Vienna Nazi art show seeks to address WWII leg=Despicable part of history.


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This spectacle seems like nothing more than male erotism that was rampant among the Nazy army as Hitler being the Fuhrer of being a gay mad man who probably frequently had his pick among his Nazi soldiers, and to which he killed to keep it secret. Yet, that effort failed after the destruction of the Nazi empire of barbaric atrocities against humanity. How sicko Hitler was to create columns of statutes to the glory of celebrating his apparent lust for the German male.

In a Vienna museum, Nazi-era art crams two small rooms, some still in storage boxes. A painting of Vienna's opera features Nazi flags, a swastika is woven into a tapestry.

The pieces are part of an exhibit in the Austrian capital aiming to shed light on the politics of art under the Third Reich -- one of the latest ways in which Vienna is seeking to address its complicated war-era past.

Austria, the birth place of Adolf Hitler, long cast itself as a victim after being annexed by Nazi Germany. Only in the past three decades has the country begun to examine seriously its role in the Holocaust."
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This spectacle seems like nothing more than male erotism that was rampant among the Nazy army as Hitler being the Fuhrer of being a gay mad man who probably frequently had his pick among his Nazi soldiers, and to which he killed to keep it secret. Yet, that effort failed after the destruction of the Nazi empire of barbaric atrocities against humanity.

In a Vienna museum, Nazi-era art crams two small rooms, some still in storage boxes. A painting of Vienna's opera features Nazi flags, a swastika is woven into a tapestry.

The pieces are part of an exhibit in the Austrian capital aiming to shed light on the politics of art under the Third Reich -- one of the latest ways in which Vienna is seeking to address its complicated war-era past.

Austria, the birth place of Adolf Hitler, long cast itself as a victim after being annexed by Nazi Germany. Only in the past three decades has the country begun to examine seriously its role in the Holocaust."

Ah more Hitler shit. You know he's dead right? He has been for awhile.
This might be like the Chinese taking an assessment of Mao, or the Russians examining Stalin.
Ah more Hitler shit. You know he's dead right? He has been for awhile.

Never much about Stalin, Mao, pol pot, uncle Ho, or The Beard though for some odd reason??? LOL Odd part is both Stalin and Mao made Hitler look like a little school boy when it came to the amount of people they murdered. Well, actually its not odd at all. Left wing people have ALWAYS disliked talking about evil left wing figures of the past. In fact many openly attempt to hide the atrocities committed.
Trumpers love Nazis.


Too funny considering BLM leaders spent time meeting with Maduro and praising him as he had his thugs gun down people in the streets.

..............."Black Lives Matter movement founder: "We are trained Marxists."

"It is ironic that as BLM protest alleged police brutality in the United States, the organization praises a regime known for the brutal practices of its security forces.

In December 2015 Black Lives Matter sent a delegation, headed by the organization’s co-founder, Opal Tometi, to act as observers during the Venezuelan Parliamentary elections of that year. The Maduro regime did not allow accreditation for observers from the Organization of American States, the UN, or the EU. The only accredited observers where from regimes and organizations friendly to the “revolutionary cause.”

Later that same month Tometi penned an article where she espouses, word for word, the regime’s standard text for international propaganda. “In these last 17 years, we have witnessed the Bolivarian Revolution champion participatory democracy and construct a fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world ,” wrote Tometi about one of the world’s most corrupt voting systems in history.

Earlier in 2015 Maduro was given an award at the “Afro-descendants Summit” held in Harlem. Maduro was invited at the behest of the Black Lives Matter leadership.

Scores of Venezuelans have been killed, not while resisting arrest, or while scuffling with the police in demonstrations, but by police snipers under orders to quell demonstrations by providing a few corpses. The best-known case is of former beauty queen, Genesis Carmona, killed by Maduro’s snipers in 2013, two years before Tometi publicly declared her deep admiration for Maduro and his regime.

Reading Tometi’s piece, while remembering the atrocities and inhuman conditions suffered by the Venezuelan people, superbly reported in The New York Times by Meredith Kohut, one realizes that it is not racism that the co-founder of BLM is fighting. This level of cynicism is always a sign of a fanatical adherence to an ideology.

In the case of Black Lives Matter, both its co-founders are fanatical Marxists, and they have publicly admitted as much. Patrice Cullors, Tometi’s colleague in the founding of Black Lives Matter, has publicly admitted to being “a trained Marxist” and “we are super-versed in ideological theory”.

It is not surprising then that the leaders of this organization simply cannot find anything to criticize when asked about the dictatorships of the left."........................
Too funny considering BLM leaders spent time meeting with Maduro and praising him as he had his thugs gun down people in the streets.

..............."Black Lives Matter movement founder: "We are trained Marxists."

"It is ironic that as BLM protest alleged police brutality in the United States, the organization praises a regime known for the brutal practices of its security forces.

In December 2015 Black Lives Matter sent a delegation, headed by the organization’s co-founder, Opal Tometi, to act as observers during the Venezuelan Parliamentary elections of that year. The Maduro regime did not allow accreditation for observers from the Organization of American States, the UN, or the EU. The only accredited observers where from regimes and organizations friendly to the “revolutionary cause.”

Later that same month Tometi penned an article where she espouses, word for word, the regime’s standard text for international propaganda. “In these last 17 years, we have witnessed the Bolivarian Revolution champion participatory democracy and construct a fair, transparent election system recognized as among the best in the world ,” wrote Tometi about one of the world’s most corrupt voting systems in history.

Earlier in 2015 Maduro was given an award at the “Afro-descendants Summit” held in Harlem. Maduro was invited at the behest of the Black Lives Matter leadership.

Scores of Venezuelans have been killed, not while resisting arrest, or while scuffling with the police in demonstrations, but by police snipers under orders to quell demonstrations by providing a few corpses. The best-known case is of former beauty queen, Genesis Carmona, killed by Maduro’s snipers in 2013, two years before Tometi publicly declared her deep admiration for Maduro and his regime.

Reading Tometi’s piece, while remembering the atrocities and inhuman conditions suffered by the Venezuelan people, superbly reported in The New York Times by Meredith Kohut, one realizes that it is not racism that the co-founder of BLM is fighting. This level of cynicism is always a sign of a fanatical adherence to an ideology.

In the case of Black Lives Matter, both its co-founders are fanatical Marxists, and they have publicly admitted as much. Patrice Cullors, Tometi’s colleague in the founding of Black Lives Matter, has publicly admitted to being “a trained Marxist” and “we are super-versed in ideological theory”.

It is not surprising then that the leaders of this organization simply cannot find anything to criticize when asked about the dictatorships of the left."........................

Which is worse fanatical Marxists, or fanatical right wing fascist??????????
Which is worse fanatical Marxists, or fanatical right wing fascist??????????

Based upon actual history,.... you know....FACTS,...the Marxists are and its not even close. The number of people they have murdered is staggering.
Hitler was a POS,...but one AWESOME thing he did was absolutely CRUSH the Russian supported and funded Communist Antifa in Germany. Give em a good old fashioned beat down and sent the ones who managed to survive running like the scared dogs they are. Even terrible people do good things every once in a while and that was surely a case of it.
Never much about Stalin, Mao, pol pot, uncle Ho, or The Beard though for some odd reason??? LOL Odd part is both Stalin and Mao made Hitler look like a little school boy when it came to the amount of people they murdered. Well, actually its not odd at all. Left wing people have ALWAYS disliked talking about evil left wing figures of the past. In fact many openly attempt to hide the atrocities committed.

Stone, why do you so often come up with bullshit like this.

You know it is bullshit...plain and simple.

You claim you are attempting to change the way things are going between left and right...yet YOU are regularly engaged in this kind of bullshit heavy-handedness that has no basis in reality.

Just as many people who lean left condemn the outrages of people like Stalin and Mao as do people who lean right. And they do it with as must gusto as they condemn people like Hitler.

Jesus H. Christ, man, wake the fuck up.

Stop with this barrage of bullshit aimed at widening the gap you claim to be attempting to lessening.
Stone, why do you so often come up with bullshit like this.

You know it is bullshit...plain and simple.

You claim you are attempting to change the way things are going between left and right...yet YOU are regularly engaged in this kind of bullshit heavy-handedness that has no basis in reality.

Just as many people who lean left condemn the outrages of people like Stalin and Mao as do people who lean right. And they do it with as must gusto as they condemn people like Hitler.

Jesus H. Christ, man, wake the fuck up.

Stop with this barrage of bullshit aimed at widening the gap you claim to be attempting to lessening.

It is not bullshit my friend and I can prove it to you. I trust you enuff to report back the truth. Heres what you do.......take a few days or so and when you are in casual conversation with a friend ask them who they think the biggest mass murderer in history is. 75% if not more will answer back..... Hitler. Which is actually an ABSURD answer considering the amount of people the Communist leaders have killed. Hitler.....6-7 million. Stalin.....40 to 50 million. Mao.......80-100 million. Yet most will answer Hitler. Reason being...... a concerted effort has been made in our school systems for several decades to talk very little about what the Communist leaders have done. This was NOT DONE by conservatives naturally. Try it for yourself,....seriously,....not a doubt in my mind it will go EXACTLY like I have laid out. I know,...I have done it and also encouraged others to do the same. In all cases it came back exactly the same. It will for you too.
It is not bullshit my friend and I can prove it to you. I trust you enuff to report back the truth. Heres what you do.......take a few days or so and when you are in casual conversation with a friend ask them who they think the biggest mass murderer in history is. 75% if not more will answer back..... Hitler. Which is actually an ABSURD answer considering the amount of people the Communist leaders have killed. Hitler.....6-7 million. Stalin.....40 to 50 million. Mao.......80-100 million. Yet most will answer Hitler. Reason being...... a concerted effort has been made in our school systems for several decades to talk very little about what the Communist leaders have done. This was NOT DONE by conservatives naturally. Try it for yourself,....seriously,....not a doubt in my mind it will go EXACTLY like I have laid out. I know,...I have done it and also encouraged others to do the same. In all cases it came back exactly the same. It will for you too.

How do you kill that many in such a short time? :thinking:
How do you kill that many in such a short time? :thinking:

In Germany, known for being very efficient, they mechanized genocide.

In Russia and China it was mostly starvation as we are seeing in Somalia and Afghanistan; the people with the power control the food. Do as they say or starve.