Booooring... Been in marches, done plenty of protest and I have given money for this cause. Again, you are talking out of your ass.

Again, you don't know what a civil right is. I am still not claiming this is a civil right. It's a human right.

Where did I indicate any knowledge about the movement superior to the participants? You continue to make these silly straw man arguments without offering anything to support them.

You still have not made an argument for prohibition of mj.

Yeah, you're just a regualr window warriot. Stop moving your lips and I won't be taling out my ass.

You now trying to claim that his is kind of human right is nothing more then a bunch of BS and no matter how many times you keep repeating, it only goes to prove how much of an fucking idiot you are.

And yet you're the one that keeps saying the Civil Rights movement was "misnamed".


I've never said I agree with the prohibition. I have said that if you're going to break the law, then stop whining about the consequences.
Continuing to repeat your assertion over and over again is not an argument for it. See this is why I get frustrated with you.

Why don't you deal with the points I made about your meth lab example? Do you want to pick another example?

You can't even be honest enough to admit that the reason you get frustrated, is because your lies are just that, LIES.
You should stop repeating those lies, over and over, and trying to act like they are anywhere near being truthful.

Why should I spank your ass over meth, when it's still burning from being torn apart during the mj discussion.
I never used the word "bum"; but if you want to describe yourself as such, that's up to you.

The only one that needs to stfu, is you and your lack of taking responsiblity for your actions.
Or are you going to get your parents to make excuses for your asinine behavior, again.

You claimed I have never taken responsibility for anything. You continue the same ad hom above.

FYI, my dad died when I was three, I came back to Florida to support my mother and secure a home for her. I support a family of four and am often leaned on by other family and friends.

You don't know what you are talking about. You want to show what a good Christian you are by making some disgusting comments about my mom now, like your buddies did last week?

You are not helping yourself. Take a deep breath, then address your meth lab example, come up with another example or maybe you can, FINALLY, tell us what purpose the drug war serves.
The black market exists because selling it was made illegal by control freaks. There can be no legal market because drug warriors will not allow it. The blood is on your hands.

The black market exists; because of dumb fucks like yourself, who are so self centered that they don't care about the death and suffering they are causing.
They just want to continue blaming others for their own lack of responsibility.

The real drug warriors are those who would rather see people die and suffer, rather then stop supporting the black market.

The blood is on your hands and in your lungs.
You claimed I have never taken responsibility for anything. You continue the same ad hom above.

FYI, my dad died when I was three, I came back to Florida to support my mother and secure a home for her. I support a family of four and am often leaned on by other family and friends.

You don't know what you are talking about. You want to show what a good Christian you are by making some disgusting comments about my mom now, like your buddies did last week?

You are not helping yourself. Take a deep breath, then address your meth lab example, come up with another example or maybe you can, FINALLY, tell us what purpose the drug war serves.

Trying taking responsibility for your support of the black market and then maybe it would be an ad hom; but as long as you continue to place your guilt on others, it's the truth.

And you don't mind supporting the death and suffering, caused by your support of the black market, as long as it affects others and not them.
Of course if you get busted; you'll bitch and moan abouit how unfair it was, instead of manning up.

I told you to stop; but you CHOOSE to continue and now you want to whine about the outcome. Tough shit, asswipe.
Maybe your mom should have taught you to be responsible for your actions, instead of trying to blame them on others.

You keep rambling on; but you still haven't presented a single thing that is going to change a fucking thing.
So, you'll just keep whining and crying.
Fuck off, punk.
Yeah, you're just a regualr window warriot. Stop moving your lips and I won't be taling out my ass.

You now trying to claim that his is kind of human right is nothing more then a bunch of BS and no matter how many times you keep repeating, it only goes to prove how much of an fucking idiot you are.

And yet you're the one that keeps saying the Civil Rights movement was "misnamed".


I've never said I agree with the prohibition. I have said that if you're going to break the law, then stop whining about the consequences.

Wow, what clever comebacks.


I repeated that I was arguing it was a human right because you kept saying that I was claiming it was a civil right. At least you are finally getting it straight. I have already presented my arguments for that. We have not yet heard you argue what purpose the drug war serves or how it benefits the common good.

Yeah, I said the civil rights movement was largely misnamed. So? I guess, (have to fill in the blanks for you since you are unable to make a full argument) you intend to imply that this is me claiming that I knew more about the movement than the participants? How so? Do I have to guess at your argument there as well? Okay.... Do you have some proof that they coined that label? As I already explained, as it applied to voting rights, which was a substantial part of it, the label is correct. Most of the other issues were not civil rights, but human rights.

Again, no one is whining about the consequences of smoking pot (I like the consequences... that's why I do it) or even getting busted, as I told you I don't much fear that. The complaints concern the damaging effects of mj prohibition on society and it is drug warriors that are responsible for those.
Trying taking responsibility for your support of the black market and then maybe it would be an ad hom; but as long as you continue to place your guilt on others, it's the truth.

And you don't mind supporting the death and suffering, caused by your support of the black market, as long as it affects others and not them.
Of course if you get busted; you'll bitch and moan abouit how unfair it was, instead of manning up.

I told you to stop; but you CHOOSE to continue and now you want to whine about the outcome. Tough shit, asswipe.
Maybe your mom should have taught you to be responsible for your actions, instead of trying to blame them on others.

You keep rambling on; but you still haven't presented a single thing that is going to change a fucking thing.
So, you'll just keep whining and crying.
Fuck off, punk.

I am not guilty. You are.

Learn how to use a pronoun... "others not them" who is them?

You are embarrassing yourself.
Wow, what clever comebacks.


I repeated that I was arguing it was a human right because you kept saying that I was claiming it was a civil right. At least you are finally getting it straight. I have already presented my arguments for that. We have not yet heard you argue what purpose the drug war serves or how it benefits the common good.

Yeah, I said the civil rights movement was largely misnamed. So? I guess, (have to fill in the blanks for you since you are unable to make a full argument) you intend to imply that this is me claiming that I knew more about the movement than the participants? How so? Do I have to guess at your argument there as well? Okay.... Do you have some proof that they coined that label? As I already explained, as it applied to voting rights, which was a substantial part of it, the label is correct. Most of the other issues were not civil rights, but human rights.

Again, no one is whining about the consequences of smoking pot (I like the consequences... that's why I do it) or even getting busted, as I told you I don't much fear that. The complaints concern the damaging effects of mj prohibition on society and it is drug warriors that are responsible for those.


I'm refered to as Spock

Fuck off.
It really is a shame that you were never taught to take responsiblity for your actions, instead of blaming them on someone else.

Now, go wash the blood of the innocent off your hands and stop supporting the black market.
I am not guilty. You are.

Learn how to use a pronoun... "others not them" who is them?

You are embarrassing yourself.

That's it, keep blaming others for your behavior; you sick twisted fuck.

Now you've dediced to become the english nazi; but it goes right along with your continued support of the black market and the death and suffering which you want to blame on others.

You're the fucking embarrasement.
Your family is probably ashamed of your lack of responsibility.
That's it, keep blaming others for your behavior; you sick twisted fuck.

Now you've dediced to become the english nazi; but it goes right along with your continued support of the black market and the death and suffering which you want to blame on others.

You're the fucking embarrasement.
Your family is probably ashamed of your lack of responsibility.

English Nazi, lol.

I am only complaining that your spittle soaked posts do not make sense. You are the one that does not want to do point for point. If you are going to respond without the proximity of that context then you will have to avoid overusing pronouns. I have no way of knowing who you were talking about and you don't bother to explain, you just hurl more feces.

Thanks, for the tip and demonstration. It is much more effective, to remove the "your a retard" comments and the results are quite a bit more entertaining. lol
Prohibition creates the "enemy" that they say they want to fight through prohibition...

Organized crime was created by the stupid attempt at prohibition in the 1920s. It survives today because we never learned the lesson we should have from our misplaced attempt to keep people safe from themselves...
I'm refered to as Spock

Fuck off.

It really is a shame that you were never taught to take responsiblity for your actions, instead of blaming them on someone else.

Now, go wash the blood of the innocent off your hands and stop supporting the black market.

Can't WAIT to see you use the same debating tactics you used above in the head-to-head debates coming are gonna get so destroyed...ROTFLMAO!

English Nazi, lol.

I am only complaining that your spittle soaked posts do not make sense. You are the one that does not want to do point for point. If you are going to respond without the proximity of that context then you will have to avoid overusing pronouns. I have no way of knowing who you were talking about and you don't bother to explain, you just hurl more feces.

Thanks, for the tip and demonstration. It is much more effective, to remove the "your a retard" comments and the results are quite a bit more entertaining. lol

The only reason you feel they don't make sense, you twisted little fuck; is because you don't have two functioning brain cells that work.
It's really sad that your mom didn't bother to pay enough attention to you, to show you how to be responsible for your own behavior.
Maybe you can get her to log in and make excuses for you, just like it appears has been done before.
Only the statists get to to take credit for the presence of black markets, and the violence which accompanies them. People who love freedom, and know their rights, should never in a million years appologize for being driven into black markets by the statists. The blood is on your hands, USF, because you support tyranny. You are evil.
Prohibition creates the "enemy" that they say they want to fight through prohibition...

Organized crime was created by the stupid attempt at prohibition in the 1920s. It survives today because we never learned the lesson we should have from our misplaced attempt to keep people safe from themselves...

I agree; but that doesn't mean that people can violate the prohibition and then excuse their behavior by blaming their behavior on the prohibition.
Only the statists get to to take credit for the presence of black markets, and the violence which accompanies them. People who love freedom, and know their rights, should never in a million years appologize for being driven into black markets by the statists. The blood is on your hands, USF, because you support tyranny. You are evil.

You show me where it's a right to smoke mj and violate the law.
The blood is on the hands of those who support the black market; it's just easier for mj users to blame others, because that way they can sleep at night.

By the way, show me where I support the prohibition.
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You show me where it's a right to smoke mj and violate the law.
The blood is on the hands of those who support the black market; it's just easier for mj users to blame others, because that way they can sleep at night.

show us where the federal government has any authority whether you have weeds in your backyard or not, what you can ingest or not, and whether they can make you buy health insurance or penalize you.