usf, is just a whiner with blood on his hands

well the problem is before legion was legion the original 2 names were also kind of trollish, so it's hard to tell if it just started with an original member of this site trolling on two names that then branched out to legion or if legion was always born as a troll on this site.

Because I have legion anchored to the two original names, and because the two original names back in the day didn't bother to use proxies, I can safely eliminate the vast majority of users on this site from being legion. That's how I can be pretty confident in saying who is and isn't legion, while still not being sure of the guys complete identity.

Legion was on this site before you aolers showed up, for example. Another reason that I'm pretty close to 100% confidence that zappas isn't legion.

OR the original Legion is not the current Legion!!
it is man. they even had the same posting style. it's not zappas.

And the same posting style is just as evident with ass cancer posts as Zappa's. It's all subjective, not based in anything other than opinion.

You are not able to prove your assertions beyond a reasonable doubt, period.
And the same posting style is just as evident with ass cancer posts as Zappa's. It's all subjective, not based in anything other than opinion.

You are not able to prove your assertions beyond a reasonable doubt, period.

no im not but given that:

legion troll was on this site before ANY you showed up
hundreds of zappas posts do not cross with legion trolls
zappas does not sound like legion at all...

So yeah, maybe zappas found this website before ANY of you were told about it or showed up, then went back to aol and stayed quiet about this website lying in wait for the inevitable day that there would be a mass exodus from the aol boards resulting in all of you coming here, so then he could lie dormant for some more months before starting up 30 troll accounts that are linked to his original names so he can post things that don't sound anything like him...

or he is not legion.

And the same posting style is just as evident with ass cancer posts as Zappa's. It's all subjective, not based in anything other than opinion.

You are not able to prove your assertions beyond a reasonable doubt, period.

We know things they don't know we know and wish we didn't if they did. :clink:
it's a very good conclusion to suggest that zappas is not legion. you are just clinging to straws to justify your irrational hatred for someone that thinks differently than you.
no im not but given that:

legion troll was on this site before ANY you showed up
hundreds of zappas posts do not cross with legion trolls
zappas does not sound like legion at all...

So yeah, maybe zappas found this website before ANY of you were told about it or showed up, then went back to aol and stayed quiet about this website lying in wait for the inevitable day that there would be a mass exodus from the aol boards resulting in all of you coming here, so then he could lie dormant for some more months before starting up 30 troll accounts that are linked to his original names so he can post things that don't sound anything like him...

or he is not legion.


Or there is more then one poster who have labled as legion.
it's a very good conclusion to suggest that zappas is not legion. you are just clinging to straws to justify your irrational hatred for someone that thinks differently than you.

You think what you like. That also doesn't make it so. As you swear that the voice is the same with legion and other trolls. I maintain the voice of asscancer is the same as Zappas.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with hatred. It has to do with what I hear, just as your claims about legion has to do with what you hear.

So do you hate the people that disagree with you over this, using your line of logic that is?

Trying to spank me only makes me more resolute. I think you're a dork, but I don't hate you.
I'm not going to continue spanking you, just so you can hope that I miss responding to one of your repetitive examples of how you have failed to be responsible for your CHOICES.

IT WAS YOUR EXAMPLE! lol. Pick another if you like or you can crawl away with your tail between your legs, but just quit your whining already. You have been beaten.

You support the black market with your mj purchases and therefore are responsible for the deaths and suffering that result from it.
Without the mj users support, the black market for it would go away and so would the death and suffering.:blah::blah::blah:

The death and suffering due to the black market will be eliminated or greatly reduced by legalizing marijuana. The ACTUAL damages of marijuana use, to society, are insignificant and could be better addressed with laws more narrowly tailored to those problems (e.g., dui). It is the attempts to control others that has caused the death and no ammount of daydreaming about what life would be like without human nature/free will is going to change it.

Frankly, a society where people just blindly do whatever the government tells them is a disturbing idea to anyone that loves liberty or appreciates the great potential of humanity. It might be nice if people did not commit ACTUAL crimes (e.g., murder, rape, theft, etc.) but that is not likely either. We can reduce the ACTUAL crimes by focusing police functions on those problems.