The remora of JPP
A vaccine for a virus contains a weakened form of that virus. That's how vaccines work.
So Covid-19 is real.
A vaccine for a virus contains a weakened form of that virus. That's how vaccines work.
Do you understand the purpose of the vaccine?
No it doesn't.
So Covid-19 is real.
Exactly my point.
Then why did you bring it up??
This is a VERY revealing statement from Dr Leana Wen, so let's dive a bit deeper into it and break it down... First, the statement itself...
“We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status because if everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be… How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine… So that’s why I think the CDC & the Biden admin need to come out a lot bolder & say “if you’re vaccinated, you can do all these things…here are all the freedoms that you have, because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms ANYWAY.”
Now, let's dive right into it...
“We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status
Here, Dr Wen is being very revealing. She is telling us that there is indeed a concerted effort to not only make reopening dependent upon the receiving of a vaccination, but also to entice as many people as possible (as quickly as possible) to receive this vaccination [dangling the carrot of "return to normal" in front of our faces to entice us to behave in a certain way]. This is absolutely disgusting behavior. Also, does this not sound a lot like the fear mongering "act now" scams that one sees pop up here and there? Just something to think about... Let's continue...
because if everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be… How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine…
Here, Dr Wen comes right out and even uses the word "carrot", openly telling us that lockdowns and other covid regulations are purposely in place NOT for any sort of "safety measures" but actually for the purpose of government being able to dangle a carrot (of "return to normal") above people's heads to condition them to behave in a certain way (in this case, to receive a vaccination).
So that’s why I think the CDC & the Biden admin need to come out a lot bolder & say “if you’re vaccinated, you can do all these things…
Here, Dr Wen is further cementing the truth of the matter, wanting the federal government (and its agencies) to act even MORE authoritarian and to more intensely "dangle the carrot" above people's heads. Government is quite literally scamming people into giving up their freedoms and then claiming that they will "return those freedoms back" IF people get vaccinated. It's absolutely disgusting.
here are all the freedoms that you have, because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms ANYWAY.”
Here, Dr Wen admits, IF people were to stop falling for the fear mongering "carrot dangle" trick, that they would just enjoy freedom WITHOUT getting vaccinated (oh no!!!).
This is why decent people, who know better and are aware of this scam yet are still complying with it out of fear of being hassled, need to stand up proud, make their voices heard, and start REFUSING to comply. Such continued compliance is what allows sick shit like this to continue happening...
I have argued no such thing. You must have me confused with someone else.
So Covid-19 is real.
Americans have rallied around the medical profession since the country was formed. When the polio vaccine was created in the 1950s, the medics went to schools and inoculated the kids. It was defeated.
When the smallpox vaccine was found, we inoculated everyone. It was defeated. Gone. Typhoid was beaten by vaccinating a whole city.
Other diseases we defeated through vaccines are Tetanus, Rubella, Hib, Measles, pertussis, mumps, chickenpox and, diphtheria. there are others beaten around the globe.
The reason they were eradicated is you right-wing snowflakes were not around then. People accepted medical science. You dumb shits think you know more than doctors. Your stubborn stupidity may stop the vaccine efforts from stopping an epidemic. You should be proud.
This is truly a display of proud ignorance that we all will pay for.
Correct. It was poor word choice on my part upon rereading.
While I typed that, I was mentally referring to the wheat and tares parable where the good seed was sowed by the Son of Man and the tares were sowed by Satan. I was making a "seed of Satan" reference in likewise manner to that parable where the tares were referred to as being sown by Satan.
Of course, God is the source of all life. Maybe 'followers' or 'adherents' would've been a better word choice than 'seed'.
Yes. The vaccine IS the virus.
None of those diseases are eradicated dude. They still exist. Right-wingers existed even at that time, dude.Americans have rallied around the medical profession since the country was formed. When the polio vaccine was created in the 1950s, the medics went to schools and inoculated the kids. It was defeated.
When the smallpox vaccine was found, we inoculated everyone. It was defeated. Gone. Typhoid was beaten by vaccinating a whole city.
Other diseases we defeated through vaccines are Tetanus, Rubella, Hib, Measles, pertussis, mumps, chickenpox and, diphtheria. there are others beaten around the globe.
The reason they were eradicated is you right-wing snowflakes were not around then. People accepted medical science. You dumb shits think you know more than doctors. Your stubborn stupidity may stop the vaccine efforts from stopping an epidemic. You should be proud.
This is truly a display of proud ignorance that we all will pay for.
Do you understand why people get the Trump vaccine?
I think everyone who has participated in this thread is in agreement that covid-19 is real. No one has asserted otherwise.It is,
ITN is not completely wrong. He fully understands what a vaccine is and how it works, but I think he's just assuming that the covid jabs are being made like any other vaccine and would thus work like any other vaccine works. For instance, a flu vaccine contains flu, a polio vaccine contains polio, a pertussis vaccine contains pertussis, and etc... Vaccines contain a weakened form of the virus itself. Upon getting injected with that weakened virus, one's body then does its thing, defeats the virus, and remembers the virus for future exposure to it. Of course, one can also naturally become exposed to the virus itself, defeat it, and remember it for future exposure (without receiving exposure via a vaccine).and as usual, ITN is completely wrong.
If the CDC is providing accurate information about each jab, then these jabs are NOT vaccines (iow, their mechanisms are different from that of vaccines). It sounds to me as if this jab is something else entirely, yet is still attempting to mimic how a vaccine works without making use of the actual virus as a vaccine makes use of.That's NOT how this vaccine works.
He knows A LOT about A LOT of different things, much more than I happen to know. Like I said, it seems to me that he is assuming, since this covid jab is being labeled as a "vaccine", that this jab works like all other vaccines work.It's amazing just how little he knows.
Obviously it can't lead to a covid infection if it doesn't contain covid, but it CAN make you sick in other ways (such as allergic reactions, including allergic reactions to the other ingredients in it, such as the polyethylene glycol that is in the Moderna jab). Receiving this jab can also potentially lead to other currently known side effects and reactions, such as painful skin redness and skin peeling, bell's palsy, anaphylactic shock and various other autoimmune issues (which can lead, and have already led to, death in some people)."Can a COVID-19 vaccine make me sick with COVID-19?
No. .None of the authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines or COVID-19 vaccines currently in development in the United States contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. This means that a COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19."
Because they think that it will protect them from becoming infected with covid.Why do people want to get the Trump vaccine (virus) injected into them?
I can't speak for your experiences where you reside, but for my personal experiences in Madison, I can agree with you that it is rather alarming the number of people who, to this very day, wear their masks while alone inside of their cars. I also see many people double masking (even while doing cardio along the sidewalk). However, whenever I am outside of Madison (which is very often, as I do not live there), I cannot say that I have observed such behavior as I have observed within Madison. I still see plenty of people wearing a single mask, but they don't wear them inside of their vehicles.The number of people that I am still seeing wearing a mask when they are alone in their car is alarming.
To be fair, there are more than two possibilities, but I do think that both of those possibilities apply (sometimes simultaneously). Other people do so because they are literally THAT deathly afraid of becoming infected with covid.There are only two possibilities....these people are supremely stupid....or the mask is intended to be a symbol of obedience to the Revolution.
I can't speak for your experiences where you reside, but for my personal experiences in Madison, I can agree with you that it is rather alarming the number of people who, to this very day, wear their masks while alone inside of their cars. I also see many people double masking (even while doing cardio along the sidewalk). However, whenever I am outside of Madison (which is very often, as I do not live there), I cannot say that I have observed such behavior as I have observed within Madison. I still see plenty of people wearing a single mask, but they don't wear them inside of their vehicles.
To be fair, there are more than two possibilities, but I do think that both of those possibilities apply (sometimes simultaneously). Other people do so because they are literally THAT deathly afraid of becoming infected with covid.