VFW blasts Obama's DoD

Cant refute what the other guy says?

Just engage in some more childish name calling!

It's their only option...they certainly won't admit that their Tea-Bagging Congressional heroes brought this situation upon the country and now they don't want to deal with the backlash.

I did refute your dimwitted claims its all Repubkicans fault; but you're too stupid to have grasped it.

Let me try again only this time I will type s l o w e r; it is a moronic argument to claim that this President has nothing to do with what happens in his own country.

Did you get it? Or will you remain immune from the obvious because you really are THAT stupid?
Because he had nothing to do with OBSTRUCTIONIST REPUBLICANS shutting down the Federal Government.

Of course everyone understands a partisan clown like yourself will NEVER admit this is 110% solely the responsibility of those selfsame obstructionist Tea-Bagging Republicans in Congress.

Everyone but partisan clowns like No Truth Detected.

Another incredibly stupid claim from the forums dunce; tbat a President has nothing to do with what happens in his own country.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.
I did refute your dimwitted claims its all Repubkicans fault; but you're too stupid to have grasped it.

Let me try again only this time I will type s l o w e r; it is a moronic argument to claim that this President has nothing to do with what happens in his own country.

Did you get it? Or will you remain immune from the obvious because you really are THAT stupid?

I never said the president had "nothing to do" with what happens in this country.

I said that the current Government shutdown is 110% the fault of OBSTRUCTIONIST REPUBLICANS.

TWO completely different subjects.

The President had two choices:

1. Give in to the partisan blackmail of House Republicans hoping to thwart the will of the people.


2. Stand firm and refuse to give into REPUBLICAN attempts at extortion.

President Obama chose option 2!
Irony abounds.

Not really.

I respond with the same level of civility I receive from others.

Check this thread...the veracity of what I claim is evident.

Since No truth Detected has proven time and again to be incapable of civil discourse, he reaps what he sows...as do you.
Senate quietly passes 'death gratuity' bill

The House passed a bill Wednesday that would have funded the $100,000 emergency payments to the families of deceased service members despite the ongoing government shutdown.
But the non-profit Fisher House announced almost immediately after the vote that it would step in to continue the funding instead, a workaround devised after President Barack Obama asked the Department of Defense to find a “creative” way to continue the program.

unclear now if the president will sign the Senate-passed legislation, since the White House still says that the Fisher House deal solves the problem.

"The legislation is not necessary," White House spokesman Jay Carney said Thursday, calling the GOP strategy of passing individual bills to address some of the most heavily publicized consequences of the shutdown "preposterous."

After the president said Wednesday that he’d sign on to the Fisher House plan, the Senate did not immediately take up the House-passed bill.

But early Thursday afternoon, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, came to the Senate floor to ask that the upper chamber approve the House-passed measure anyway.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid responded that the move would be “moot” because of the Fisher House program, and the vote would be only “for show.”

The death benefit issue has been resolved,” he said. “The Department of Defense stepped forward and took care of everything, and so this issue is largely moot.”

Carney is prick. Reid is a boring pompous partisan lackey. The Republicans are warmongering show boaters. Loathing for them all