usf, is just a whiner with blood on his hands

His word carries much more weight than your does...What it means is he's just proven you and ID to be liars yet again.

It proves n-o-t-h-i-n-g other than you aren't using your ip address you use for Zappa. N-o-t-h-i-n-g more.

Since running with lies doesn't bother you when you do it, then you should stop whining if you think someone else does it.

You responded as if Apple addressed the post directly to you as asscancer. You stepped in your own pile.

I don't blame you for wanting to rub it off, but you're still going to have to rub harder!
yeah i mean i only provided documented evidence of his ip addresses and that his usernames are associated with no other accounts. but go ahead and believe the pre-conceived notions you invent in your head with no evidence what so ever just to make yourself feel better

I shall. Thanks!
It proves n-o-t-h-i-n-g other than you aren't using your ip address you use for Zappa. N-o-t-h-i-n-g more.

Since running with lies doesn't bother you when you do it, then you should stop whining if you think someone else does it.

You responded as if Apple addressed the post directly to you as asscancer. You stepped in your own pile.

I don't blame you for wanting to rub it off, but you're still going to have to rub harder!

it doesn't prove everything beyond a reasonable doubt, but it's a pretty good indicator, as zappas would have only had to mess up once in the last 60 days for every other legion troll name to pop up.

legion troll has obviously posted in the last 60 days, which means he would have been cross referenced with zappas if they shared the same ip, which they dont. Nor is he asscancer. Zappas does not have any troll accounts according to this data.

(zappas if you want any of the above information deleted please let me know)

Explanation 1. Anyone can use any computer with differing IP's.

Explanation 2. IP's can change addy's by restarting/rebooting them.
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it doesn't prove everything beyond a reasonable doubt, but it's a pretty good indicator, as zappas would have only had to mess up once in the last 60 days for every other legion troll name to pop up.

Fail, Grind, in the "beyond a reasonable doubt" arena, but I am sure your vast talents as an internet guru precede you.

I mean look at how successful you were with proving the lies told about us hacking accounts here went!
It proves n-o-t-h-i-n-g other than you aren't using your ip address you use for Zappa. N-o-t-h-i-n-g more.

Since running with lies doesn't bother you when you do it, then you should stop whining if you think someone else does it.

You responded as if Apple addressed the post directly to you as asscancer. You stepped in your own pile.

I don't blame you for wanting to rub it off, but you're still going to have to rub harder!

What's that? Disloyal can't get the taste of shoe leather out of her big, fat, lying mouth?

Oh how TERRIBLE for her.

I responded to another poster and...GASP...disloyal jumped to conclusions!

I guess this means I better check with her before I try and reply to another poster or she might assume I am pretending to be someone else.

Disloyal, I was planning on trying to speak with Rana that cool with you or should I wait?
What's that? Disloyal can't get the taste of shoe leather out of her big, fat, lying mouth?

Oh how TERRIBLE for her.

I responded to another poster and...GASP...disloyal jumped to conclusions!

I guess this means I better check with her before I try and reply to another poster or she might assume I am pretending to be someone else.

Disloyal, I was planning on trying to speak with Rana that cool with you or should I wait?

Yeah that was it asscancer.
Explanation 1. Anyone can use any computer with differing IP's.

Ezplanation 2. IP's can change addy's by restarting/rebooting them.

the above information shows that zappas has consistently been using the same ip addresses for hundreds of posts.

he could theoretically be legion and be using the proxy legion troll is using for all his monolith of trolls but it is unlikely he would not have screwed up once out of months and months of relogging in and switching accounts and not once posting from his usual ip address.

plus if you just listen to the tone of legion you can tell it's not zappas. it's pretty obvious.

you have nothing to base your claims on.
Even if that were true it would STILL place him three or four notches above you on any intelligence measuring scale.

I wish this didn't rub you so raw PRicky. Just take a big deep breath.

Vacation starts soon and it's relaxation time in less than a week, remember?

It's not good to get your blood pressure so high. It's apt to blow your water sandals right off your fat stubby toes and what would you do then?
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the above information shows that zappas has consistently been using the same ip addresses for hundreds of posts.

he could theoretically be legion and be using the proxy legion troll is using for all his monolith of trolls but it is unlikely he would not have screwed up once out of months and months of relogging in and switching accounts and not once posting from his usual ip address.

plus if you just listen to the tone of legion you can tell it's not zappas. it's pretty obvious.

you have nothing to base your claims on.

Hey, dork, I said he's asscancer. Whether or not he's also legion is a total possibility as the explanations I provided assert.

I know what I know...and I know you are clueless.
the above information shows that zappas has consistently been using the same ip addresses for hundreds of posts.

he could theoretically be legion and be using the proxy legion troll is using for all his monolith of trolls but it is unlikely he would not have screwed up once out of months and months of relogging in and switching accounts and not once posting from his usual ip address.

plus if you just listen to the tone of legion you can tell it's not zappas. it's pretty obvious.

you have nothing to base your claims on.

No. Let's rephrase that. We have nothing as far as your opinion and suggested scenario goes. That however does not mean you are right. There are several other scenarios that could occur to render your argument moot.