Vienna Nazi art show seeks to address WWII leg=Despicable part of history.

Provide a body of reputable, peer reviewed literature that concludes Stalin was directly responsible for 50 million deaths.

I believe in Historical accuracy.

The reputable literature I have seen is 1 to 2 million dead in the Gulag labor camps, 700,000 executed in great purges, and 3 to 5 million starved to death in Ukraine, though it is a subject of scholarly debate if this was intentional policy of mass murder, or the consequences of inept and cruel Soviet attempts to collectivize agriculture.

You cannot count the 12 to 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by German armies or in Nazi prison camps as being due to Stalin.

You can count the 60 million of his own people Stalin starved, outright killed, or sent to the Gulags. <more about Mao, but I'm leaving it.

Here's the meat and potatoes:
Ah more Hitler shit. You know he's dead right? He has been for awhile.

Yet there are still so many who think he was an all around good guy with an unfortunate haircut. We need to keep telling folks what a $hiteating whaleturd he really was so that his fanclub doesn't normalize him and we all wind up with bad haircuts in solidarity.
Yet there are still so many who think he was an all around good guy with an unfortunate haircut. We need to keep telling folks what a $hiteating whaleturd he really was so that his fanclub doesn't normalize him and we all wind up with bad haircuts in solidarity.

Thats Fair.
Hitler reigned for 10 years in a tiny country. Stalin reigned for 30 years in a yuge country. :thinking:

Do the math. You know... SCIENCE?

You are aware Hitler wasnt just murdering Jews in Germany right? Most were killed in Poland btw....
Hitler reigned for 10 years in a tiny country. Stalin reigned for 30 years in a yuge country. :thinking:

Do the math. You know... SCIENCE?

You are aware Hitler wasnt just murdering Jews in Germany right? Most were killed in Poland btw....
I think Lefty needs a trip to the Library. They have these things called BOOKS there. Maps and Atlases too!:laugh:
It is not bullshit my friend and I can prove it to you. I trust you enuff to report back the truth. Heres what you do.......take a few days or so and when you are in casual conversation with a friend ask them who they think the biggest mass murderer in history is. 75% if not more will answer back..... Hitler. Which is actually an ABSURD answer considering the amount of people the Communist leaders have killed. Hitler.....6-7 million. Stalin.....40 to 50 million. Mao.......80-100 million. Yet most will answer Hitler. Reason being...... a concerted effort has been made in our school systems for several decades to talk very little about what the Communist leaders have done. This was NOT DONE by conservatives naturally. Try it for yourself,....seriously,....not a doubt in my mind it will go EXACTLY like I have laid out. I know,...I have done it and also encouraged others to do the same. In all cases it came back exactly the same. It will for you too.

It may work out as you say...but that does not negate my comments about your comments.

It is bullshit to assert that left wing people have ALWAYS disliked talking about evil left wing figures of the past.

That is pure nonsense dreamed up by you...which are attempting to bolster by proposing an informal poll that simply does not go to the bit of bullshit.

I might actually say Hitler just to get past a bullshit question on the street like that...but if the question were asked in a formal setting, and if the question were set up so that more than one could be chosen, I would not stop with Hitler.
There have been all sorts of barbarians throughout history...and as a percentage of world population, people like Genghis Khan easily rise to the top. The warring factions of what is now the Middle East...killed higher percentages. I hope if asked on the street (as you say you have done) I would answer, "There are so many. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all come to mind."

In fact many openly attempt to hide the atrocities committed.

And this statement is not even worthy of "Bullshit." It is intended, as so many comments from right wingers these days, to incite the very thing you propose to ease up on.

Then why are you speaking so ignorantly on the subject? I find you to be an intelligent guy. Therefor I must conclude that either this is a subject you know little about,...OR...... you are simply trolling for effect.
Then why are you speaking so ignorantly on the subject? I find you to be an intelligent guy. Therefor I must conclude that either this is a subject you know little about,...OR...... you are simply trolling for effect.

Sighs. The point is YOU are using large number as a metric in comparing different regimes.

Let's try again, shall we?

Hitler reigned for 10 years, expanding his country.
Stalin reigned for 30 years in a huge country that is already taken.

Now do the math and it'll dawn on you it "large numbers" don't matter when you factor in other things.
It may work out as you say...but that does not negate my comments about your comments.

It is bullshit to assert that left wing people have ALWAYS disliked talking about evil left wing figures of the past.

That is pure nonsense dreamed up by you...which are attempting to bolster by proposing an informal poll that simply does not go to the bit of bullshit.

I might actually say Hitler just to get past a bullshit question on the street like that...but if the question were asked in a formal setting, and if the question were set up so that more than one could be chosen, I would not stop with Hitler.
There have been all sorts of barbarians throughout history...and as a percentage of world population, people like Genghis Khan easily rise to the top. The warring factions of what is now the Middle East...killed higher percentages. I hope if asked on the street (as you say you have done) I would answer, "There are so many. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all come to mind."

And this statement is not even worthy of "Bullshit." It is intended, as so many comments from right wingers these days, to incite the very thing you propose to ease up on.

You have to understand something my friend,....When I make the type of comments like the ones you are talking about in NO WAY am I talking about people like YOU or other reasonable democrats of which there are many. I am not. Now,...I will say that I should have made that much more clear in my posts. I am and was talking much more about the left wing extremist types and IMO there are again,....MANY.

Sighs. The point is YOU are using large number as a metric in comparing different regimes.

Let's try again, shall we?

Hitler reigned for 10 years, expanding his country.
Stalin reigned for 30 years in a huge country that is already taken.

Now do the math and it'll dawn on you it "large numbers" don't matter when you factor in other things.

No problem. How many people did Stalin murder in his first five years? :laugh:
No problem. How many people did Stalin murder in his first five years? :laugh:

Now you're trolling. ;)

How many more people do you think would have died under Hitler had it reigned for 30 years?

It's a simple math even you can do it. :laugh:
Sighs. The point is YOU are using large number as a metric in comparing different regimes.

Let's try again, shall we?

Hitler reigned for 10 years, expanding his country.
Stalin reigned for 30 years in a huge country that is already taken.

Now do the math and it'll dawn on you it "large numbers" don't matter when you factor in other things.


For me, now comes the fun part: when a person posts something that is obviously a piece of truth twisted into a big lie, are they doing it because they are evil cocksuckers or because they are fucking stupid?

To help, I look for little clues such as other logic errors, signs of a poor education or technical skills like the ability to hyperlink a thread or go back and correct a post.