Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Hello ThatOwlWoman,
Agreed. And free daycare for American workers!
The lack of which effectively punishes American workers fir having American babies.
Soooo...am I being punished for driving an RV to work if they won't let me park in two spaces? What about the controversy of making passengers over a certain weight have to buy two tickets? It's not just a true weight & balance issue but a comfort one for both the overweight passenger and their seatmates.
Sorry, but if people want to have babies, that's up to them. I see no reason why I have to pay for their way more than I am now. My taxes for schools last year was over $6K...and I don't have anyone in school.

OTOH, large corporations should be encouraged to provide daycare for their workers if those workers cannot work from home. Working from hope is a major trend in the Digital Age. Same for online learning.
While I disagree with the idea of "free college" meaning paying for student to hang out at the dorm and smoke pot, I do support a Federal/State online education program where citizens can go to a public library or access from home an education program where the only time they have to show up are for tests and labs. Those costs can be mitigated with low interest loans limited to a specific range of tests and labs. Example, no "Yoga Sex Parties" or other frivolous "education" classes.