Venezuelan Troops Seize Control of Toilet Paper Factories


Wiped out! Troops take over Venezuelan TOILET PAPER factory to ensure country gets supplies because of chronic shortage

  • Nation is suffering from lack of essential goods due to high inflation

In a tweet on Thursday, Venezuela's Vice President, Jorge Arreaza, said authorities would 'not permit hoarding of essential commodities, or any faults in the production and distribution process'.

'The action taken at the producer of toilet paper, sanitary napkins and disposable diapers corresponds to the obligation of the state to guarantee the normal supply of primary necessities,' price regulator Sundecop said in a statement.

President Maduro has cut dollar supplies for importers since winning election in April, creating shortages of goods including toilet paper and butter and stoking one of the world’s highest inflation rates.

Critics say the nagging shortages of products ranging from bathroom tissue to milk are a sign his socialist government's rigid price and currency controls are failing.

His predecessor and mentor, Hugo Chavez, nationalized more than 1,000 companies or their assets before dying in March this year.

Annual inflation accelerated to 45.4 percent last month from 42.6 percent in July, while the scarcity index measuring the amount of goods out of stock on store shelves reached 20 percent, the central bank said.

Liberals utopia is failing
I'm wondering what backwards ass country Chicago is in .. given that the public schools in Chicago are also facing a toilet paper shortage.

Speaking of shortages ..

How Do You Map America’s Scary Shortage of Fresh Food?

Food Shortages Loom For America

Water Shortages Pose Greatest Threat to US Economic Growth

US Drug Shortages

Some people are just dumb. They reach for any and every excuse to denigrate other people while ignoring the problems of their own.
I’m glad someone posted this story. But lest many merely gloss over the relevant points; here are some of the priceless highlights of where Obama would like to drag this once great nation:

Does this one sound familiar?

On Saturday, Vice President Jorge Arreaza announced the "temporary occupation" of the Paper Manufacturing Company's plant in the state of Aragua. The aim, he explained, is to review the "production, marketing and distribution (of) toilet paper."

"The ... People's Defense from the Economy will not allow hoarding or failures in the production and distribution of essential commodities," the vice president said.

By the "People's Defense," Arreaza was referring to a government agency created on September 13 by President Nicolas Maduro to "defeat the economic war that has been declared in the country," according to a report from state-run ATV. This group is charged with looking at inefficiencies across various industries in the nation, including foods and other products, and taking action presumably in the South American nation's best interests.

How about this one; does this sound familiar?

Businesses and the political opposition say the shortages stem from ill-conceived government policies such as price controls on basic goods and tight restrictions on foreign currency. These moves make it so many producers can't even break even, they say.

I don’t think Obama could have said this one better:

But the government has said private companies aren't doing their part, accusing them of hoarding their products in hopes of selling it later at a higher price.

Reality check for the Venezuelan sheeple?

"How low can this so-called revolution take us when we are forced to scrounge around for toilet paper?" says Ricardo Alvaredo, a 30-year-old unemployed caterer. "They are destroying the country with their policies."

The bottom line on poorly thought out well meaning Socialist policies that end up hurting not only those who are poor and hit them hardest, but EVERYONE:

Chavez imposed price and foreign exchange controls during a 2002-2003 nationwide strike. As part of plan, prices of basic foodstuffs and personal hygiene items were fixed to them accessible to the poor, while access to dollars was strictly limited to limit capital flight.
Both policies have caused havoc.

Price controls have meant that the prices of many items are below the actual cost of production, leading companies to cut back on the production of controlled goods or cease producing them altogether. Foreign exchange controls have meant that many importers can't receive hard currency to import raw materials or finished products, further exacerbating shortages. Venezuela imports 70% of the products it consumes.

"The problem is that the price increase was 20%, and inflation is now around 30%," said Grais-Targow. "They can also say that they are going to make more dollars available but they have to follow through."
I'm wondering what backwards ass country Chicago is in .. given that the public schools in Chicago are also facing a toilet paper shortage.

Speaking of shortages ..

How Do You Map America’s Scary Shortage of Fresh Food?

Food Shortages Loom For America

Water Shortages Pose Greatest Threat to US Economic Growth

US Drug Shortages

Some people are just dumb. They reach for any and every excuse to denigrate other people while ignoring the problems of their own.

Ah yes, the veritable anti-AmeriKa post moronically claiming that AmeriKa is just like Venezuela.

But give Obama enough time and brain dead Liberal Mayors and most of AmeriKa will look like Venezuela and our cities like Detroit. ;)
Communism is not socialism.

How is it that you don't know that?

Socialism is Communisms little brother; with time it evolves into Communism.

Of course, you think it can't happen in this nation. UNLESS, we take away guns from law abiding citizens, ensure that there are enough low information voters to elect Socialist Democrats to unending one party rule and continue to piss on the Constitutional protections of private property, choice and liberty. Then anything is possible.
Remind me... who runs the country Chicago is in...?

With all due respect, I have no interest in the partisan meme you're trying to create.

Would you be suggesting that there have been no shortages of goods under republican administrations? Could that possibly be what you're suggesting?

Here's an easy question for you .. Were there shortages of goods in Venezuela before the socialist revolution?

Here's an even easier one for you .. are the Venezuelan people exponentially better off under socialism than they were before Chavez?

How about the Cuban people? Are they exponentially better off under Castro than they were under Batista?

I have no interest in partisan, psuedo-'patriotic' games.
Although I'm not a liberal, Venezuelans are not communists.

What are you; because you sure post like a brain dead Liberal most of the time.

How are Venezuelans not like Communists? They have one party rule based on Marxist beliefs, the Government now controls almost everything and their economy is in a shambles thanks to their Marxism.

I think your historic understanding of what constitutes Marxism is seriously lacking.

By the way, what is occurring in Venezuela is as predictable as what is currently happening in this country and to cities like Detroit.
Socialism is Communisms little brother; with time it evolves into Communism.

Of course, you think it can't happen in this nation. UNLESS, we take away guns from law abiding citizens, ensure that there are enough low information voters to elect Socialist Democrats to unending one party rule and continue to piss on the Constitutional protections of private property, choice and liberty. Then anything is possible.

What you're saying is so incredibly unlearned that you simply must exist in a world of your own making, thus dictionaries and learned thought would have no meaning to you, thus, I won't confuse you with the reality the rest of planet earth exists in.
With all due respect, I have no interest in the partisan meme you're trying to create.

Would you be suggesting that there have been no shortages of goods under republican administrations? Could that possibly be what you're suggesting?
What shortages did we have under Republican Administrations?

Here's an easy question for you .. Were there shortages of goods in Venezuela before the socialist revolution?

Answer; no there were not.

Here's an even easier one for you .. are the Venezuelan people exponentially better off under socialism than they were before Chavez?

Answer; the people of Venezuela were not under Socialism before Chavez. Chavez instituted Marxist Socialism when he came to power and made himself a dictator.

How about the Cuban people? Are they exponentially better off under Castro than they were under Batista?

Answer: The Cuban people are exponentially worse off under Castro than they were under Batista. If you think they weren’t, you are historically ignorant. Of course if the people had not been duped by Marxists, they could have had a REAL Democracy and become much more prosperous.

I have no interest in partisan, psuedo-'patriotic' games.

But you do want to play the “I’m historically challenged” game.

It’s not about partisan pseudo patriotic you incredibly dense buffoon; this story is about the failure of BIG Government Marxism that the current inept, inexperienced, arrogant hyper partisan buffoon in the White House erupts into every time he wanders out into public.

It’s about the BIG GOVERNMENT buffoonery of the Democrat Party in this nation that arrogantly presumes that only Elitist BIG Government Liberals know what is best for all of us and who ignorantly presume what we earn belongs to them and that we should be happy with the income they allow us to keep.

But alas, you’re too dense to comprehend even the obvious aren’t you? You want to engage in the brain dead non-partisan meme that we don’t need patriotism or political parties.
ould you be suggesting that there have been no shortages of goods under republican administrations? Could that possibly be what you're suggesting?

If you can provide an example of a Republican president mobilizing troops to take control of toilet paper production, do so.
Ah yes, the veritable anti-AmeriKa post moronically claiming that AmeriKa is just like Venezuela.

But give Obama enough time and brain dead Liberal Mayors and most of AmeriKa will look like Venezuela and our cities like Detroit. ;)

If facts confuse you .. and you see them as anti-american .. you should really post to someone else. Seriously.

I don't support Obama, never have, but here you are talking Obama to me.

If you're that desperate to get your Obama rocks off, perhaps you should talk to someone who voted for him.

.. and if you see Obama as a a socialist, you really don't have enough information to even be having this conversation. :0)
If you can provide an example of a Republican president mobilizing troops to take control of toilet paper production, do so.

Suddenly reading comprehension is a problem for you.

If you aren't interested in honest conversation, I'm not interested in the conversation.