets away with
i wonder if legion troll is a mod....

the guy has had certain trolls banned for posting personal info, family members...yet...his other trolls are allowed

Threedee even thought legion was a mod and he would beseech the heavens for the Stigmata in order to prove his allegiance to the Mod Gods rather than fall from their grace... :pke:

JOKE Threedee JOKE
i dont remember legion troll posting personal information of members. some other mod might have dealt with that situation. typically if a member released personal information we'll just delete it until it becomes a repeat problem at which point they will be perma banned.

I don't think us mods cut legion troll much slack but for day to day occurances legion troll doesn't really break any rules and is merely annoying. we obviously don't ban people for being annoying or 90% of this website would be gone.