Visa, Mastercard suspend operations in Russia

Too bad they just can't figure out a better way to do that.

There are. Joining the military, the Peace Corps or religious missions are positive experiences. Unfortunately most Americans are more interested in Tik-Tok videos and money. Sad
Hello Dutch,

There are. Joining the military, the Peace Corps or religious missions are positive experiences. Unfortunately most Americans are more interested in Tik-Tok videos and money. Sad

Capitalism instills dumb ideas into the heads of the unsuspecting masses. How many shoot-em-up / revenge movies & shows do we really need?

It could be argued that profiteers are only giving the masses what they want, but who is making them want that? The profiteers themselves?
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

A better way for young men to test their mettle would be getting a higher education and trying to figure out how to solve the problems of the world.

That works for intelligent people with access to higher education. No so much for the younger Trumpers like AHZ, Son of the Revolution and the like due to low IQ and low financial assets. Sure, they could do it like I did by working, community college, etc but they aren't interested. Ergo, they won't do it.

They want the easy way with means no effort on their part and just handouts from Uncle Sam like they imagine all Black people are getting. Another reason to bring back the draft. LOL
There are. Joining the military, the Peace Corps or religious missions are positive experiences. Unfortunately most Americans are more interested in Tik-Tok videos and money. Sad

military is the same thing as war, foolbox.

you don't have to join dumb shit to be a real man, dum dum.
There are. Joining the military, the Peace Corps or religious missions are positive experiences. Unfortunately most Americans are more interested in Tik-Tok videos and money. Sad

Of course young ppl are interested in money. That's what makes the world go round, especially if you live in a capitalist culture.
Hello Dutch,

That works for intelligent people with access to higher education. No so much for the younger Trumpers like AHZ, Son of the Revolution and the like due to low IQ and low financial assets. Sure, they could do it like I did by working, community college, etc but they aren't interested. Ergo, they won't do it.

They want the easy way with means no effort on their part and just handouts from Uncle Sam like they imagine all Black people are getting. Another reason to bring back the draft. LOL

Another argument for free college. As long as one applies oneself and gets good grades financial resources should not be an impediment to becoming more educated.

The results of having a poorly educated nation have become painstakingly obvious as Trump declared he loves the uneducated.
Hello Dutch,

Capitalism instills dumb ideas into the heads of the unsuspecting masses. How many shoot-em-up / revenge movies & shows do we really need?

It could be argued that profiteers are only giving the masses what they want, but who is making them want that? The profiteers themselves? want to ban capitalism and movies in place of a Nanny State which knows better?

If so, I disagree. The fact remains human beings have always fallen within a range of traits and that range usually follows a bell curve in some way. People like AHZ and SOTR won't become NASA engineers, airline pilots or computer experts. In fact, from what I've observed, they are unable to attain any high level of expertise in a technical field. Being on JPP is about their limit. They're the type who need to learn a trade because their brains are on the backside of the human curve.

Something like this can be used to place them:

FWIW; the race placement is cultural, not genetic. Culture can be changed over time but a person raised to adulthood in a culture is unlikely to want to change. Change they can, but most people won't. They'll stay in their comfort zones like AHZ and SOTR
That works for intelligent people with access to higher education. No so much for the younger Trumpers like AHZ, Son of the Revolution and the like due to low IQ and low financial assets. Sure, they could do it like I did by working, community college, etc but they aren't interested. Ergo, they won't do it.

They want the easy way with means no effort on their part and just handouts from Uncle Sam like they imagine all Black people are getting. Another reason to bring back the draft. LOL

My rejection of globalist brainwash makes me smarter than you.

Your idiotic love of war and anti-individualism proves you're stupid.
Another argument for free college. As long as one applies oneself and gets good grades financial resources should not be an impediment to becoming more educated.

The results of having a poorly educated nation have become painstakingly obvious as Trump declared he loves the uneducated.

Free college and/or trade schools. We need more plumbers and electricians and mechanics and day care providers than we do history majors or lawyers.
Of course young ppl are interested in money. That's what makes the world go round, especially if you live in a capitalist culture.

"capitalist" culture is like saying "store owner culture". Sure, everyone wants to succeed but it's the choices they make to succeed that define them. Cheating customers, theft and lying may serve Trumpers and other political extremists but not me. Quality of life matters too. After 9/11 there was a trend where the Yuppies (remember them?) stopped chasing money and struck a balance between money and quality of family life. They took demotions and/or moved to other cities where quality of life was better albeit not as profitable.

The US is seeing that now with workers not returning to certain jobs. It'll take a few years to sort out but I'm guess there will be a mixture of lazy fuckwads living at home (e.g. AHZ, SotR) and people who may be living at home but they are going to night classes or online classes working toward a better future.

That said, like anything created by mankind, capitalism is a tool and it's up to the user to use it in a good way or a bad way. Most of that is determined by culture.
Nah. A lot of ppl who have served think that way; it was good for them so why not for everyone? He also has a good point about young men needing to blow off steam. IMO though war is not the answer for that.

most of them wish they had never gone to war.

you're a disgusting cheerleader for violence, saying that retarded shit.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Free college and/or trade schools. We need more plumbers and electricians and mechanics and day care providers than we do history majors or lawyers.

Agreed. And free daycare for American workers!

The lack of which effectively punishes American workers fir having American babies.
Free college and/or trade schools. We need more plumbers and electricians and mechanics and day care providers than we do history majors or lawyers.

No such thing as "free". :D

Agreed that some people are best served by learning a trade, not going to college. While I agree that modern society seems to require higher education to become a successful member of it, that education can be in a vo-tech, adult night classes, a community college or joining a US agency training program.
most of them wish they had never gone to war.

you're a disgusting cheerleader for violence, saying that retarded shit.

WTF are you spazzing out about NOW? Seriously, what is wrong with you? Did you completely skip over my last sentence? "IMO though war is not the answer for that."?

Never mind replying. You just want to troll and quibble. Knock yourself out. Here's someone who will fight with you. :laugh:

most of them wish they had never gone to war.

you're a disgusting cheerleader for violence, saying that retarded shit.

Says one of the many assholes who loved being lied to war in Iraq

And helped puff Putins head full of strong man ass licking for years

You ideas are meaningless you utter failure of a human being
No such thing as "free". :D

Agreed that some people are best served by learning a trade, not going to college. While I agree that modern society seems to require higher education to become a successful member of it, that education can be in a vo-tech, adult night classes, a community college or joining a US agency training program.

Libraries, public schools, interstate highways, etc. are "free." We all chip in a little something via our taxes to enable all of us to share. There is no reason why we cannot do the same with community colleges and/or trade schools. It is to our mutual benefit to have educated, productive citizens. Either we want that, or we want to sit around wringing our hands about unemployable people who need public assistance.