Vienna Nazi art show seeks to address WWII leg=Despicable part of history.

The parable:
Spanish inquisition is working on behalf of Satan.

The Grand Inquisitor tells Jesus if he wanted humans to be free he should have done it by divine intervention. By giving humans free will, he claims Jesus fucked up because humans generally willfully choose to follow orders and submit to authority, if given safety and direction.

I used to think free will was self evident. Now I am a little agnostic about it after listening to some physicists and neuroscientists. Apparently, experimental data suggest many of our day to day decisions arise subconsciously in our brain before we even consciously think about it or act on it.

It's obviously a classic. I'll look for it.

I believe in free will albeit with the limitations of our physicality. While we are, indeed, products of our upbringing, of our environment, we also do possess the will to change. However limited that may be.

Consider a goldfish in a bowl; in a glass prison but still with the freedom to move up, down, left and right. If the goldfish could reason, like human prisoners in isolation, it might work out things or it might go insane. I don't know why some would or wouldn't.

Like assembling all the building blocks of life but being unable to create life, I think free will is that little spark that makes us more than biological robots responding to biochemical programming....although functioning as a human being is a high achievement for some on this forum. LOL
Yet there are still so many who think he was an all around good guy with an unfortunate haircut. We need to keep telling folks what a $hiteating whaleturd he really was so that his fanclub doesn't normalize him and we all wind up with bad haircuts in solidarity.

Agree. Haters are just as bad as fanboys though. You know what I like? Math. Math will set you free (sorry, couldn't resist).

I don't think dogging the haircut of a guy who has been dead for over 76 years is an edgy political statement. I'd be way more impressed if you went after a current day problem and we have plenty of them here, in this country right now. But you keep pretending that Hitler's haircut is important.

As for the math I mentioned. Baffles+time to reduce body to ash+ time in operation= We've been lied to.
You can count the 60 million of his own people Stalin starved, outright killed, or sent to the Gulags. <more about Mao, but I'm leaving it.

Here's the meat and potatoes:
From your article:

"Stalin had nearly a million of his own citizens executed, beginning in the 1930s. Millions more fell victim to forced labor, deportation, famine, massacres, and detention and interrogation by Stalin’s henchmen."
^ That is 100 percent consistent with what I wrote in post 25.

I asked for a body of peer reviewed research that Stalin was responsible for the intentional deaths of 50 million people.

The only way you get to that number is to include the 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by the Germans, as we'll as natural deaths, and mortality due to traffic accidents, hunting accidents, drownings, alcohol poisoning.
Because technically, those deaths all happened "under Stalin"

The problem with pulling comically bad and wrong numbers out of your ass is that you destroy your credibility. And then Stalin's apologists in Russia and North Korea are never going to believe anything the West says about Stalin. They will assume it's all Western bullshit to make Uncle Joe look bad.
From your article:

^ That is 100 percent consistent with what I wrote in post 25.

I asked for a body of peer reviewed research that Stalin was responsible for the intentional deaths of 50 million people.

The only way you get to that number is to include the 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by the Germans, as we'll as natural deaths, and mortality due to traffic accidents, hunting accidents, drownings, alcohol poisoning.
Because technically, those deaths all happened "under Stalin"

The problem with pulling comically bad and wrong numbers out of your ass is that you destroy your credibility. And then Stalin's apologists in Russia and North Korea are never going to believe anything the West says about Stalin. They will assume it's all Western bullshit to make Uncle Joe look bad.

"Similarly, that Stalin murdered tens of millions is becoming generally appreciated; but that Stalin, Lenin, and their successors murdered almost 62,000,000 Soviet citizens and foreigners is little comprehended outside of the Soviet Union (where similar figures are now being widely published)."

^Research paper.


As for "peer reviewed", that's a bunch of horseshit these days because 9/10 of the "peers" are either Communists , indoctrinated by Communists, or Commie sympathizers. :rolleyes:

You didn't even count those murdered in the rise to power. :nono:

Stalin-Lenin regime is responsible for the most murders of their own people ever.

Is it coincidence it was the most violently seized and longest-running communist regime?

I'd tend to say "no".
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