usf, is just a whiner with blood on his hands

I don't thing ZitsPopR is smart enough to hack. He's that guy in high school that got a D in gym, never had a date, stared at girls, drew dirty pictures on the bathroom stalls and whacked off in the locker room.
I'm not going to continue spanking you, just so you can hope that I miss responding to one of your repetitive examples of how you have failed to be responsible for your CHOICES.

You support the black market with your mj purchases and therefore are responsible for the deaths and suffering that result from it.
Without the mj users support, the black market for it would go away and so would the death and suffering.
You have shown that you want to blame others for your choices and I can only figure that it's a result of the way you were raised.

You haven't proved anything; but it does appear that you do hope that if you keep repeating it long enough, that it will make is seem that you have been able to prove why you're not responsible.

I can't fix stupid and you're as stupid as they come.
That doesn't mean that I don't have hope that you will someday grow up and realize that being responsible doesn't mean what you are doing when someone is watching you; but is more about what you do when you're not being watched.

I'm spending no more time verbally discussing this with you. Not because you've won, even though I'm sure you'll promote it as such; but because no amount of truth is going to change a behavior that you obviously don't want to change.

No is forcing you to smoke mj, it is your CHOICE; but you'll continue to whine about the legal consequences and you'll also continue to blame the authorities for what you've helped create.

I leave you the opportunity to have the last post; because I've stated the truth and the truth scares you, that's why you don't want to accept the responsibility for your behavior.

So, go ahead and be as insultive and demeaning as you want.
WHINE AWAY, RS. :good4u:

IT WAS YOUR EXAMPLE! lol. Pick another if you like :blah::blah::blah::blah: or you can crawl away with your tail :blah::blah::blah::blah: between your legs, but just quit your whining already. You have been beaten. :blah::blah::blah::blah:

The death and suffering due to the black market will be eliminated or greatly reduced by :blah::blah::blah::blah: legalizing marijuana. The ACTUAL :blah::blah::blah::blah: damages of marijuana use, to society, are insignificant and could be better addressed with laws more narrowly tailored to those problems :blah::blah::blah::blah: (e.g., dui). It is the attempts to control others :blah::blah::blah::blah: that has caused the death and no ammount of daydreaming :blah::blah::blah::blah: about what life would be like without human :blah::blah::blah::blah: nature/free will is going to change it.

Frankly, a society :blah::blah::blah::blah: where people just blindly do whatever :blah::blah::blah::blah: the government tells them is a :blah::blah::blah::blah: disturbing idea to anyone that loves liberty or appreciates the great :blah::blah::blah::blah: potential of humanity. It might be nice if :blah::blah::blah::blah: people did not commit ACTUAL crimes :blah::blah::blah::blah: (e.g., murder, rape, theft, etc.) but that is not likely either. :blah::blah::blah::blah: We can reduce the ACTUAL :blah::blah::blah::blah: crimes by focusing police functions on those problems.:blah::blah::blah::blah:

I don't thing ZitsPopR is smart enough to hack. He's that guy in high school that got a D in gym, never had a date, stared at girls, drew dirty pictures on the bathroom stalls and whacked off in the locker room.

Zappy's Vacation T-Shirt


Intellectually, you are a dishonest lazy coward. I beat you with your own examples, my examples, a third party's examples, we could draw random examples from a hat and I would clobber you with them.

I am not trying to gloat or brag. Your position is incorrect and easily defeated. You need to reexamine it and all the crappy ideas you have built upon it.

Instead you will just continue whining that it's just those stubborn free people that won't do as they are told that are the real problem. Your kind used to refer to one class of them as, "uppity."
Your pathetic insults can't cover up the fact that he is infinitely more savvy about the Internet and TCP/IP than you will ever be.

I was going to point out that I would not put much faith in a bunch of people that just got off aol, to know much about IT. I realized that was a waste of money, for any but the computer illiterates, almost 20 years ago.

Grind's proof is pretty conclusive.
I was going to point out that I would not put much faith in a bunch of people that just got off aol, to know much about IT. I realized that was a waste of money, for any but the computer illiterates, almost 20 years ago.

Grind's proof is pretty conclusive.

It was actually Netscape before it was AOL, and no one is trying to claim because we were on a message board of anyone's that we are better at anything.

We just don't definitively believe what Grind is saying.
It was actually Netscape before it was AOL, and no one is trying to claim because we were on a message board of anyone's that we are better at anything.

We just don't definitively believe what Grind is saying.

Maybe, I misunderstood, not that I really give a crap or have paid much attention to any of it.... I assumed you were aol users? Is that in error?

Anyway, grind's proof is rather conlusive, regardless. It is far more than enough to establish reasonable doubt in your assertions and would make it highly unlikely that you are correct.
So yeah, maybe zappas found this website before ANY of you were told about it or showed up, then went back to aol and stayed quiet about this website lying in wait for the inevitable day that there would be a mass exodus from the aol boards resulting in all of you coming here, so then he could lie dormant for some more months before starting up 30 troll accounts that are linked to his original names so he can post things that don't sound anything like him...

or he is not legion.


Awwwwwwww man, you caught me! And my diabolical plan was virtually foolproof!

Disloyal and ID are just two smart! Two smart what exactly we're not sure yet, but give us a day or too and we'll try and find out.
It was actually Netscape before it was AOL, and no one is trying to claim because we were on a message board of anyone's that we are better at anything.

We just don't definitively believe what Grind is saying.

Sure you do, but admitting as much to someone you hate as much as me just isn't in the cards, now is it?

It's physically impossible for disloyal to admit she was wrong.
I was going to point out that I would not put much faith in a bunch of people that just got off aol, to know much about IT. I realized that was a waste of money, for any but the computer illiterates, almost 20 years ago.

Grind's proof is pretty conclusive.

For my sins, I am a networking engineer specialising in Cisco, Huawei and Juniper.