Vienna Nazi art show seeks to address WWII leg=Despicable part of history.

So the right wing fascist have never murdered people in this country.

Don't be silly! Stone is saying it's okay for RWers to murder Americans because the Lefties have killed lots, lots more. It's a common logical fallacy among fanatics, traitors and other cocksuckers.

Argumentum ad populum: Also known as 'appealing to the people', this fallacy presumes that a proposition must be true because most/many believe it to be true.

In Germany, known for being very efficient, they mechanized genocide.

In Russia and China it was mostly starvation as we are seeing in Somalia and Afghanistan; the people with the power control the food. Do as they say or starve.

Exactly. Also Hitler reigned for about 10 years while others reigned much longer. Plus Germany was a tiny country compared.

Stoney lacks basic logic.
It is not bullshit my friend and I can prove it to you. I trust you enuff to report back the truth. Heres what you do.......take a few days or so and when you are in casual conversation with a friend ask them who they think the biggest mass murderer in history is. 75% if not more will answer back..... Hitler. Which is actually an ABSURD answer considering the amount of people the Communist leaders have killed. Hitler.....6-7 million. Stalin.....40 to 50 million. Mao.......80-100 million. Yet most will answer Hitler. Reason being...... a concerted effort has been made in our school systems for several decades to talk very little about what the Communist leaders have done. This was NOT DONE by conservatives naturally. Try it for yourself,....seriously,....not a doubt in my mind it will go EXACTLY like I have laid out. I know,...I have done it and also encouraged others to do the same. In all cases it came back exactly the same. It will for you too.

Provide a body of reputable, peer reviewed literature that concludes Stalin was directly responsible for 50 million deaths.

I believe in Historical accuracy.

The reputable literature I have seen is 1 to 2 million dead in the Gulag labor camps, 700,000 executed in great purges, and 3 to 5 million starved to death in Ukraine, though it is a subject of scholarly debate if this was intentional policy of mass murder, or the consequences of inept and cruel Soviet attempts to collectivize agriculture.

You cannot count the 12 to 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by German armies or in Nazi prison camps as being due to Stalin.
Provide a body of reputable, peer reviewed literature that concludes Stalin was directly responsible for 50 million deaths.

I believe in Historical accuracy.

The reputable literature I have seen is 1 to 2 million dead in the Gulag labor camps, 700,000 executed in great purges, and 3 to 5 million starved to death in Ukraine, though it is a subject of scholarly debate if this was intentional policy of mass murder, or the consequences of inept and cruel Soviet attempts to collectivize agriculture.

You cannot count the 12 to 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by German armies or in Nazi prison camps as being due to Stalin.

The Soviet NKVD and prison camp archives were opened to western researchers in the 1990s, and I have never seen a reputable estimate that Stalin is directly responsible for 50 million deaths through policies of mass murder, execution, or policies of intentional starvation.

Stalin was generally not interested in genocide.

He was interested in slave labor, and purging the Red Army and Communist Party of perceived enemies, generally by execution.

Stalin is one of history's great criminals even without having to pull dubious numbers out of one's ass.
How do you kill that many in such a short time? :thinking:

Well,....when you are the only ones that have any guns its makes it quite a bit easier I would imagine. I would also think that when you are in total control of the means of production , starving people off also becomes very easy. All these things are historic fact. HISTORY , FACTS, SCIENCE! ;)
The Soviet NKVD and prison camp archives were opened to western researchers in the 1990s, and I have never seen a reputable estimate that Stalin is directly responsible for 50 million deaths through policies of mass murder, execution, or policies of intentional starvation.

Stalin was generally not interested in genocide.

He was interested in slave labor, and purging the Red Army and Communist Party of perceived enemies, generally by execution.

Stalin is one of history's great criminals even without having to pull dubious numbers out of one's ass.

How many WAS he responsible for? :cool:
Well,....when you are the only ones that have any guns its makes it quite a bit easier I would imagine. I would also think that when you are in total control of the means of production , starving people off also becomes very easy. All these things are historic fact. HISTORY , FACTS, SCIENCE! ;)

Hitler reigned for 10 years in a tiny country. Stalin reigned for 30 years in a yuge country. :thinking:

Do the math. You know... SCIENCE?
Provide a body of reputable, peer reviewed literature that concludes Stalin was directly responsible for 50 million deaths.

I believe in Historical accuracy.

The reputable literature I have seen is 1 to 2 million dead in the Gulag labor camps, 700,000 executed in great purges, and 3 to 5 million starved to death in Ukraine, though it is a subject of scholarly debate if this was intentional policy of mass murder, or the consequences of inept and cruel Soviet attempts to collectivize agriculture.

You cannot count the 12 to 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by German armies or in Nazi prison camps as being due to Stalin.

What about Mao? WHY the avoidance?
Hitler reigned for 10 years in a tiny country. Stalin reigned for 30 years in a yuge country. :thinking:

Do the math. You know... SCIENCE?

Ten years in a tiny country? :laugh: You do understand that for a good amount of that time they were in total control of the whole of mainland Europe as well as occupying it, much of North Africa, and within 20 miles of Moscow right?? Tiny you say? I think not. More like MASSIVE.
How many WAS he responsible for? :cool:

I accept your confession that you do not have a body of reputable, peer reviewed research to support your 50 million number.

You undoubtedly ran across it on someone's blog, or heard a righwing media personality blurt it out.

I already gave you a tally of the death estimates from the reputable historical scholarship, as best I can remember
Ten years in a tiny country? :laugh: You do understand that for a good amount of that time they were in total control of the whole of mainland Europe, much of North Africa, and within 20 miles of Moscow right?? Tiny you say? I think not. More like MASSIVE.

Oh yeah a few countries compared to USSR. :rofl2:
Hitler reigned for 10 years in a tiny country. Stalin reigned for 30 years in a yuge country. :thinking:

Do the math. You know... SCIENCE?

As if that matters. SMH. So now we assign how much MURDER of your own people is allowable by size of country? Wow,...thats terrible! What a warped way of looking at things. I guess in Cali Cops should be able to wack tons of perps on sight with no problem but in Rhode Island not so much. Crazy talk.
As if that matters. SMH. So now we assign how much MURDER of your own people is allowable by size of country? Wow,...thats terrible! What a warped way of looking at things. I guess in Cali Cops should be able to wack tons of perps on sight with no problem but in Rhode Island not so much. Crazy talk.

You are the one who is using the large number as a metric while neglecting other factors.
Oh yeah a few countries compared to USSR. :rofl2:

Umm,....have you looked at a map? The sheer massive size of the area it controlled? ALL of mainland Europe with the exception of Switzerland, much of North Africa, and all the way to within 20, actually 18 miles of Moscow. That area is bigger than the mainland United States you know. Quite a bit bigger actually. BASIC Geography is your friend.