WA teen who mistook hiker for bear gets 30 days

Ohh the old everyones a victim theme. :cry:
Amd here I was thinking that was a liberal thing?

The kid deserves to pay, the real victim and family does not.
Who said he was a victim or that he didn't have to pay? You lack empathy. Part of what went through the kid's mind is the realization that he would have to pay.
Yeah 30 days of payment....
Our laws note the difference between accidental and purposed killing. If you don't like that change the law, don't blame the kid if you don't think his sentence was harsh enough.

None of that changes what I said before. I feel for everybody involved, what this kid has gone through is more than most on this site ever will. He will pay far more than this 30 day sentence.
i've followed this story and it is a fucking tragedy. i don't even know what justice is in this case. from the facts given in the papers, it seems she was wearing bright clothes....i have no doubt the kid wholly regrets the shot, but i cannot for the life of me figure out how that mistake occurred.

IMO...the punishment doesn't fit the crime
What punishment would? You're right, it's a horrible tragedy. Should the kid be severly punished for his mistake? Yes. Should his life be ruined even though he destroyed this persons life? I don't think so. One things for sure. He should never be permitted to hunt again. Glad I'm not the judge on this one.
His parents are undoubtedly rightwingers, 14yr old hunting shooting at noise.
yeah we need more guns.
Bullshit. I was hunting deer and pheasant at 14. If they had bear in rural Ohio I probably would have hunted them to (Though I did go bear huntin in Canada as an adult).
manslaughter ought to be more than 30 days

It really depends on the manslaughter. If it's heavily negligent or if it's reckless, yes, the sentence should be harsh.

In modern law the intent should really be more important than the result. The result was horrible, yes, but so is the result of a natural disaster. When there was no intention and something horrible happens, well, it's a disaster more than a murder.
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the lowest kind of manslaughter (??? reckless) still needs to be way more than 30days.
How about 8yrs
Toppy, you're forgetting that we give minors much lighter sentences to begin with... The "usual" sentencing for manslaughter becomes an irrelevant speculation at that point.
My theory: this kid killed her on purpose knowing he could claim he thought she was a bear wearing a brightly colored windbreaker. If it wasn't on purpose, it was intentionally careless.

The kid should be put down. He's obviously a dumbass conservative.