Venezuelan Troops Seize Control of Toilet Paper Factories

Youre so fucking stupid you hate people you refuse to understand.

its why your party is fucking killing its self
Your still here. I think your last moronic post was the best; things are great in Cuba. That might explain why so many Cubans were willing to risk drowning coming to the evil USA.

It was almost as dense as your UN data suggesting that Venezuelans are so much better off with monstrous inflation, no jobs, shortages in everything and having become an importing nation instead of an exporting nation.

I'll respond with the real facts when I have more time. Suffice it to say that I placed a density meter on your skull and it pegged the meter.

:0) I'm not interested in you nor your ignorant response. You exist in your own world where truth only comes from Fox News.

You may notice that I didn't post to you, I posted through you. I used your ignorant responses to demonstrate where both Venezuelans and Cubans have improved their lives exponentially, just as I said.

Ever heard of Herbert Hoover .. Great Depression ring and bells? :0)

Guess what helped to pull the American people out of despair from the Great Depression?

Socialism/the New Deal

Why don't you simply go talk to someone else?
Youre so fucking stupid you hate people you refuse to understand.

its why your party is fucking killing its self

Wrong again; but you're an incredibly dense asshat with little intelligence. Of course you would get it wrong yet again.
I'm wondering what backwards ass country Chicago is in .. given that the public schools in Chicago are also facing a toilet paper shortage.

Speaking of shortages ..

How Do You Map America’s Scary Shortage of Fresh Food?

Food Shortages Loom For America

Water Shortages Pose Greatest Threat to US Economic Growth

US Drug Shortages

Some people are just dumb. They reach for any and every excuse to denigrate other people while ignoring the problems of their own.

Yet when I go to the store I find fresh food, water, and toilet paper. True they're calling my travel time as a "desert", and pretending it means shortage. Some people do reach for any and every excuse to prop up a failure, but I expect a bit more than stories about something that isn't happening as proof of the failure of the US.

I remember the stories of the lines for toilet paper in the USSR told by my teachers who had escaped that miserable human created Heck...
socialism is the best form of government ...........on paper.

It will never work because it will always be run by someone who can take too much power.

It is an unworkable system by its self.

I understand why the right PRETENDS its what the left wants but its still real fucking dishonest of you
:0) I'm not interested in you nor your ignorant response. You exist in your own world where truth only comes from Fox News.

You may notice that I didn't post to you, I posted through you. I used your ignorant responses to demonstrate where both Venezuelans and Cubans have improved their lives exponentially, just as I said.

Ever heard of Herbert Hoover .. Great Depression ring and bells? :0)
Guess what helped to pull the American people out of despair from the Great Depression?

Socialism/the New Deal

Why don't you simply go talk to someone else?

How amusing that you think you arent the ignoramus while trying to argue that things are great in Cuba and Venezuela, a country where troops are taking over factories and private enterprise.

Then to remove all doubt of your incredible ignorance, you double down on it claiming that Socialusm brought us out of the depression. next you'll be claiming that Obamas stimulus created jobs and didn't bury generations in trillion dollar deficits.

Yes I have heard of Herbert Hoover and the great depression; I am also intelligent enough to know what got us into the depression and back out of it. Apparently you lack that intelligence based on your laughably inept arguments above.

Now back to the thread topic; what do you think it means when a nation has to send in armed government troops to take over a toilet paper company because of a mass shortage? Hint; starts with an "S" and ends with a "M". Second hint; starts with a "M" and ends with an "M".
Yet when I go to the store I find fresh food, water, and toilet paper. True they're calling my travel time as a "desert", and pretending it means shortage. Some people do reach for any and every excuse to prop up a failure, but I expect a bit more than stories about something that isn't happening as proof of the failure of the US.

I remember the stories of the lines for toilet paper in the USSR told by my teachers who had escaped that miserable human created Heck...

Surely then you must be talking about the OP .. "Some people do reach for any and every excuse to prop up a failure, but I expect a bit more than stories about something that isn't happening as proof of the failure of the US."

What I posted wasn't proof of failure in the US .. it was proof that shortages at any particular time is no demonstration of complete failure .. as suggested by the OP and those who agreed with it.

Intelligent people should know that. Look at our own history.
socialism is the best form of government ...........on paper.

It will never work because it will always be run by someone who can take too much power.

It is an unworkable system by its self.

I understand why the right PRETENDS its what the left wants but its still real fucking dishonest of you

I hate asshats who are so incredibly dense they don't know how to use the "reply with quote" feature so people can know who they are responding to.
Surely then you must be talking about the OP .. "Some people do reach for any and every excuse to prop up a failure, but I expect a bit more than stories about something that isn't happening as proof of the failure of the US."

What I posted wasn't proof of failure in the US .. it was proof that shortages at any particular time is no demonstration of complete failure .. as suggested by the OP and those who agreed with it.

Intelligent people should know that. Look at our own history.

Where do you get this nonsense? Stories about something that isn't happening?

Good lord, how dumb are you?
This message is hidden because Truth Detector is on your ignore list.

There is your level of comprehension.

I'm always amused when the ignoramuses on this forum hit the ignore button as if it would bother those who are happy they don't have suffer more of their ignorance.
Speaking of shortages?

Doctor Shortage Getting Worse

Maybe Cuba will loan us some. :0) They have more doctors per capita than anywhere on earth.

Education and healthcare
Since 1959, Cuba has carried out a genuine education revolution. Illiteracy and educational backwardness were chronic social problems prior to 1959. The first and greatest of revolutionary Cuba’s achievements in education was the abolition of illiteracy, which stood at 23% in 1958. A mass literacy campaign, led by 280,000 volunteers teaching some 100,000 students, eliminated illiteracy in just one year.

Not long after, free education was established for all Cubans. From preschool to PhD, free education was guaranteed both in the Cuban constitution and in practice, with the socialisation of the cost of tutoring, books, pencils and pens. Cuba now has more teachers per capita than any other country in the world.

Before 1959, the vast majority of Cubans had very limited access to health care. The capitalist elite had their private physicians but the poor had only a handful of rundown hospitals, and medicines were mostly unaffordable. In the countryside it was even worse; health care was virtually non-existent. The revolution established health care as a basic right of all Cuban citizens, making it completely free for every Cuban. It established a new ethic in health care — not for profit, but for service to the people.

According to the Word Health Organization (WHO), life expectancy in Cuba is now 78 years — 76 years for men and 80 years for women. In comparison, the US life expectancy at birth is 75 and 80 years for males and females respectively. In 1959, average life expectancy in Cuba was just 58 years. At the end of 2008, infant mortality in Cuba was 4.7 deaths per 1000 live births, the lowest in the Western Hemisphere. Infant mortality in the US is 7 deaths per 1000 live births.

According to the WHO, Cuba has 5.91 physicians per 1000 people, twice as many per capita as the US. In fact, Cuba also has more doctors per capita than any other country in the world. In 1959 there were only 6300 doctors, most of whom soon left for the US. Today Cuba has 70,000 doctors; 30,000 abroad and 40,000 resident in Cuba. There are some 90,000 Cuban students currently studying to work in health care. Cuba is training — free of charge — 76,000 foreign students in medicine.

Cuba also has a flourishing biotechnology and pharmaceuticals industry. It has developed a vaccine for meningitis B and exports the world’s best hepatitis B vaccine. It also developed the first synthetic vaccine for pneumonia prevention.

Not only does it look after its own people, but the Cuban Revolution exports its world-class health care to other poor countries. In 2008, 36,500 Cuban doctors were sent to 81 Third World countries to provide health care to people who would otherwise not have received it. This is a greater number of doctors than is provided by the WHO or by all of the rich countries to the Third World.

The Cuban government has also entered a health care “joint-venture” with the Venezuelan government, called Mission Miracle. The aim of Mission Miracle is to eliminate blindness. Patients fly free of charge to Cuba where they receive a free eye operation. The vision of more than one million Latin American and Caribbean people has been restored through this program.

:0) just sayin'
I'm wondering what backwards ass country Chicago is in .. given that the public schools in Chicago are also facing a toilet paper shortage.

I guess this is part of the change we're going to see.

I wonder when our grocery stores will start having empty shelves?