usf, is just a whiner with blood on his hands

Both he and disloyal went by different names before 9/11, but like the sad little attention starved children they are, they changed to their current monikers to garner more attention during the days following the attacks.

They are just two more "do as I say and not as I do" hypocrites.

Just another example of PRicky's hysterical meanderings of an oxygen starved brain.

It was because of 9/11 that I looked to see who was talking about it on the internet. I never was on a message board prior to that and as usual, PRicky is completely and totally full of $hit like most of the lies of the past he makes up.
Just another example of PRicky's hysterical meanderings of an oxygen starved brain.

It was because of 9/11 that I looked to see who was talking about it on the internet. I never was on a message board prior to that and as usual, PRicky is completely and totally full of $hit like most of the lies of the past he makes up.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you were...

You were a part of the "bash Clinton gang" who spent your days bashing anything and everything Clinton said or did on the old AOL "Rate President Clinton" board. You ragged on Gore mercilessly during the election of 2000, and when Dubya was elected and they changed the board name to "Rate President Bush" you were there until 9/11 when you jumped over to the "WOT" board.

Deny it all you one believes you anyway. You going to try and pretend you didn't know ID when she used the name "DiamondGlitter2U" or whatever it was?
usf is a whiner and an emotionally unstable person

If you really want to see what emotionally unstabLe looks like, I'll dredge back up the whine you posted during the last Werewolf game.

^exhibit a^

still obsessing about a post i made MONTHS ago


The response was to show what an emotionally damaged person you are.
By the way, that wasn't my conclusion; but was instead a response to me by someone else.



The response was to show what an emotionally damaged person you are.
By the way, that wasn't my conclusion; but was instead a response to me by someone else.



^exhibit b^

note the repeated caps of "ha ha" and then run yurt run

emotionally unstable may have been too kind :(
:blah: :blah: repetitive whining :blah: :blah:....

Nice ad hom, regarding the stop signs; because you're so consumed by your own righteous indignation that you were totally unable to see that the example was about PERSONAL CHOICE AND RESPONSIBILITY; something that you're obviouly oblivious to. :good4u:

Ad hom??? You are obviously desperate to find some way to evade. The stop sign example is not applicable for the reasons I gave. People don't smoke mj just to piss you off. People don't comply with traffic laws just because they want to be responsible. There is little to gain by running a stop sign and most have no desire to do so.

I understand you want to ponder the fantasy where people just do what the fuck you tell them to do. But it is not reality. Laws have to consider human nature or they will lead to bad results.

Now you're trying to state as a fact that mj smokers aren't involved in auto accidents?? :palm: You are truly an idiot.

Straw man. I made no such claim. Smoking a joint does not cause one to get into a car and play crash up derby. Again, you ignore cause and effect to reach this idiotic point.

If traffic accidents are your concern then the question becomes whether the law effectively deals with that and is narrowly tailored to that end.

Your accusation of me would have the chance of being honest and not an ad hom, if you can prove that I ever supported red light or speed cameras.


WTF RU talking about? I never said you did. The point was clear. Red light cameras are a type of traffic enforcement which has costs that are deemed unacceptable. Ignoring that and just blaming the drivers would be irresponsible.

I never supported that the drug warriors (mj users be shot. Getting arrested and jailed is a natural consequence of their CHOICES.

It is not. I have smoked thousands of times and that never happened. Getting arrested and jailed is the result of enforcing the laws against mj. There is nothing inherent in mj that makes enforcement of the laws against it necessary.
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^exhibit b^

note the repeated caps of "ha ha" and then run yurt run

emotionally unstable may have been too kind :(

The response was to show what an emotionally damaged person you are.
By the way, that wasn't my conclusion; but was instead a response to me by someone else.



Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you were...

You were a part of the "bash Clinton gang" who spent your days bashing anything and everything Clinton said or did on the old AOL "Rate President Clinton" board. You ragged on Gore mercilessly during the election of 2000, and when Dubya was elected and they changed the board name to "Rate President Bush" you were there until 9/11 when you jumped over to the "WOT" board.

Deny it all you one believes you anyway. You going to try and pretend you didn't know ID when she used the name "DiamondGlitter2U" or whatever it was?

diamondglitter2u fat boy was Aabba, $hit$stick.

That medication has really scrambled those poor space-starved brains of yours PRicky. Try not stuffing the transfats in your gut. They can't interact well with the meds.

I jumped to the Rate Bush board because I could, Memory Moose. I could go to any board I liked, just as you did and could. It was all part of Netscape/AOL deal.

Of course I ragged on Gore and Clinton, $hit for brains. Like I wasnt' supposed to you big effing water buffalo?
Ad hom??? You are obviously desperate to find some way to evade. The stop sign example is not applicable for the reasons I gave. People don't smoke mj just to piss you off. People don't comply with traffic laws just because they want to be responsible. There is little to gain by running a stop sign and most have no desire to do so.

I understand you want to ponder the fantasy where people just do what the fuck you tell them to do. But it is not reality. Laws have to consider human nature or they will lead to bad results.

Straw man. I made no such claim. Smoking a joint does not cause one to get into a car and play crash up derby. Again, you ignore cause and effect to reach this idiotic point.

If traffic accidents are your concern then the question becomes whether the law effectively deals with that and is narrowly tailored to that end.


WTF RU talking about? I never said you did. The point was clear. Red light cameras are a type of traffic enforcement which has costs that are deemed unacceptable. Ignoring that and just blaming the drivers would be irresponsible.

It is not. I have smoked thousands of times and that never happened. Getting arrested and jailed is the result of enforcing the laws against mj. There is nothing inherent in mj that makes enforcement of the laws against it necessary.

I'm not going to continue spanking you, just so you can hope that I miss responding to one of your repetitive examples of how you have failed to be responsible for your CHOICES.

You support the black market with your mj purchases and therefore are responsible for the deaths and suffering that result from it.
Without the mj users support, the black market for it would go away and so would the death and suffering.
You have shown that you want to blame others for your choices and I can only figure that it's a result of the way you were raised.

You haven't proved anything; but it does appear that you do hope that if you keep repeating it long enough, that it will make is seem that you have been able to prove why you're not responsible.

I can't fix stupid and you're as stupid as they come.
That doesn't mean that I don't have hope that you will someday grow up and realize that being responsible doesn't mean what you are doing when someone is watching you; but is more about what you do when you're not being watched.

I'm spending no more time verbally discussing this with you. Not because you've won, even though I'm sure you'll promote it as such; but because no amount of truth is going to change a behavior that you obviously don't want to change.

No is forcing you to smoke mj, it is your CHOICE; but you'll continue to whine about the legal consequences and you'll also continue to blame the authorities for what you've helped create.

I leave you the opportunity to have the last post; because I've stated the truth and the truth scares you, that's why you don't want to accept the responsibility for your behavior.

So, go ahead and be as insultive and demeaning as you want.
WHINE AWAY, RS. :good4u:
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you were...

You were a part of the "bash Clinton gang" who spent your days bashing anything and everything Clinton said or did on the old AOL "Rate President Clinton" board. You ragged on Gore mercilessly during the election of 2000, and when Dubya was elected and they changed the board name to "Rate President Bush" you were there until 9/11 when you jumped over to the "WOT" board.

Deny it all you one believes you anyway. You going to try and pretend you didn't know ID when she used the name "DiamondGlitter2U" or whatever it was?

Clinton and Gore are your heroes, no doubt. :lol:
diamondglitter2u fat boy was Aabba, $hit$stick.

That medication has really scrambled those poor space-starved brains of yours PRicky. Try not stuffing the transfats in your gut. They can't interact well with the meds.

I jumped to the Rate Bush board because I could, Memory Moose. I could go to any board I liked, just as you did and could. It was all part of Netscape/AOL deal.

Of course I ragged on Gore and Clinton, $hit for brains. Like I wasnt' supposed to you big effing water buffalo?

Hahahaha! He's so stoopie :cof1:
diamondglitter2u fat boy was Aabba, $hit$stick.

That medication has really scrambled those poor space-starved brains of yours PRicky. Try not stuffing the transfats in your gut. They can't interact well with the meds.

I jumped to the Rate Bush board because I could, Memory Moose. I could go to any board I liked, just as you did and could. It was all part of Netscape/AOL deal.

Of course I ragged on Gore and Clinton, $hit for brains. Like I wasnt' supposed to you big effing water buffalo?

Well, even a blind squirrel eventually finds himself a nut...good job.

Of course you are right about DiamondGlitter...she was Aabba...and she was TuTu Monroe can only assume she changed names so frequently because she didn't want people here to find out what a dismal failure she was at debating others in her previous incarnations.

ID was alecw6 over on the Rate Bush and WOT Boards...she too had to change names to seek respite from those who had learned that she could not be trusted to tell the truth in even the simplest of discussions.
diamondglitter2u fat boy was Aabba, $hit$stick.

That medication has really scrambled those poor space-starved brains of yours PRicky. Try not stuffing the transfats in your gut. They can't interact well with the meds.

I jumped to the Rate Bush board because I could, Memory Moose. I could go to any board I liked, just as you did and could. It was all part of Netscape/AOL deal.

Of course I ragged on Gore and Clinton, $hit for brains. Like I wasnt' supposed to you big effing water buffalo?

Now-now; if you get him upset, he'll accuse you of being the one that was trolling Red.
Well, even a blind squirrel eventually finds himself a nut...good job.

Of course you are right about DiamondGlitter...she was Aabba...and she was TuTu Monroe can only assume she changed names so frequently because she didn't want people here to find out what a dismal failure she was at debating others in her previous incarnations.

ID was alecw6 over on the Rate Bush and WOT Boards...she too had to change names to seek respite from those who had learned that she could not be trusted to tell the truth in even the simplest of discussions.

And what was one of your past monikers??
Well, even a blind squirrel eventually finds himself a nut...good job.

Of course you are right about DiamondGlitter...she was Aabba...and she was TuTu Monroe can only assume she changed names so frequently because she didn't want people here to find out what a dismal failure she was at debating others in her previous incarnations.

ID was alecw6 over on the Rate Bush and WOT Boards...she too had to change names to seek respite from those who had learned that she could not be trusted to tell the truth in even the simplest of discussions.

You are such a lying fat bag of twizzle-shit. I lost my AOL name as did numerous posters due to, so AOL said, a glitch that caused a screen name dump. I created a new name and NEVER tried to pretend I was someone new...not like you and your pathetic trolling asscancer...LOL