Visa, Mastercard suspend operations in Russia

Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Agreed. And free daycare for American workers!

The lack of which effectively punishes American workers fir having American babies. I being punished for driving an RV to work if they won't let me park in two spaces? What about the controversy of making passengers over a certain weight have to buy two tickets? It's not just a true weight & balance issue but a comfort one for both the overweight passenger and their seatmates.

Sorry, but if people want to have babies, that's up to them. I see no reason why I have to pay for their way more than I am now. My taxes for schools last year was over $6K...and I don't have anyone in school. :)

OTOH, large corporations should be encouraged to provide daycare for their workers if those workers cannot work from home. Working from hope is a major trend in the Digital Age. Same for online learning.

While I disagree with the idea of "free college" meaning paying for student to hang out at the dorm and smoke pot, I do support a Federal/State online education program where citizens can go to a public library or access from home an education program where the only time they have to show up are for tests and labs. Those costs can be mitigated with low interest loans limited to a specific range of tests and labs. Example, no "Yoga Sex Parties" or other frivolous "education" classes.
Says one of the many assholes who loved being lied to war in Iraq

And helped puff Putins head full of strong man ass licking for years

You ideas are meaningless you utter failure of a human being

I regret my stance on iraq.

I was a fool.

You havent changed.

here we have an example of destructive lefty no redemption cancel culture.
WTF are you spazzing out about NOW? Seriously, what is wrong with you? Did you completely skip over my last sentence? "IMO though war is not the answer for that."?

Never mind replying. You just want to troll and quibble. Knock yourself out. Here's someone who will fight with you. :laugh:


after saying, "why not for everyone".

at best you're speaking in self negating retard contradictions.

Libraries, public schools, interstate highways, etc. are "free." We all chip in a little something via our taxes to enable all of us to share. There is no reason why we cannot do the same with community colleges and/or trade schools. It is to our mutual benefit to have educated, productive citizens. Either we want that, or we want to sit around wringing our hands about unemployable people who need public assistance.

Taxes cost taxpayers. Taking out of my pocket so AHZ can take a class on how to pump gas is not "free". As mentioned previously, I'm already out of pocket $6K, even at over 65, and now, as a retiree on a fixed income, you want me to pay more? Sorry, I vote no. Start online college which is a cheaper alternative and lets see how that works out first.

Agreed there's a social good out of taxes but it's not a money tree as Democrats are so eager to believe.
Says one of the many assholes who loved being lied to war in Iraq

And helped puff Putins head full of strong man ass licking for years

You ideas are meaningless you utter failure of a human being

Agreed. Notice he hates the US and condemns our actions but sides with those supporting Trump, Putin and Kim...if not tacitly supporting Xi.
I regret my stance on iraq.

I was a fool.

You havent changed.

here we have an example of destructive lefty no redemption cancel culture.

Oh how nice you realize your mistake 20 years too late

Will it take 20 more years to admit you are wrong now too?

Your a failure at this shit

You are meaningless
Hello Dutch,

Another argument for free college. As long as one applies oneself and gets good grades financial resources should not be an impediment to becoming more educated.

The results of having a poorly educated nation have become painstakingly obvious as Trump declared he loves the uneducated.

That's what I had in the 70s. Are you saying it isn't like that now?

The problem of a poorly educated nation isn't overall poverty. It's overall laziness. While a big deal is made about African-Americans, let's not forget they only constitute <13% of the population and, using a standard Bell Curve, that means only about 7% or less are fit to go to college if they want to do so. Not all do depending upon their culture and family relations.

Same thing with other racial groups.

Euro-Americans are about 60% so, using the Bell Curve, only about 30% would be eligible for college at best..and only if they want to go. So why aren't they taking night classes? Studying for free at Khan Academy? Going to Vo-Tech? IMO, because they are lazy slackers. :)

You are always wrong in the end asshole

Take up some other hobby

You suck at understanding the world of politics


I have the globalists dead to rights. they're stupid and evil, like you, not pragmatic and intelligent as they like to pretend.
That's what I had in the 70s. Are you saying it isn't like that now?

The problem of a poorly educated nation isn't overall poverty. It's overall laziness. While a big deal is made about African-Americans, let's not forget they only constitute <13% of the population and, using a standard Bell Curve, that means only about 7% or less are fit to go to college if they want to do so. Not all do depending upon their culture and family relations.

Same thing with other racial groups.

Euro-Americans are about 60% so, using the Bell Curve, only about 30% would be eligible for college at best..and only if they want to go. So why aren't they taking night classes? Studying for free at Khan Academy? Going to Vo-Tech? IMO, because they are lazy slackers. :)


ok, boomer.

go eat your applesauce.
Oh how nice you realize your mistake 20 years too late

Will it take 20 more years to admit you are wrong now too?

Your a failure at this shit

You are meaningless
...and too late for the 4,431 total US deaths in Iraq and 31,994 wounded in action (WIA). The trillion+ dollars that evaporated out of US taxpayers pockets shouldn't be dismissed either.
You are always wrong in the end asshole

Take up some other hobby

You suck at understanding the world of politics
He's an infantile troll. Angry because no one believes his bullshit.

OTOH, he talks big but doesn't even have the balls to be in Insurrectionist like his fellow idiot shown here:


As this thread proves, he just sits on his ass throwing spitballs when he's ignored by his betters.

I have the globalists dead to rights. they're stupid and evil, like you, not pragmatic and intelligent as they like to pretend.

You keep turning out to be wrong you fucking idiot

You get it wrong all the time

Fuck you

Your worthless
ok, boomer.

go eat your applesauce.

You keep proving to be wrong idiot

I’ve known you for over a decade

You are always wrong

Fuck off

You have no reputation to turn to

Shut down your stupid claims of ever being correct in your stance

Your worthless
You keep proving to be wrong idiot

I’ve known you for over a decade

You are always wrong

Fuck off

You have no reputation to turn to

Shut down your stupid claims of ever being correct in your stance

Your worthless
Like several other personalities on JPP, he has a victim mentality where he blames others for his life's failures. It's always someone else's fault, never his as proved by his posts.

Note this post from SotR this morning which displays the same weakness:
fucking liberal mod always silence people she disagrees with
BTW, I reported it under Rule 17. He's another untrainable moron who'd never benefit from "free college". He'd just be a money pit. Completely worthless like AHZ and all losers who refuse to take responsibility for themselves.
They are lie filled idiots or Russo bot holes

Either way they need to be reminded every time they post that they are never correct in the end

Their known for failure not insight

They deserve scorn not respect

They are mega maga losers
They are lie filled idiots or Russo bot holes

Either way they need to be reminded every time they post that they are never correct in the end

Their known for failure not insight

They deserve scorn not respect

They are mega maga losers

Most, I suspect, are elderly, demented and lonely males in a retirement home. Getting chewed out by you is the closest thing they've had to sex in a decade or two.
Hello Dutch,

No such thing as "free". :D

Agreed that some people are best served by learning a trade, not going to college. While I agree that modern society seems to require higher education to become a successful member of it, that education can be in a vo-tech, adult night classes, a community college or joining a US agency training program.

The payback to society is worth the government providing a useful education for good workers, whether they are trade or higher education jobs.

-The government gets more revenue because higher-paid workers pay higher taxes for the rest of their working career.

-The government has lower expenses for police, courts, and prisons because when people make good money they have less reason to get in trouble with the law.

There certainly is no such thing as free, but there just as certainly is such a thing as pay-back.:clink:
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Libraries, public schools, interstate highways, etc. are "free." We all chip in a little something via our taxes to enable all of us to share. There is no reason why we cannot do the same with community colleges and/or trade schools. It is to our mutual benefit to have educated, productive citizens. Either we want that, or we want to sit around wringing our hands about unemployable people who need public assistance.

We can pay for education or we can pay for prisons.

Choose education!
Hello Dutch, I being punished for driving an RV to work if they won't let me park in two spaces? What about the controversy of making passengers over a certain weight have to buy two tickets? It's not just a true weight & balance issue but a comfort one for both the overweight passenger and their seatmates.

Sorry, but if people want to have babies, that's up to them. I see no reason why I have to pay for their way more than I am now. My taxes for schools last year was over $6K...and I don't have anyone in school. :)

OTOH, large corporations should be encouraged to provide daycare for their workers if those workers cannot work from home. Working from hope is a major trend in the Digital Age. Same for online learning.

While I disagree with the idea of "free college" meaning paying for student to hang out at the dorm and smoke pot, I do support a Federal/State online education program where citizens can go to a public library or access from home an education program where the only time they have to show up are for tests and labs. Those costs can be mitigated with low interest loans limited to a specific range of tests and labs. Example, no "Yoga Sex Parties" or other frivolous "education" classes.

Let the zero fee tuition program cover 4-year community colleges, not free room and board at the state level. It's up to the college to create and enforce rules. Let the students in the program prove they deserve their education by maintaining a minimum GPA and staying out of trouble.