very important lessons to be learned from brokeback mountain

1. Most cowboys are alcoholics
all you see time and time again, is them drinking.... and from the bottle even, its like get a cup....

2. Cowboys only drink beer and wiskey

3. Cowboys speak very monotone
4. Cowboys only wear jeans
5. Montana and Wyoming suck ass
6. montana and wyoming are great places to have sex outdoors
7. there are no gay bars in montana or wyoming
1. Most cowboys are alcoholics
all you see time and time again, is them drinking.... and from the bottle even, its like get a cup....

2. Cowboys only drink beer and wiskey

3. Cowboys speak very monotone
4. Cowboys only wear jeans
5. Montana and Wyoming suck ass
6. montana and wyoming are great places to have sex outdoors
7. there are no gay bars in montana or wyoming
The problem was it was filmed in Northern Canada... So, Canada sucks ass and is low on gay bars...
1. Most cowboys are alcoholics
all you see time and time again, is them drinking.... and from the bottle even, its like get a cup....

2. Cowboys only drink beer and wiskey

3. Cowboys speak very monotone
4. Cowboys only wear jeans
5. Montana and Wyoming suck ass
6. montana and wyoming are great places to have sex outdoors
7. there are no gay bars in montana or wyoming

Montana and Wyoming suck ass

Montana is the bomb, dude.
Montana and Wyoming suck ass

Montana is the bomb, dude.

You've been to Montana? And you got out? Wow. Tell us about it Cypress. What was it like? What color are the people there? Isn't Montana like Brazil in that there are no black people there? Do they speak good English?

I'll bet you can't get a cosmopolitan there, nor an apple martini. Probabably not even a Baileys on the rocks. What do they drink there, other than moonshine? What kind of food do they favor? Buffalo and horse meat I heard? How much would a person have to pay to get her hands on a head of broccoli? Is it true that there is no age of consent in Montana, and that the state motto is "Here, "No" Means, We Knows Your Eyes Is Saying YES YES".

Sorry about all the questions, but I've always wondered these things about that place.
Awesome... as long as people think that way it will still be there when it is time for me to "retire"...
You've been to Montana? And you got out? Wow. Tell us about it Cypress. What was it like? What color are the people there? Isn't Montana like Brazil in that there are no black people there? Do they speak good English?

I'll bet you can't get a cosmopolitan there, nor an apple martini. Probabably not even a Baileys on the rocks. What do they drink there, other than moonshine? What kind of food do they favor? Buffalo and horse meat I heard? How much would a person have to pay to get her hands on a head of broccoli? Is it true that there is no age of consent in Montana, and that the state motto is "Here, "No" Means, We Knows Your Eyes Is Saying YES YES".

Sorry about all the questions, but I've always wondered these things about that place.


Well, you have a point. Montana is not for city-slickers like Rob. I think I did get an esspresso in Missoula once - but, it's a university town ;)

Its God's country though: and it wouldn't be that way if it became overrun with city slickers!

Well, you have a point. Montana is not for city-slickers like Rob. I think I did get an esspresso in Missoula once - but, it's a university town ;)

Its God's country though: and it wouldn't be that way if it became overrun with city slickers!
Shhhh! Don't talk it up, people might go there!
I heard that there is no speed limits in Montana. Is that because the cops are cowboys drunk on whiskey and ride horses? There would be no way they could catch a speeder going 45 in a 35. Unless of course, the guy in the car wanted to get out and have sex with the horse. You know them there Montanians, they love the sex!
I heard that there is no speed limits in Montana. Is that because the cops are cowboys drunk on whiskey and ride horses? There would be no way they could catch a speeder going 45 in a 35. Unless of course, the guy in the car wanted to get out and have sex with the horse. You know them there Montanians, they love the sex!

You easterners crack me up ;)

Having sex with barnyard animals is a southern thing. Where unedcuated rubes rule. Don't drag the west in with those inbreds.

Montana is ranked as the Seventh best educated state in the country:
I lived in Montana for three months... LOVED it till the cold set in and my girlfriend moved away.
I had a friend from Montana. She said they had to drive 3 or 5 miles to the nearest mall. That's all I need to know.
I had a friend from Montana. She said they had to drive 3 or 5 miles to the nearest mall. That's all I need to know.

Driving 3-5 miles to a mall in montana probably takes five minutes. There's no traffic, no congestion, and few traffic lights.

Driving 3-5 blocks to a mall in New Jersey might take fifteen minutes, with traffic, lights, and congestion ;)