Vienna Nazi art show seeks to address WWII leg=Despicable part of history.

I accept your waving the white flag of surrender on Stalin.

Unlike you, I do not run my mouth on topics I lack knowledge on. My knowledge of the death tolls under Mao are limited.

Why don't you post some reputable peer reviewed studies on genocides by Mao?

Why dont you take the time to read up on it like I did? Lazy bastid. Typical liberal. Wants everyone else to do the work for him.
Why dont you take the time to read up on it like I did? Lazy bastid.

Translation: you don't actually have any reputable studies on the number of deaths, you are just pulling numbers out of your ass that you saw on blogs or blurted out by Sean Hannity.

That is a terrible way to do history. It doesn't even qualify as legitimate historical study.
Ok, then by your own sources used, many peoples deaths is Stalin responsible for? How many,...give us the number. I asked this earlier and you dodged it. Will you dodge it again or will you answer?

What exactly does being responsible for those deaths mean? After all Biden gets blamed for the deaths from covid.
Ok, then by your own sources used, many peoples deaths is Stalin responsible for? How many,...give us the number. I asked this earlier and you dodged it. Will you dodge it again or will you answer?
I already gave you the death tally, as estimated by scholars. Are you smoking crack?

It actually does harm to the cause of human rights when you grossly exaggerate the deaths Stalin is directly responsible for.

When you give comically exaggerated death tolls, apologists for Stalin and Mao in Russia, China, North Korea can claim that nothing the west claims about Stalin's crimes can be trusted.

That is why historical accuracy matters.

Stalin was a criminal of epic proportions just based on the historical record, without giving ammunition to his apologists that western claims about Stalin cannot be trusted.
I already gave you the death tally, as estimated by scholars. Are you smoking crack?

It actually does harm to the cause of human rights when you grossly exaggerate the deaths Stalin is directly responsible for.

When you give comically exaggerated death tolls, apologists for Stalin and Mao in Russia, China, North Korea can claim that nothing the west claims about Stalin's crimes can be trusted.

That is why historical accuracy matters.

Stalin was a criminal of epic proportions just based on the historical record, without giving ammunition to his apologists that western claims about Stalin cannot be trusted.

How many? Can you bring yourself to type it out for all to see in a post in case some do not want to click on your links? So far all I have seen is the numbers 25,000 and 2700. Thats not REALLY what you believe is it? Cant be...
Yes Cypress, thats exactly what Im doing. I want you to dig yourself in DEEP with those absurd numbers so I can come back later and bury you with them. :cool:
Define being responsible for those deaths, Go ahead. Type it out. Put down the bong first.

Why are you so into defending Stalin so much? Was the fucking murdering midget a boyhood idol of yours? Do you have a picture of him over your bed?
How many? Can you bring yourself to type it out for all to see in a post in case some do not want to click on your links? So far all I have seen is the numbers 25,000 and 2700. Thats not REALLY what you believe is it? Cant be...
Post 25
Define being responsible for those deaths, Go ahead. Type it out. Put down the bong first.

To get to "50 million deaths under Stalin", you would probably not only have to count the deaths in the labor camps and purges, but count all the Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by the Germans, all deaths by natural causes, by traffic accidents, alcoholism, hunting accidents, and drownings -- because, technically they all happened "under Stalin".

The truth about Stalin is that he was one of history's great criminals for his use of forced slave labor, show trials, purges and use of political terror.

He was not interested in genocide. His goal was to build up the USSR with free slave labor, execute perceived political enemies, and terrify the population into submission.
To get to "50 million deaths under Stalin", you would probably not only have to count the deaths in the labor camps and purges, but count all the Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by the Germans, all deaths by natural causes, by traffic accidents, alcoholism, hunting accidents, and drownings -- because, technically they all happened "under Stalin".

The truth about Stalin is that he was one of history's great criminals for his use of forced slave labor, show trials, purges and use of political terror.

He was not interested in genocide. His goal was to build up the USSR with free slave labor, and terrify the population into submission.

Not to mention mass starvation from agriculture fuckups due to Communism.
Not to mention mass starvation from agriculture fuckups due to Communism.

I think the starvation in Ukraine should be laid at Stalin's feet because it was a result of the Communist party's cruel and inept attempt to collectivize agriculture.
May 2025,..Trump authorizes the euthanasia of all left wing thinkers. He was quoted as saying....." Screw the re education camps. Lets just cut to the chase and get this thing done!" :laugh:

Thanks for being honest. It's so hard to see someone be honest about hate. Thanks.
I think the starvation in Ukraine should be laid at Stalin's feet because it was a result of the Communist party's cruel and inept attempt to collectivize agriculture.

Which indicates several things:

1. Humans are great about weaponizing anything, including food and water. The viciousness of the naked ape continues to amaze me.

2. Communism, Socialism and other one party systems/dictatorships don't work...sometimes for different reasons.

3. Absolute power corrupts people.

Humans are evolved animals. Apes with a brain. Often good tree climbers. :thup:

Apes who are continually evolving physically, socially and psychologically. We can evolve as individuals, as cultures and as a species.

Oddly, and of some interest to me, are those who choose not to evolve, not to grow, not to change.

Isn't that odd to you? Why would someone choose not to grow? Choose to stay static? Not move like a tree; alive, but not really doing much?

Worse, what kind of idiot wants to move backwards?
Which indicates several things:

1. Humans are great about weaponizing anything, including food and water. The viciousness of the naked ape continues to amaze me.

2. Communism, Socialism and other one party systems/dictatorships don't work...sometimes for different reasons.

3. Absolute power corrupts people.

Humans are evolved animals. Apes with a brain. Often good tree climbers. :thup:

Apes who are continually evolving physically, socially and psychologically. We can evolve as individuals, as cultures and as a species.

Oddly, and of some interest to me, are those who choose not to evolve, not to grow, not to change.

Isn't that odd to you? Why would someone choose not to grow? Choose to stay static? Not move like a tree; alive, but not really doing much?

Worse, what kind of idiot wants to move backwards?

You seem to lack a soul. What happened to it?