usf, is just a whiner with blood on his hands

proof sent. 3 current ip addys from you, including 2 that are rather similar which I am inferring is when you made the switch of which you are referring to.

I responded in PM. One may be one I used...the other one not at all. The one is my original. Like I said in PM maybe you can see some activity, but obviously not all.
In case you hadn't noticed, I don't really try to wield the morality stick, because I don't have enough faith in humanity to believe it will have any effect.

I simply stated that you have a conflict of interest on this matter.

Why are you so angry at me, anyway? Its as if I ran over your dog or something...

Why is saracasm and flippancy always taken as anger and hate? Were you an abused child? Fer chrissakes the things I've seen you say and be said to you and this creates this reaction?

Oh, I get it now. you've got to post with me another 7 years so you will REALLY know me then? :rolleyes:
Whatever, I really don't need this after the spats I've had with Yurt and USF over what other posters have said, so carry on.

The reason why I'm interested in your charges against Zappas, is that I am interested in figuring out who is behind Legion. Its my understanding, from what Damo has said, that Legion is a singular poster. Thus, it makes no sense to me that Zappas would be behind the asscancer troll alone, when I was under the impression it was a Legion troll.

If Damo and Grind know who Legion is, as they seem to have claimed that they do, then they obviously weren't fooled by proxy servers and whatnot. I therefore deduce that either Asscancer is not a Legion troll (meaning it could be Zappas), or that it is a Legion troll, and thus Zappas is not behind it.
Zappa is not Legion, and as far as I can determine he has never created any Troll Accounts at all. AssCancer is an aspect of Legion.
Zappa is not Legion, and as far as I can determine he has never created any Troll Accounts at all. AssCancer is an aspect of Legion.

Okay. I will take this as the final word and I will offer my apologies to Zappa and say while it appears I was wrong, the troll did an awful good job of "sounding" like him. Couple this with the fact that it "appeared" Zappa replied to a post addressed to ass cancer from Apple under his own name, it drew even further suspicion that ass cancer was indeed Zappa.

Mark this post when someone claims I cannot, will not, or do not admit when I can be wrong.
Okay. I will take this as the final word and I will offer my apologies to Zappa and say while it appears I was wrong, the troll did an awful good job of "sounding" like him. Couple this with the fact that it "appeared" Zappa replied to a post addressed to ass cancer from Apple under his own name, it drew even further suspicion that ass cancer was indeed Zappa.

Mark this post when someone claims I cannot, will not, or do not admit when I can be wrong.

Loyal man's up. When will Zappas?
Okay. I will take this as the final word and I will offer my apologies to Zappa and say while it appears I was wrong, the troll did an awful good job of "sounding" like him. Couple this with the fact that it "appeared" Zappa replied to a post addressed to ass cancer from Apple under his own name, it drew even further suspicion that ass cancer was indeed Zappa.

Mark this post when someone claims I cannot, will not, or do not admit when I can be wrong.

I am defending realistic explanations, because I am a realist. You may have noticed how I treat conspiracy theories as fiction 100% of the time, my attitude that the sky is slowly falling bit-by-bit (as opposed to suddenly and immediately, or not at all), and my meticulous consideration of alternative philosophies around me and how to cope and negotiate with them--all of which is indicative of a realist, as opposed to idealist, pragmatist, existential, etc., world view.
I saw a feature on Cayce and I think the poles are going to shift in 2012 and all of this won't matter anyway! Alaska will be in the ocean...California and New York will be gone, and with those states most of the liberals, so what the hell!
Zappa is not Legion, and as far as I can determine he has never created any Troll Accounts at all. AssCancer is an aspect of Legion.

I don't BELIEVE you and that is all that matters. My BELIEF is just as good as yours. j/k (see atheist thread to get the joke)