that doesn't mean I have given up. I still talk to people locally, my congressman, governor, etc. the only way to fix the situation we have now is to force political change either through the voting booth or treat it like alcohol prohibition and make it more expensive for the government to enforce it than it would be to make it legal.

There are always other options. One way to make it more costly is to get the locals to stop helping the feds. If prop 19 passes in California it's really going to make it hard for the feds and other states.

There is no point in being a martyr. There is also little point in becoming despondent. We are winning. It might not happen as soon as we would like. It will happen.
There are always other options. One way to make it more costly is to get the locals to stop helping the feds. If prop 19 passes in California it's really going to make it hard for the feds and other states.
no it won't. the locals will just lose money by not enforcing federal law. asset forfeiture and money for drug seizures will increase state and federal coffers.
Who has been busted? Who has standing? It will take a good case for it, like the arrest of Lawrence or the Lovings. Even then, we might have to wait for a better court.

It's going to happen if the legislature does not change it first. The logic of the case law is inescapable and neither you nor anyone else has offered an argument against it. Majority will, will not cut it. It was not the reason for the court ruling against Raich, except maybe in hypocritical Scalia's opinion.

Try asking them.

I never said it WASN'T going to be changed.
I'm saying to either work towards changing it, stop funding the black market, and stop whining about the consequences, if you're not going to make actual work towards changing it.
GEE, I don't know; but how about the people who disagree with the law, actually unite and work towards changing it.
NAH; it's better to sit arouind, support the black market, allow the death and suffering to continue, and then whine about it.

Much better approach. :good4u:

LOL. sty has said he does not use. But he is just another whiner who only wants to get high. You are employing some sort of delusional thinking where you dismiss the arguments of all that disagree with you and attribute them to some inaccurate stereotype you have created.

Do you think all homosexuals are active in overturning the injustice against them? Do you think all blacks were? Were the Lovings? Does not mean they can't resent the injustice or ignore its control over their personal life. Not everyone is MLK (not comparing this to civil rights as you will wrongly claim... just saying we don't all have his abilities). We can all do some little part, though.

What are you doing about homosexual marriage?
careful, your authoritarianism is showing.

something you probably don't care to recognize is that our nation was founded upon violence to free us from tyranny. whether it's taxes, gun control, mj prohibition, or anything else your idiot mind wants to conjure up, it's all tyranny of some sort. but your authoritarian bent probably thinks that the government gave us our rights, not our creator.

No-no, go for it.
Riot in the streets.
Start an insurection.
Use violence as the way to show that mj should be legalized.

I'm sure that it will work.

Go for it. :good4u:
There are always other options. One way to make it more costly is to get the locals to stop helping the feds. If prop 19 passes in California it's really going to make it hard for the feds and other states.

There is no point in being a martyr. There is also little point in becoming despondent. We are winning. It might not happen as soon as we would like. It will happen.

YEP at the break neck speed that it's going now, it might just get there in 30 years or so.

OH-WAIT, that was the same thing that was being said 40 years ago.

This might just last longer then the "Guerre de Cent Ans'; but probably with more casualties.
Right... Circular logic. The government program creates the problem then you try to blame it on some other thing. A government ignorant of human nature deserves the destruction it will eventually draw on itself.

It seems the only thing USFREEDOM911 is focused on is the law.

By his logic, if it's the law, we should send slaves back to the state that they came from.

If it's the law, we should turn in every jew that we can find.

If it's the law, we should keep blacks out of the white persons restrooms, and send them to the back of the bus. (Many more examples)

In his mind, people that interfere with the law, or don't agree with the law, are the problem.:wall:
LOL. sty has said he does not use. But he is just another whiner who only wants to get high. You are employing some sort of delusional thinking where you dismiss the arguments of all that disagree with you and attribute them to some inaccurate stereotype you have created.

Do you think all homosexuals are active in overturning the injustice against them? Do you think all blacks were? Were the Lovings? Does not mean they can't resent the injustice or ignore its control over their personal life. Not everyone is MLK (not comparing this to civil rights as you will wrongly claim... just saying we don't all have his abilities). We can all do some little part, though.

What are you doing about homosexual marriage?

If all you're going to do is whine, then YES you are a whiner.
And now you try to tie this in with homosexuality, again.
Getting busted in your home, or on a street corner, is not contributing to the change.
It is contributing to the reasons that the Government uses to show why it should continue.
If all you're going to do is whine, then YES you are a whiner.
And now you try to tie this in with homosexuality, again.
Getting busted in your home, or on a street corner, is not contributing to the change.
It is contributing to the reasons that the Government uses to show why it should continue.

your authoritarianism is still showing.

It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error. so when the government as a whole subverts or usurps power not belonging to them, what does a free people do?
your authoritarianism is still showing.

It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error. so when the government as a whole subverts or usurps power not belonging to them, what does a free people do?

When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

your authoritarianism is still showing.

It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error. so when the government as a whole subverts or usurps power not belonging to them, what does a free people do?

And then who's supposed to decided when a citizen falls into error and who's supposed to decide what the consequence is, for that failure.

Like I said; work to change it, or stop flapping your gums.
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.


Buy from the black market, continue the death and destruction, get busted in your home or on the street corner, continue to go to jail, and then whine about the consequences.

no it won't. the locals will just lose money by not enforcing federal law. asset forfeiture and money for drug seizures will increase state and federal coffers.

It won't. That was the hope, but there have been other legilative and court actions to limit abuse.

Plus the market can easily adapt to such actions as many growers have crops worth more than the property in which they are grown. I have seen grow houses in crappy little trailers that were not worth more than several hundred dollars after the damage of using them as growhouses was finished.

Markets are highly agile, while government action is not. There is no way the government can gain ground or even hope to keep up. If California legalizes the game will be over. The bordering states will fall like dominoes.

There is far more money for locals in taxing the sales.
Try asking them.

I never said it WASN'T going to be changed.
I'm saying to either work towards changing it, stop funding the black market, and stop whining about the consequences, if you're not going to make actual work towards changing it.

Try asking who? Here you go with some unnamed poster straw man again.

I have worked towards changing it. You have been told this repeatedly. But it's all just whining, right? Your argument is silly.
YEP at the break neck speed that it's going now, it might just get there in 30 years or so.

OH-WAIT, that was the same thing that was being said 40 years ago.

This might just last longer then the "Guerre de Cent Ans'; but probably with more casualties.

Again, that's just nonsense. The battle against the prohibition of mj did not really start until the early 90s. It has moved ahead at a very rapid speed.

And once again, you claim that it was said 40 years that change was promised to be right around the corner but have not provided any proof of that?

The battle for equality of blacks was virtually dormant for over 100 years. Should they have just given up? Expected reply.... but that's a civil right... derrrr...

You have nothing new.
If all you're going to do is whine, then YES you are a whiner.

And I told you I have done much more than that. I have contributed money, shoe leather, letters, etc. but that' all just whining, right. What sort of activism do you expect and why?

And now you try to tie this in with homosexuality, again.

I asked what you have done for that cause. I am comparing your activism to what you criticize in others. Have you done anything more than "whine" about it?

Getting busted in your home, or on a street corner, is not contributing to the change.
It is contributing to the reasons that the Government uses to show why it should continue.

We have heard this before and it has been rebutted numerous times. What is the point of your broken record?
I don't currently know anyone doing such, besides, the statists on the supreme court have decided this issue in violation of the constitution.

Just get in touch with some of the people on this board.
I'm sure they know someone who's currently awaiting trial and if they don't, well they could contact their local black market and find someone.

Your last comment is exactly why things don't change.
Since it's been decided, we might as well give up; but boy are we going to continue to whine abouit it.

Who has been busted? Who has standing? It will take a good case for it, like the arrest of Lawrence or the Lovings. Even then, we might have to wait for a better court.

It's going to happen if the legislature does not change it first. The logic of the case law is inescapable and neither you nor anyone else has offered an argument against it. Majority will, will not cut it. It was not the reason for the court ruling against Raich, except maybe in hypocritical Scalia's opinion.

Try asking them.

I never said it WASN'T going to be changed.
I'm saying to either work towards changing it, stop funding the black market, and stop whining about the consequences, if you're not going to make actual work towards changing it.

Try asking who? Here you go with some unnamed poster straw man again.

I have worked towards changing it. You have been told this repeatedly. But it's all just whining, right? Your argument is silly.

When you're going to interject yourself, into a discussion that is already underway, it really is up to you to bring yourself up to speed and that way, you won't appear to be so stupid.

Would that be the work of supporting the black market, promoting the death and surrering, and then whining about the consequences!!
Of course it would be. :good4u: