Venezuelan Troops Seize Control of Toilet Paper Factories

What you're saying is so incredibly unlearned that you simply must exist in a world of your own making, thus dictionaries and learned thought would have no meaning to you, thus, I won't confuse you with the reality the rest of planet earth exists in.

What you are saying is that you’re incredibly dense opinion trumps reality, truth and the facts.

I'll put my historic and economic knowledge up against your inane laughably inept rhetoric any day of the week.

The notion that you are somehow better "learned" (where does one get that moronic term anyway) than I requires the willing suspension of disbelief.

Go ahead and explain how Chavez was not a student of Marxist Communism and did not destroy his nation in ten short years even with massive oil reserves.

Go ahead and prove to us how well off the Cuban people have been under the Marxist Communism of Castro.

You have to be a brain dead loony tune idiot to make such arguments; but go for it and remove all doubt you're and incredibly clueless buffoon.

FACT: Chavez's big Government attack on capitalism in Venezuela has ruined the economy and made things worse for the poor he claimed to champion. The same can be said about Detroit; a city run into the ground by black Liberal Democrats who practiced similar Marxist Progressive agendas. The same can be said about Obama and his brain dead anti-Capitalist Marxist class envy rhetoric.

The fact that you are too stupid to comprehend or recognize it doesn't make it some partisan patriotic meme you moron.
If facts confuse you .. and you see them as anti-american .. you should really post to someone else. Seriously.

I don't support Obama, never have, but here you are talking Obama to me.

If you're that desperate to get your Obama rocks off, perhaps you should talk to someone who voted for him.

.. and if you see Obama as a a socialist, you really don't have enough information to even be having this conversation. :0)

You may not support Obama, but your arguments are painfully similar and stupid.

Obama not a Socialist? What planet are you living on; planet ignorant?
The country devalued the official exchange rate to 6.3 bolivars per dollar from 4.3 bolivars in February.

On the black market, one dollar currently buys around 43.97 bolivars, according to, which tracks the exchange rate on the border with Colombia
seems to be the monetary policy more then anything here, as the problem
Originally Posted by Big money View Post

If you can provide an example of a Republican president mobilizing troops to take control of toilet paper production, do so
Suddenly reading comprehension is a problem for you.

If you aren't interested in honest conversation, I'm not interested in the conversation.

There's nothing wrong with “Big’s” comprehension; he read your moronic attempts to compare Venezuela to America perfectly.

But now, after once again inserting your foot in your mouth, you want to run away from your rhetoric.

I can't say that this surprises me any coming from you. I doubt you could have an honest conversation. Hell, I doubt you are even capable of one based on your moronic off topic argument on this thread.
I'm posting while I work, thus I don't care to spend much time posting to individual unlearned people .. so I'll just let the data do the talking ..

How did Venezuela change under Hugo Chávez?

Using data gathered from sources such as the World Bank, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Reuters, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the US Energy Information Administration (eia), the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, we have been able to gather a variety of key indicators that show how Venezuela has changed since 1999 when Chávez first assumed office. We've used the most recent data where possible.

- Unemployment has dropped from 14.5% of the total labour force in 1999 to 7.6% in 2009
• Population has increased from 23,867,000 in 1999 to 29,278,000 in 2011. The annual population growth was 1.5% in 2011 compared with 1.9% in 1999
• GDP per capita has risen from $4,105 to $10,801 in 2011
• As you can see in the graphic chart, Venezuela's inflation has fluctuated since 1999. Inflation now stands at 31.6% compared with 23.6% in 1999
• Venezuela has a complicated history concerning currency exchange rates. Compared with 1999 when the exchange rate was under one bolivar to the US dollar, the latest figures from Reuters place it at 4.3 Bolivars to one dollar
• Poverty has decreased - in 1999, 23.4% of the population were recorded as being in extreme poverty, this fell to 8.5% in 2011 according to official government figures
• Infant mortality is now lower than in 1999 - from a rate of 20 per 1,000 live births then to a rate of 13 per 1,000 live births in 2011
• Violence has been a key concern in Venezuela for some time - figures from the UNODC state that the murder rate has risen since 1999. In 2011 the intentional homicide rate per 100,000 population was 45.1 compared with 25.0 just twelve years earlier
• Oil exports have boomed - Venezuela has one of the top proven oil reserves in the world and in 2011 Opec put the country's net oil export revenues at $60bn. In 1999 it stood at $14.4bn

Venezuelans’ Quality of Life Improved in UN Index Under Chavez

Venezuelans’ quality of life improved at the third-fastest pace worldwide and income inequality narrowed during the presidency of Hugo Chavez, who tapped the world’s biggest oil reserves to aid the poor.

Venezuela moved up seven spots to 73 out of 187 countries in the United Nation’s index of human development from 2006 to 2011, a period that covers the latter half of Chavez’s rule, which ended with his death March 5. That progress trails only Cuba and Hong Kong in the index, which is based on life expectancy, health and education levels.

Before Castro Cuba was run by the mafia .. who loved to degrade Cuban women by putting on 'donkey shows.' The people were impoverished and illiterate.


And oh yeah, sure, The US doesn't have problems of our own. That's all an illusion.
Not an expert on economics -i do know S.America has a tendency to be an oligarcy; we saw it in Cuba under Batista.

Chavez did what Gaddafi did - used the oil revenues for the benefit of his people. That's huge
, so you take the good with the bad, and have to look at the nation rise of out of their own "wealth gap" -something to be avoided, as we see in the US
:0) While Americans are struggling with the issue of health care .. and a government shutdown by a gaggle of morons is threatened here .. both Cubans and Venezuelan people have enjoyed cradle-to-grave free healthcare for many years ... which has improved the quality of life for their citizens exponentially.

Cuba has so many doctors that they export them.

Oh yeah .. while American students struggling with the skyrocketing costs of education .. both Cuban and Venezuelan students have enjoyed cradle-to-grave free education for years .. which has improved the quality of life for their citizens exponentially.

Cuba offers free education to AMERICAN MEDICAL STUDENTS.

U.S. medical students graduate debt-free in Cuba

"When medical doctors graduate in the United States they are usually in debt, between $250,000 to $500,000, and spend the first 10 years of their careers paying it off"
Wiped out! Troops take over Venezuelan TOILET PAPER factory to ensure country gets supplies because of chronic shortage

  • Nation is suffering from lack of essential goods due to high inflation

In a tweet on Thursday, Venezuela's Vice President, Jorge Arreaza, said authorities would 'not permit hoarding of essential commodities, or any faults in the production and distribution process'.

'The action taken at the producer of toilet paper, sanitary napkins and disposable diapers corresponds to the obligation of the state to guarantee the normal supply of primary necessities,' price regulator Sundecop said in a statement.

President Maduro has cut dollar supplies for importers since winning election in April, creating shortages of goods including toilet paper and butter and stoking one of the world’s highest inflation rates.

Critics say the nagging shortages of products ranging from bathroom tissue to milk are a sign his socialist government's rigid price and currency controls are failing.

His predecessor and mentor, Hugo Chavez, nationalized more than 1,000 companies or their assets before dying in March this year.

Annual inflation accelerated to 45.4 percent last month from 42.6 percent in July, while the scarcity index measuring the amount of goods out of stock on store shelves reached 20 percent, the central bank said.

Liberals utopia is failing

How is it a liberal untopia?

what makes you think such stupid shit?
Where did all the dumb people go?

Your still here. I think your last moronic post was the best; things are great in Cuba. That might explain why so many Cubans were willing to risk drowning coming to the evil USA.

It was almost as dense as your UN data suggesting that Venezuelans are so much better off with monstrous inflation, no jobs, shortages in everything and having become an importing nation instead of an exporting nation.

I'll respond with the real facts when I have more time. Suffice it to say that I placed a density meter on your skull and it pegged the meter.
How is it a liberal untopia?

what makes you think such stupid shit?

Because Hugo Chavez implemented many of the Marxist Big Government programs dipshits like you and Obama espouse and it has destroyed their economy and turned Venezeula into a dependency Obama and his brain dead followers can only dream of.

But then, you're a brain dead asshat; how could you be expected to comprehend this?
If its a socialist utopia then how is it they have private industry to take over ?

Your so fucking stupid you buy anything your minion wranglers tell you to spout