I agree in part; but your conclusion would blame the stop sign, if someone was stopped at it and another car ran into the back of the stopped car.

Personal responsibility doesn stop, just because we don't agee with something.
No one is being forced to smoke mj, it is a CHOICE.
Your position ignores the fact that humans will be human, just as foolish laws do. The reality is we are the government, informing people how foolish the law is has actual value in such a circumstance.

Prohibition ensures easy access for children to drugs, just for starters. There is a reason you can buy MJ from your friend in JHS, but in order to get beer you have to find an adult stupid enough to buy it for you, it is far more easier to obtain the black market item while you are very young and misunderstand the morality than it is to obtain a legal substance with sane regulation.
Your position ignores the fact that humans will be human, just as foolish laws do. The reality is, we are the government, informing people how foolish the law is has actual value in such a circumstance.

Prohibition ensures easy access for children to drugs, just for starters. There is a reason you can buy MJ from your friend in JHS, but in order to get beer you have to find an adult stupid enough to buy it for you.

I'm not ignoring it; but I'm also not accepting it as a reason to blame someone for the actions of someone else.

Do you really think that if mj is legalized and not matter who grows and sells it legally, that there still isn't going to be a black market and that children aren't going to have access to it??

If you believe that, then let's discuss it.
If mj is legalized and the over the counter sales are regulated by the Government, what price do you see as something that is going to work?
Of course you do; because you don't want to admit that mj users are funding the black market and are responsible for the resulting deaths and misery.

It would completely ruin your life, if you ever had to admit that a liberal was responsible for anything; especially their own behavior.

Should English Catholics have just stopped practicing after Henry's Anglican Church took over? Perhaps they were whining, the way they practiced in secret, contributing alms to black market coffers rather than organize politically for freedom, eh?

There have been so many things banned by central authorities throughout history, that people have had to deal with.

Question for you: who gets sentenced to more time in jail - a black sit-in activist circa 1962 in Bombingham, Alabamer, or a man openly smoking marijuana in 2010 USA?
Should English Catholics have just stopped practicing after Henry's Anglican Church took over? Perhaps they were whining, the way they practiced in secret, contributing alms to black market coffers rather than organize politically for freedom, eh?

There have been so many things banned by central authorities throughout history, that people have had to deal with.

Question for you: who gets sentenced to more time in jail - a black sit-in activist circa 1962 in Bombingham, Alabamer, or a man openly smoking marijuana in 2010 USA?

Since we seem to be taking a trip through history, instead of dealing with the present, let's see.

Which would have been better:
1. having to deal with viking raiders in England, during the 8th century
2. having to deal with the plague in England, in 1349

Out of a thousand battles, which would win:
1. Ming Dynasty warriors
2. An equal number of the French Musketeers
i love how i can post a thread while tripping on a research chemical and it gets up to 170+ posts. no one else on this site could do that.
BTW, USF, I would like to congradulate you on some of the best, most effective trolling lately that I have seen on this site in quite a while! :clink:
You obviously never bothered to read the entire exchange, so fuck off. :good4u:

I'd rather fuck her:

Way past time for you to grow up and stop blaming others for your choices.

Go and research the Civil Rights movement and it's time line.
Why not begin using information from when slavery first began; because I'm sure there were comments condemning it; but they weren't part of the "misnamed Civil Rights moveement" (your definition).

Thanks for admitting that the mj issue has been going on for 40 years and oddly, all that's been accomplished is the passage of a few statuates.

It was over the minute you tried to make others reponsible for the consequences that are a result of the choices the mj users make.

Again, the civil rights movement for blacks started just after the Civil War with passage of the 14th amendment and the CRA of 1866.

You can argue that it did not really get started until the 50s if you like. But then you would want to use a similar standard to mark the beginning of the the movement to legalize mj, mid 90s.

I did not say the movement to legalize mj started 40 years ago. I said NORML did. But again you are not using that sort of aging standard on the civil rights movement.

By nearly any EQUAL standard of measurement the civil rights movement took longer than the amount of time the movement to legalize mj has taken.

You fail, again.
When you finally offer new material, rather then the same old refrains; maybe you'll finally see different responses.
Rewording your whines, is not you presenting new material or information.

You must be joking. I countered YOUR meth lab example, I and others pointed out that we have been active in changing the law and there have been numerous examples given on how prohibition creates the black market. I asked you questions to try to get you to explain what you would consider more than whining and to find out what you have done for any cause that is not just whining.

ALLL YOU DO, is just keep repeating your some old tired nonsense.
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Again, the civil rights movement for blacks started just after the Civil War with passage of the 14th amendment and the CRA of 1866.

You can argue that it did not really get started until the 50s if you like. But then you would want to use a similar standard to mark the beginning of the the movement to legalize mj, mid 90s.

I did not say the movement to legalize mj started 40 years ago. I said NORML did. But again you are not using that sort of aging standard on the civil rights movement.

By nearly any EQUAL standard of measurement the civil rights movement took longer than the amount of time the movement to legalize mj has taken.

You fail, again.

Well then, you better alert all those historians; because they show it starting in 1954/1955.
But since you think that mj smokers are not responsible for the black market, it's easy to see why you are in error.

Your assertion that people didn't think that mj would be leagalized by now, is amusing.