Again, that's just nonsense. The battle against the prohibition of mj did not really start until the early 90s. It has moved ahead at a very rapid speed.

And once again, you claim that it was said 40 years that change was promised to be right around the corner but have not provided any proof of that?

The battle for equality of blacks was virtually dormant for over 100 years. Should they have just given up? Expected reply.... but that's a civil right... derrrr...

You have nothing new.

I forgot that you're still a child and therefore have no idea of anything earlier then your birth.

So you're saying that the Civil Rights movement didn't start in the 50's and 60's and that history is incorrect!! :good4u:
And I told you I have done much more than that. I have contributed money, shoe leather, letters, etc. but that' all just whining, right. What sort of activism do you expect and why?

I asked what you have done for that cause. I am comparing your activism to what you criticize in others. Have you done anything more than "whine" about it?

We have heard this before and it has been rebutted numerous times. What is the point of your broken record?

The only thing you've ever rebutted, has been your own intelligance, fuckwad.
Now go back to supporting the black market, causing more deaths and suffering, so that you can continue to whine about the consequences.
When you're going to interject yourself, into a discussion that is already underway, it really is up to you to bring yourself up to speed and that way, you won't appear to be so stupid.

Would that be the work of supporting the black market, promoting the death and surrering, and then whining about the consequences!!
Of course it would be. :good4u:

I read the posts. You have not answered the question and it was not answered before, in this thread. Who are these phantom posters you keep arguing against? Is there some sort of danger in naming them, citing the thread, post or giving any indication what you are talking about?

I explained my various actions in support of this cause.

Why do you just keep repeating over and over and over and over again?

You are completely unresponsive. You might as well be a bot.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone posted anything that would support USFREEDOM911 on this matter. It seems as if he's all alone on this one.
I forgot that you're still a child and therefore have no idea of anything earlier then your birth.

So you're saying that the Civil Rights movement didn't start in the 50's and 60's and that history is incorrect!! :good4u:

I am almost 40. Hardly a child.

The movement for black equality started immediately following the civil war, then suffered some severe setbacks that caused it to lay virtually dormant for 100 years until it started in earnest.

What you are doing is marking the start of the Civil Rights movement at the point that it actually started making progress and then marking the start of the movment to legalize MJ well before it had the slightest support.

Forty years ago NORML started with $5k. They have a lot more resources now. In comparison the NAACP started in 1909 a full 40 years before you calim the movement even got off the ground.

What you are doing is very intellectually dishonest. It's quite clear where the momentum is on this issue and it is snowballing. You keep claiming it's over, though, because all that is going to do is make victory easier.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone posted anything that would support USFREEDOM911 on this matter. It seems as if he's all alone on this one.

And just keeps repeating the same tired nonsense. I was hoping ID might actually offer an argument.
I read the posts. You have not answered the question and it was not answered before, in this thread. Who are these phantom posters you keep arguing against? Is there some sort of danger in naming them, citing the thread, post or giving any indication what you are talking about?

I explained my various actions in support of this cause.

Why do you just keep repeating over and over and over and over again?

You are completely unresponsive. You might as well be a bot.

After many hours of discussion and your apparent inability to follow the discussion and then remember it, doing your work for you would just add to your inability to be responsible for your own actions.
It's up to you to stay focused and not the responsibility of the other poster to keep you from watching the shiny objects, as they go by.
This would seem to point to the possibility that you suffer from Adult Attention Disorder.
Pair that with your fucking lack of cognitive skills and it has pretty much reduced you to drooling on yourself.

We can try again, after you get one of your caretakers to help you with the reading.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but has anyone posted anything that would support USFREEDOM911 on this matter. It seems as if he's all alone on this one.


After reading the repetitive postings of RS and the mindless support from others, it's obviouis that none of you have even bothered to read the information objectively.
It just feels right for you, so you just keep mindlessly plodding along.

Not one of you has an idea of my stance on the prohibition; but you sure do FEEL that you know.
I'm just amazed how many dumb asses have decided to blindly support RS and his stupid defense of "It's a right".

Carry on.
GEE, I don't know; but how about the people who disagree with the law, actually unite and work towards changing it.
NAH; it's better to sit arouind, support the black market, allow the death and suffering to continue, and then whine about it.

Much better approach. :good4u:
Or you can support individual liberty by working to change the laws to promote it, and still realize that stupid prohibition laws cause the very issues they are supposedly created to fix...
I am almost 40. Hardly a child.

The movement for black equality started immediately following the civil war, then suffered some severe setbacks that caused it to lay virtually dormant for 100 years until it started in earnest.

What you are doing is marking the start of the Civil Rights movement at the point that it actually started making progress and then marking the start of the movment to legalize MJ well before it had the slightest support.

Forty years ago NORML started with $5k. They have a lot more resources now. In comparison the NAACP started in 1909 a full 40 years before you calim the movement even got off the ground.

What you are doing is very intellectually dishonest. It's quite clear where the momentum is on this issue and it is snowballing. You keep claiming it's over, though, because all that is going to do is make victory easier.

Way past time for you to grow up and stop blaming others for your choices.

Go and research the Civil Rights movement and it's time line.
Why not begin using information from when slavery first began; because I'm sure there were comments condemning it; but they weren't part of the "misnamed Civil Rights moveement" (your definition).

Thanks for admitting that the mj issue has been going on for 40 years and oddly, all that's been accomplished is the passage of a few statuates.

It was over the minute you tried to make others reponsible for the consequences that are a result of the choices the mj users make.
Or you can support individual liberty by working to change the laws to promote it, and still realize that stupid prohibition laws cause the very issues they are supposedly created to fix...
Well said Damo and you can educate those who still have archaic ideas about certain substances that were vilified because they threatened certain other industries.
And just keeps repeating the same tired nonsense. I was hoping ID might actually offer an argument.

When you finally offer new material, rather then the same old refrains; maybe you'll finally see different responses.
Rewording your whines, is not you presenting new material or information.
It seems the only thing USFREEDOM911 is focused on is the law.

By his logic, if it's the law, we should send slaves back to the state that they came from.

If it's the law, we should turn in every jew that we can find.

If it's the law, we should keep blacks out of the white persons restrooms, and send them to the back of the bus. (Many more examples)

In his mind, people that interfere with the law, or don't agree with the law, are the problem.:wall:
Giggling, thanks, but it truly is the way some people believe, the law, right or wrong...
Only the statists get to to take credit for the presence of black markets, and the violence which accompanies them. People who love freedom, and know their rights, should never in a million years appologize for being driven into black markets by the statists. The blood is on your hands, USF, because you support tyranny. You are evil.
Some people don't use the black market...some people grow their own.
I think he's failed miserably.

Of course you do; because you don't want to admit that mj users are funding the black market and are responsible for the resulting deaths and misery.

It would completely ruin your life, if you ever had to admit that a liberal was responsible for anything; especially their own behavior.
Or you can support individual liberty by working to change the laws to promote it, and still realize that stupid prohibition laws cause the very issues they are supposedly created to fix...

I agree in part; but your conclusion would blame the stop sign, if someone was stopped at it and another car ran into the back of the stopped car.

Personal responsibility doesn stop, just because we don't agee with something.
No one is being forced to smoke mj, it is a CHOICE.