You must be joking. I countrered YOUR meth lab example, I and others pointed out that we have been active in changing the law and there have been numerous examples given on how prohibition creates the black market. I asked you questions to try to get you to explain what you would consider more than whining and to find out what you have done for any cause that is not just whining.

ALLL YOU DO, is just keep repeating your some old tired nonsense.

"ALLL YOU DO, is just keep repeating your some old tired nonsense."

You reap, that which you sow.

sucks to be you, HUH!!
I'm not ignoring it; but I'm also not accepting it as a reason to blame someone for the actions of someone else.

Do you really think that if mj is legalized and not matter who grows and sells it legally, that there still isn't going to be a black market and that children aren't going to have access to it??

If you believe that, then let's discuss it.
If mj is legalized and the over the counter sales are regulated by the Government, what price do you see as something that is going to work?

Why would the black market continue? Are you saying that some people will continue to circumvent the law or that actual markets will continue to exists?

Damo gave an example of some guy buying booze for kids. It happens, but that is not really a market and it is a minor problem.

The price will be determined by the market. The RAND coroporation is projecting prices of about $38 an ounce, compared to current rate of $375 and ounce.
Your posts are ugly.

Threedee tends to post very attractive posts.:pke:

Indeed, they do! Here, for example, is an ass I'd like to mine:

Why would the black market continue? Are you saying that some people will continue to circumvent the law or that actual markets will continue to exists?

Damo gave an example of some guy buying booze for kids. It happens, but that is not really a market and it is a minor problem.

The price will be determined by the market. The RAND coroporation is projecting prices of about $38 an ounce, compared to current rate of $375 and ounce.

Because there will always be those who will sell it "under the table".
Care to tell me why people still make moonshine and why's there's a black market for it?
I mean the prohibition was lifted, many years ago.
*I was saving this little tidbit, as the final nail to your self constructed coffin*

If you think that this is just a "minor problem", may I suggest that you have no idea what you're talking about.

And what's to stop a black market, where the price is $35 an ounce??

Is the real reason you want the prohibition ended, is not so the black market goes away, but so the price goes down??
Any black market is going to have arrests, deaths, and misery.
Well then, you better alert all those historians; because they show it starting in 1954/1955.

Not really, but.... fine, then use the same dating standard on the mj movement.

What you are talking about is considered the modern civil right movement. It is used to describe a political era as it dominated the times. It was not the sum of the civil rights movement. You are clearly wrong and are changing contexts to grasp at straws.

Of course, the movement truly started with the passage of those bills that made blacks citizens and create the constitutional framework for civil rights. To argue otherwise is just absurd.

But since you think that mj smokers are not responsible for the black market, it's easy to see why you are in error

Your assertion that people didn't think that mj would be leagalized by now, is amusing.

I made no such assertion. You made the assertion that they did and have failed to give any support for it.

This is getting very boring. You are not even putting up a fight.
Not really, but.... fine, then use the same dating standard on the mj movement.

What you are talking about is considered the modern civil right movement. It is used to describe a political era as it dominated the times. It was not the sum of the civil rights movement. You are clearly wrong and are changing contexts to grasp at straws.

Of course, the movement truly started with the passage of those bills that made blacks citizens and create the constitutional framework for civil rights. To argue otherwise is just absurd.

I made no such assertion. You made the assertion that they did and have failed to give any support for it.

This is getting very boring. You are not even putting up a fight.

Why try to make a diffence, when the opposition (you) is only going to fall back on lies and feelings.
I've stated fact, regarding the mj users and their support for the black market.
But I can't change the minds of those who want to blame others for the choices they make and then stick their fingers in their ears, going la-la-la.
Your stance is exactly why the mj legalization proposals have never reached the majority of the people; but you're to blind with hate to see that.

You made an earlier accusation that I was the one that started the name calling. I challanged you to prove it; but for some reason you've gone silent on this.
Now, why is that??

I've proven my point and I don't really care what you believe, at this point.
At least I have the backbone to point out what the majority of you are to willingly blind to see, let alone admit to yourself.

Explain to me what would happen to the black market, if the mj users would stop buying from it?
Because there will always be those who will sell it "under the table."
Care to tell me why people still make moonshine and why's there's a black market for it?
I mean the prohibition was lifted, many years ago.
*I was saving this little tidbit, as the final nail to your self constructed coffin*

If you think that this is just a "minor problem", may I suggest that you have no idea what you're talking about.


Mainly because there ARE still some places that prohibit alcohol sales and because some home brewing methods are still illegal. But there is not much of a market in it. Appalachia is about the only place you ever hear about moonshine. It is a very minor problem.

Your final nail is a sad joke.

And what's to stop a black market, where the price is $35 an ounce??


Economics. A black market in MJ could not provide mj for $35 an ounce, or it would be $35 an ounce now. It's obvious you don't understand how markets or black marekts work.

Is the real reason you want the prohibition ended, is not so the black market goes away, but so the price goes down??
Any black market is going to have arrests, deaths, and misery.

The price drop would certainly be a benefit. More spending money for other goods and services, the jobs providing those goods and services. That would be a huge bonus. But elimination of the black market is still the most important part.

You really have a lot to learn. I did not realize the depth and breadth of your ignorance.

Mainly because there ARE still some places that prohibit alcohol sales and because some home brewing methods are still illegal. But there is not much of a market in it. Appalachia is about the only place you ever hear about moonshine. It is a very minor problem.

Your final nail is a sad joke.


Economics. A black market in MJ could not provide mj for $35 an ounce, or it would be $35 an ounce now. It's obvious you don't understand how markets or black marekts work.

The price drop would certainly be a benefit. More spending money for other goods and services, the jobs providing those goods and services. That would be a huge bonus. But elimination of the black market is still the most important part.

You really have a lot to learn. I did not realize the depth and breadth of your ignorance.

So you admit that with the end of the alcohol prohibition, that there still is a black market for it; but there's not that much.
So these are lies:

An industry that sprang up during Prohibition is still going strong today and the recession is spurring increased production and consumption. According to Claire Prentice, reporting for BBC News (July 18, 2010) says while official figures “are hard to come by, experts believe as many as a million Americans could be breaking the law by making moonshine - also known as white lightning and white dog.”

Congress has several times introduced bills to make home distillery of alcoholic spirits legal. While it is legal for the home brewer to make a specified amount of wine or beer, hard liquor is still illegal. Since taxes on alcohol are a large part of the price of a bottle of legal alcohol, moonshine with its lower price is still popular in some regions of the country.

Max Watman, the author of an entertaining new book, Chasing the White Dog: An Amateur Outlaw's Adventures in Moonshine, says the "illicit distilling world" separates into three categories:

First are the criminal groups that churn out mass quantities of cheap liquor to sell in inner-city "nip joints." These are "not a couple of lazy hillbillies using their excess corn. These are industries," said Watman, who grew up in Virginia and now lives in upstate New York.

Why couldn't it provide it at $35 an ounce??
Doen't the market drive the price??

Why wouldn't there be a black market for mj, if the laws were changed; whene there's still a black market for moonshine and the prohibition on alcohol was listed, years ago?

I guess you didn't want to address your "minor problem, regarding children and alcohol.
Why try to make a diffence, when the opposition (you) is only going to fall back on lies and feelings.
I've stated fact, regarding the mj users and their support for the black market.
But I can't change the minds of those who want to blame others for the choices they make and then stick their fingers in their ears, going la-la-la.
Your stance is exactly why the mj legalization proposals have never reached the majority of the people; but you're to blind with hate to see that.

You are the one that is still fuming and throwing a fit. I have tried show as much patience as possible in the face of your unbelievable ignorance and non responsive evasions.

You made an earlier accusation that I was the one that started the name calling. I challanged you to prove it; but for some reason you've gone silent on this.

Now, why is that??

You were not clear on wtf you were talking about because you used the pronoun "it" without any context. I asked you what you wanted me to prove and you refused to answer. I did my best to guess at what you were talking about, but obviously and understandably I got it wrong.

Now you accuse me of evading? lol....

I believe, I said you started with the ad homs, not name calling.

You were moaing that all the advocates of legalization were just whining because they want to get high.

I am finished, for tonight, with your crybaby posting and temper tantrums. But I will be back tomorrow to provide you with the exact posts.

I've proven my point and I don't really care what you believe, at this point.
At least I have the backbone to point out what the majority of you are to willingly blind to see, let alone admit to yourself.

Explain to me what would happen to the black market, if the mj users would stop buying from it?

You have only proven your ignorance.

It's an irrational question because it ignores reality. If people did not use marijuana there would have been no point in outlawing it in the first place. They do. There is no sense in wondering about some fairy tale horseshit that is never going to happen.

The rational questions are, does mj USE cause harm? If so should we attempt to use force to prohibit its use? Will that make things better or worse?

In the real world prohibition of mj has resulted in far more harm than it has prevented. To continue ignoring that while imagining how things would be better if the laws of nature were made to bend to your fantasy is insane and puts the blood of the innocents on your hands. Get your head out of your ass and face reality.
You are the one that is still fuming and throwing a fit. I have tried show as much patience as possible in the face of your unbelievable ignorance and non responsive evasions.

You were not clear on wtf you were talking about because you used the pronoun "it" without any context. I asked you what you wanted me to prove and you refused to answer. I did my best to guess at what you were talking about, but obviously and understandably I got it wrong.

Now you accuse me of evading? lol....

I believe, I said you started with the ad homs, not name calling.

You were moaing that all the advocates of legalization were just whining because they want to get high.

I am finished, for tonight, with your crybaby posting and temper tantrums. But I will be back tomorrow to provide you with the exact posts.

You have only proven your ignorance.

It's an irrational question because it ignores reality. If people did not use marijuana there would have been no point in outlawing it in the first place. They do. There is no sense in wondering about some fairy tale horseshit that is never going to happen.

The rational questions are, does mj USE cause harm? If so should we attempt to use force to prohibit its use? Will that make things better or worse?

In the real world prohibition of mj has resulted in far more harm than it has prevented. To continue ignoring that while imagining how things would be better if the laws of nature were made to bend to your fantasy is insane and puts the blood of the innocents on your hands. Get your head out of your ass and face reality.

I'm only responding to your asinine posts.
That doesn't mean that I'm "fuming and throwing a fit".
NOW; it I was posting on my own, instead of responding, then you might be correct.

RStringfield said:
But usf, you were name calling when I entered the discussion. Your name calling was an actual ad hom and a fallacious one.
Provide the link and the post #.

Try following the posts in reverse order and you'll finally find where you just responded, without reading.
That should help you immensely.

OH, so now you want to use a subjective reason for your accusation.
You're a coward.

If all they're going to do is whine, then YES that's what I meant.

Most cowards need to take a break; because their presentations take so much to continue; where as posting the truth is easy, so go take your needed break.

While you made a great attempt to ignore the question, I'll ask again:
Explain to me what would happen to the black market, if the mj users would stop buying from it?

Sweet dreams
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Oh wow. 2 blog posts and an article. That proves it an epidemic

The second article makes my point that some home brewing methods are still prohibited and notes that the problems are isolated to few locations.

Why couldn't it provide it at $35 an ounce??
Doen't the market drive the price??

Why wouldn't there be a black market for mj, if the laws were changed; whene there's still a black market for moonshine and the prohibition on alcohol was listed, years ago?

I guess you didn't want to address your "minor problem, regarding children and alcohol.

The market for moonshine is very small. Its a small problem in Appalachia and a few dry counties. High taxes and heavy regulation of alcohol have create some very very very small markets in some areas. To compare this to what existed during prohibition demonstrates an unbelievable amount of stupidity.

A black market in mj cannnot produce a $35 ounce because evading police is expensive and the risk of arrest has to be built into the selling price. Further, why would anyone risk arrest when they could get a legal ounce for $3 more?

I have addressed all of your stupid points.
Oh wow. 2 blog posts and an article. That proves it an epidemic

The second article makes my point that some home brewing methods are still prohibited and notes that the problems are isolated to few locations.

The market for moonshine is very small. Its a small problem in Appalachia and a few dry counties. High taxes and heavy regulation of alcohol have create some very very very small markets in some areas. To compare this to what existed during prohibition demonstrates an unbelievable amount of stupidity.

A black market in mj cannnot produce a $35 ounce because evading police is expensive and the risk of arrest has to be built into the selling price. Further, why would anyone risk arrest when they could get a legal ounce for $3 more?

I have addressed all of your stupid points.

Where did I say an "epidemic"; because I said that there's still a black market for it and the question is why, seeing as how the alcohol prohibition was removed a long time ago.
And you're only defense is that it's "very small".
Very weak, on your part; very weak.

So you're asserting that the market doesn't drive the price; because you're only response to the black market selling mj for a cheaper price, is that they won't, because they won't make a profit.
And yet the black market is paying teenagers to drive cars across the border, with mj in their trunk, for $100.00.
I'm only responding to your asinine posts.
That doesn't mean that I'm "fuming and throwing a fit".
NOW; it I was posting on my own, instead of responding, then you might be correct.

Provide the link and the post #.

Try following the posts in reverse order and you'll finally find where you just responded, without reading.
That should help you immensely.

OH, so now you want to use a subjective reason for your accusation.
You're a coward.

If all they're going to do is whine, then YES that's what I meant.

Most cowards need to take a break; because their presentations take so much to continue; where as posting the truth is easy, so go take your needed break.

While you made a great attempt to ignore the question, I'll ask again:
Explain to me what would happen to the black market, if the mj users would stop buying from it?

Sweet dreams

I guess, I did say "name calling." Oh well, my mistake. Like a spineless coward, you might argue that you were not technically "name calling." Okay, fine. But you were using ad homs. Your entire argument has been based on ad homs. That is what I have consistently criticized you for. I don't care if you call me a name.

You start in post number 29 of the porp 19 thread to form your ad hom that argument against the drug war is just bitching and moaning by drug users.

In post number 26 you actually argued that "ignoring" mj laws was akin to "ignoring" murder laws, i.e., smoking a joint = killing someone without just cause.

I have asked you several times to cite who was whining, arguing that getting busted, smoking or selling was a political action. You claimed that was my argument in post #63. You STILL have not done so. You have had a couple days to do that now and you just keep making up new straw man arguments to evade. I go to sleep before digging through day old thread threads and you pretend I am the coward. I have addressed your every point, where you duck mine with silly distractions (e.g., claiming that prohibition and black markets in other goods are not useful because they were in the past or in a different country, running away from the fact that homosexual acts are chosen as was the political disobedience that was utilized in the civil rights movement, etc.) and you continue to run away from your OWN examples and analogies (e.g., illegal meth labs kill kids, speeding causes one to go fast, etc.). You have no room to speak of anyone elses intellectual courage as you do nothing but crawl away from every point.

I answered your question about mj and the black market. I just refuse to pretend that change comes by crossing my arms, blinking my eyes and wishing. People smoke mj. You cannot stop or even reduce that by putting some words on a piece of paper and calling it a law. You have to send men with guns after them. Now who is it that is just "whining" about the mj "problem?" It's you. Or you can advocate that the state get rough, in which case you should man up and accept responsibility for the resulting damage. Instead, you act like a child and ponder fairy tales.
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Where did I say an "epidemic"; because I said that there's still a black market for it and the question is why, seeing as how the alcohol prohibition was removed a long time ago.
And you're only defense is that it's "very small".
Very weak, on your part; very weak.

So you're asserting that the market doesn't drive the price; because you're only response to the black market selling mj for a cheaper price, is that they won't, because they won't make a profit.
And yet the black market is paying teenagers to drive cars across the border, with mj in their trunk, for $100.00.


More backpedaling cowardice. Where did I quote you as saying epidemic? You claimed it was more than a minor problem, did you not? Clearly, that was the point. Quit attempting to divert attention to single words or phrases out of context.

You are confusing different issues and attempting to use overly vague statements to get me in some sort of gotcha. It won't work.

The market drives price. Of course, a supplier will not enter the market if he cannot turn a profit. A black market supplier is disadvantaged by the need to evade the law and losses from interdiction. In a black market all suppliers are similarly disadvantaged and so price will rise so long as demand is sufficient.

What is your problem with this?

As for your example of teens crossing the border in the black market, what is the point?

Quit using vague pronouns, posting short sentences and expecting me to figure out what your point is. If you cannot make a full argument then I will ignore your half thoughts until you have expanded. That's not evading. Evading is what you do by pointing to some irrelevant difference, attempting to feign shock that anyone would make comparisons to the civil rights movement or trying to divert attention to some petty difference between whether you said it was epidemic or just more than a minor problem.
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I guess, I did say "name calling." Oh well, my mistake. Like a spineless coward, you might argue that you were not technically "name calling." Okay, fine. But you were using ad homs. Your entire argument has been based on ad homs. That is what I have consistently criticized you for. I don't care if you call me a name.

You start in post number 29 of the porp 19 thread to form your ad hom that argument against the drug war is just bitching and moaning by drug users.

In post number 26 you actually argued that "ignoring" mj laws was akin to "ignoring" murder laws, i.e., smoking a joint = killing someone without just cause.

I have asked you several times to cite who was whining, arguing that getting busted, smoking or selling was a political action. You claimed that was my argument in post #63. You STILL have not done so. You have had a couple days to do that now and you just keep making up new straw man arguments to evade. I go to sleep before digging through day old thread threads and you pretend I am the coward. I have addressed your every point, where you duck mine with silly distractions (e.g., claiming that prohibition and black markets in other goods are not useful because they were in the past or in a different country, running away from the fact that homosexual acts are chosen as was the political disobedience that was utilized in the civil rights movement, etc.) and you continue to run away from your OWN examples and analogies (e.g., illegal meth labs kill kids, speeding causes one to go fast, etc.). You have no room to speak of anyone elses intellectual courage as you do nothing but crawl away from every point.

I answered your question about mj and the black market. I just refuse to pretend that change comes by crossing my arms, blinking my eyes and wishing. People smoke mj. You cannot stop or even reduce that by putting some words on a piece of paper and calling it a law. You have to send men with guns after them. Now who is it that is just "whining" about the mj "problem?" It's you. Or you can advocate that the state get rough, in which case you should man up and accept responsibility for the resulting damage. Instead, you act like a child and ponder fairy tales.

So let me get this straight.
You accused me of somethng and then when you have your nose rubbed in your own BS, that makes me the "spineless coward"!! :palm:

The truth is not an "ad hom", when it's presented solely as the truth.
If I had added on "and they also support child molestation", then it would have been an ad hom.

Youir 5th paragraph is just you attempting to rehash matters that have already been addressed; but you just want to keep spewing over.

And then; you continue to run from the question of what would happen to the black market, if mj users would stop using the black market, by literally going "la-la-la, won't happen".
You're conclusion is a pathetic attempt to once again avoid your responsibility.

First address: I guess you missed the part of:
"...and I don't believe that all laws are necessarilly necessary..."

Second address: Just you trying to spin the subject; because you had nothing else to defend yourself with.

Third address: Which is the truth
Should English Catholics have just stopped practicing after Henry's Anglican Church took over? Perhaps they were whining, the way they practiced in secret, contributing alms to black market coffers rather than organize politically for freedom, eh?

There have been so many things banned by central authorities throughout history, that people have had to deal with.

Question for you: who gets sentenced to more time in jail - a black sit-in activist circa 1962 in Bombingham, Alabamer, or a man openly smoking marijuana in 2010 USA?
Who gets more jail time, a person possessing marijuana or a pedophile? Answer, the guy with the marijuana, it just sickens me!

More backpedaling cowardice. Where did I quote you as saying epidemic? You claimed it was more than a minor problem, did you not? Clearly, that was the point. Quit attempting to divert attention to single words or phrases out of context.

You are confusing different issues and attempting to use overly vague statements to get me in some sort of gotcha. It won't work.

The market drives price. Of course, a supplier will not enter the market if he cannot turn a profit. A black market supplier is disadvantaged by the need to evade the law and losses from interdiction. In a black market all suppliers are similarly disadvantaged and so price will rise so long as demand is sufficient.

What is your problem with this?

As for your example of teens crossing the border in the black market, what is the point?

Quit using vague pronouns, posting short sentences and expecting me to figure out what your point is. If you cannot make a full argument then I will ignore your half thoughts until you have expanded. That's not evading. Evading is what you do by pointing to some irrelevant difference, attempting to feign shock that anyone would make comparisons to the civil rights movement or trying to divert attention to some petty difference between whether you said it was epidemic or just more than a minor problem.

Then you admit that the use of the word, was an ad hom, seeing as how it wasn't suggested before; but was then attempted by you to try and disprove something that was never suggested.
It was only a "point", in your muddled attempts to try and be correct and you might want to try and take your own advice.
Good job :good4u:

It's obvious that you're the one that's hoping for a gotcha moment and I've pointed this out before.
You just seem to be overly upset; because you have failed and are failing.

Your reply was a real pathetic attempt to try and prove that the black market will disappear, if mj is leagalized; because there won't be a market.
And yet; there is still a black market in alcohol, years after the prohibition was lifted.
Why is that??

The point is that you try to use the going price as an example that ths profit margin is the only thing keeping the black market in buisiness and yet, the amount that is paid for transportation is minimul.
Why aren't the transporters being paid more, unless you want to imply that they're just stupid?

My responses are to your questions. If you can't remember the conversation, then it sucks to be you.
Your lack of cognitive thought, is not my fault; so ignore away, if it will make you feel better about your inadequacies. :good4u:
Who gets more jail time, a person possessing marijuana or a pedophile? Answer, the guy with the marijuana, it just sickens me!

You would think that movements for things like Megan's Laws would have changed this particular one. Either way, another great innovation of government for us to whine about...