Vienna Nazi art show seeks to address WWII leg=Despicable part of history.


The unspeakable acts he allowed that donkey to do to him for a few measly peso's are still to this day a legendary punchline down in TJ. They call the sordid story "the tale of Big Juan and the little Gringo". Put it this way,.....when big Juan got done with him,....... HE was the one pulling the wagon! ;)

8 million max? :nono:

According to the findings of the Court of Appeal of Kyiv in 2010, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million direct famine deaths, and a further 6.1 million birth deficits.[SUP][18]
That's minus gulags and extrajudicial killings, the whole Revolution..all of that with Russians dying and being murdered.

So that claim is fail, brah.

[/SUP]"The death toll uses the minimum post-archive calculations from after the fall of the USSR of those not killed in famine which ranged from 4 to 10 million.
In addition, the minimum of those killed in famine which range from 6 to 8 million.
Robert Conquest writer of the book The Great Terror started with an estimate of 30 million.
A few years later it was revised to 20 million and in his latest revision it states no less than 15 million perished.
Estimates before the release of the archives put those killed by Stalin as “low” as 3 million and as high as 60 million."
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8 million max? :nono:

According to the findings of the Court of Appeal of Kyiv in 2010, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million direct famine deaths, and a further 6.1 million birth deficits.[SUP][18]
That's minus gulags and extrajudicial killings, the whole Revolution..all of that.


Props to you for citing the reference.
I know. It's that people here always complain about Wikipedia as a source. You got around that part and linked directly to the reference. Nobody has any reason to complain. ;)

I like to get to the real deal. :)
No matter the "source". Which I do believe we were talking about yesterday.
He's thinking of Dutch! Pining for that little Gringo! Now THIS is funny!!! " memories....of the way we were" :laugh:

You seem to lack a soul. What happened to it?

My soul is fine, Matt. Why do you think it's not?

Are you afraid, Matt? You are not alone since there are many like you.

Dude, everyone is afraid. It's an instinct. A natural reaction. Being afraid is human. The point I'm addressing is similar to the Duke's:

Which indicates several things:

1. Humans are great about weaponizing anything, including food and water. The viciousness of the naked ape continues to amaze me.

2. Communism, Socialism and other one party systems/dictatorships don't work...sometimes for different reasons.

3. Absolute power corrupts people.

Humans are evolved animals. Apes with a brain. Often good tree climbers. :thup:

Apes who are continually evolving physically, socially and psychologically. We can evolve as individuals, as cultures and as a species.

Oddly, and of some interest to me, are those who choose not to evolve, not to grow, not to change.

Isn't that odd to you? Why would someone choose not to grow? Choose to stay static? Not move like a tree; alive, but not really doing much?

Worse, what kind of idiot wants to move backwards?

At least on JPP, I blame the abuse of alcohol, crack, and meth for the substantial fraction of posters who do not contribute anything interesting, lack any genuine curiousity, lack mental clarity, and seem to have vocabularies limited to less than 200 words of English
At least on JPP, I blame the abuse of alcohol, crack, and meth for the substantial fraction of posters who do not contribute anything interesting, lack any genuine curiousity, lack mental clarity, and seem to have vocabularies limited to less than 200 words of English

What percentage of humanity fits those categories?