I always lament the change that has taken place over my short lifetime in Sun Prairie, what used to be a small conservative leaning city on the outskirts of Madison, separate from Madison.

We were told that there would always be a "green space" kept between Madison and Sun Prairie. That was a lie. Urban sprawl has now swallowed up Sun Prairie, and Sun Prairie has now become a suburb of Madison. Sun Prairie's population has more than doubled over the last 30 years, and liberals have overtaken its government. As of the last few years, it has turned into a shithole, just as Madison is a shithole. Crime is increasing, homelessness is increasing, and all the problems of Madison are now increasing in prevalence in Sun Prairie.

Thankfully, I do not live in either city.

Funny how such promises tend to get chuck into the 'forget it' tray.
RQAA. Stop asking this question over and over. It's mindless.

Because you won't admit people are taking the vaccine it so they won't get sick from the virus. Your unwillingness to admit this fact is mindless. You try to make a disease a political issue.

This is a VERY revealing statement from Dr Leana Wen, so let's dive a bit deeper into it and break it down... First, the statement itself...

“We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status because if everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be… How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine… So that’s why I think the CDC & the Biden admin need to come out a lot bolder & say “if you’re vaccinated, you can do all these things…here are all the freedoms that you have, because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms ANYWAY.”

Now, let's dive right into it...

“We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status
Here, Dr Wen is being very revealing. She is telling us that there is indeed a concerted effort to not only make reopening dependent upon the receiving of a vaccination, but also to entice as many people as possible (as quickly as possible) to receive this vaccination [dangling the carrot of "return to normal" in front of our faces to entice us to behave in a certain way]. This is absolutely disgusting behavior. Also, does this not sound a lot like the fear mongering "act now" scams that one sees pop up here and there? Just something to think about... Let's continue...

because if everything is reopened, then what’s the carrot going to be… How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine…
Here, Dr Wen comes right out and even uses the word "carrot", openly telling us that lockdowns and other covid regulations are purposely in place NOT for any sort of "safety measures" but actually for the purpose of government being able to dangle a carrot (of "return to normal") above people's heads to condition them to behave in a certain way (in this case, to receive a vaccination).

So that’s why I think the CDC & the Biden admin need to come out a lot bolder & say “if you’re vaccinated, you can do all these things…
Here, Dr Wen is further cementing the truth of the matter, wanting the federal government (and its agencies) to act even MORE authoritarian and to more intensely "dangle the carrot" above people's heads. Government is quite literally scamming people into giving up their freedoms and then claiming that they will "return those freedoms back" IF people get vaccinated. It's absolutely disgusting.

here are all the freedoms that you have, because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms ANYWAY.”
Here, Dr Wen admits, IF people were to stop falling for the fear mongering "carrot dangle" trick, that they would just enjoy freedom WITHOUT getting vaccinated (oh no!!!).

This is why decent people, who know better and are aware of this scam yet are still complying with it out of fear of being hassled, need to stand up proud, make their voices heard, and start REFUSING to comply. Such continued compliance is what allows sick shit like this to continue happening...
Yes, this isn't some evil plan.

Obviously, the goal is to vaccinate the maximum number possible.

Obviously, the goal is to remove the mask/social distancing restrictions ASAP.

Obviously, when the restrictions are lifted the desire to be vaccinated will be reduced because what is the point.

So yes, through manipulation, the administration is trying to get as many Americans vaccinated as possible.

Nothing evil about this. Human Behavior 101... positive reinforcement works and without negative reinforcement behavior won't change.

Hopefully, people continue to be vaccinated in large numbers. The bipartisan effort by trump and President Biden to make this our reality should be celebrated.

Unfortunately, those who place party over country have been fighting it from the beginning. Truly, both sides are guilty of being stupid for trying to negate the importance of receiving the vaccine ASAP.

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Unfortunately, those who place party over country have been fighting it from the beginning.

It's a culture war, not a political dispute.
Facts are irrelevant in culture wars.
Right and wrong have no place in the equation.
In a culture war, they're both meaningless concepts.

Culture wars are about "us" and "them."

If you just say, "I profoundly hate you, you motherfucking pervert," you've given all the explanation that's required.

Why doesn't everybody realize this by now?
It's a culture war, not a political dispute.
Facts are irrelevant in culture wars.
Right and wrong have no place in the equation.
In a culture war, they're both meaningless concepts.

Culture wars are about "us" and "them."

If you just say, "I profoundly hate you, you motherfucking pervert," you've given all the explanation that's required.

Why doesn't everybody realize this by now?

However culture and politics are often the same. When trump was president it was liberals questioning the vaccine. The moment President Biden was sworn in Republicans questioned the vaccine.

Ironically, the same Republicans who still want trump to receiving credit for the vaccine now refuse to take.

That said, your broader point about culture wars makes sense.