Want a Job? Get a Shot!

There are many fields that do not require a college education. And there are other jobs that require more than a college education. As an employer, I am allowed to "discriminate" against people without an education, because I am allowed to place reasonable job requirements.

and I would say that basing your decision upon a college degree alone makes you a moron..................
As America continues to get more totalitarian, and it will, it is only a matter of time before vaccines become effectively not refusable. That is a problem now that we have proven willing to mass vaccinate with rapidly developed very lightly tested substances. It is only a matter of time till we have a vaccine disaster.

When the polio vaccine was discovered, the government went to school and lined us up. We queued up in the gym, boys and girls, and simply took the shots. We ended a terrible disease. You cannot do that nowadays. We have to fight rightys to stop a flu. The rightys are a flock of Karens.
and I would say that basing your decision upon a college degree alone makes you a moron..................

If I want to hire a medical doctor, first step is they have to have a medical degree. I would completely discriminate against anyone who does not have a medical degree. If I want to hire a software engineer, I will consider someone without a college degree, but they are going to be discriminated against.

If I want to hire a navigator, I will completely discriminate against a flat earther.

Or here is one: if I want to hire an evolutionary biologist, there is no way I would hire a Creationist.
When the polio vaccine was discovered, the government went to school and lined us up. We queued up in the gym, boys and girls, and simply took the shots. We ended a terrible disease. You cannot do that nowadays. We have to fight rightys to stop a flu. The rightys are a flock of Karens.

What we are doing looks like it is highly irresponsible....there is almost no way that it is a good idea to be vaccinating anyone under 45 that does not have a few particular health problems.

And of course you dont want to talk about it, your mind was long ago nailed shut, making you useless, and you are an asshole to boot.

Please go away.

Note: I am a Progressive....have been for near 40 years....please attempt to retain this information.
We can make better sense than all of this nonsensical talk, or we can watch another half-million or so folks die unnecessarily.
Argument from randU fallacy. You are making up numbers again.
Wear your mask.
Masks do not stop a virus.
Get your inoculation.
If you want. Remember this is the mildest virus so far discovered of the Covid/SARS series.
Be considerate and a good citizen.
You do not get to dictate what is a 'good citizen'. You are not the king.
These are obviously the demands of a Hitlerian dictator if you're a complete fucking idiot.
These are pretty near self-evident if you're a normal, sentient human being.
So look at your own perspective and understand what you are.
You are acting like a dictator. Deal with it.
In most states, that case would be pre-dismissed by a judge, and no jury would ever see it.
You do not get to speak for any court, judge, or jury. You can only speak for yourself.
Because the contingent firing happened to everyone, no discrimination.
WRONG. It happens to those who have not been vaccinated. That is discrimination. It is illegal.
And no illegal discrimination on the hiring,
It is illegal discrimination.
as long as I can prove that I believe that it makes a difference in doing the job.
Makes not difference. It is illegal discrimination.
Mind you, I do not have to prove that it actually does make a difference, just that I believe it.
Irrelevent. You are breaking the law.
Anti-vaxxers are not a protected group.
Next you will be complaining that I hire educated people, and not you... so that is discrimination.
Pivot fallacy.
As America continues to get more totalitarian, and it will, it is only a matter of time before vaccines become effectively not refusable.
It is always refusable. Remember the totalitarian is in a small number, all Democrats. They have far less power than they think.
That is a problem now that we have proven willing to mass vaccinate with rapidly developed very lightly tested substances. It is only a matter of time till we have a vaccine disaster.
That sort of thing has already happened. It could certainly happen again.
And next you will tell me that I am discriminating against people who do not have an education. I am allowed to discriminate against people who fail to qualify for a job.
Pivot fallacy.
If one of the qualifications is having the vaccine, then it is not illegal discrimination. Anti-vaxxers are not a protected group, so there is no assumption of equality.
People who refuse a vaccine ARE A PROTECTED GROUP.
If I as an employer believe that not passing on Covid-19 to other people is important for a job, I can refuse to hire people who do not get the vaccine.
No you can't. You would be breaking the law.
It is always refusable. Remember the totalitarian is in a small number, all Democrats. They have far less power than they think.

That sort of thing has already happened. It could certainly happen again.

What is the greatest vaccine horror story you know, from the entire history of vaccines?
It is always refusable. Remember the totalitarian is in a small number, all Democrats. They have far less power than they think.

That sort of thing has already happened. It could certainly happen again.

Also do you know Bret Weinstein's work on telomeres, and how he found that everyone around vaccines plays sloppy, and that they were very not interested in dealing with his discovery that there might be a big problem with the mice are used to test vaccines?
When the polio vaccine was discovered, the government went to school and lined us up. We queued up in the gym, boys and girls, and simply took the shots. We ended a terrible disease. You cannot do that nowadays. We have to fight rightys to stop a flu. The rightys are a flock of Karens.

Covid19 is not an influenza series virus. It is a Covid/SARS series virus. It is the mildest virus so far discovered of this series.
Polio vaccine cannot be made required. Those who didn't want the vaccine could legally refuse it. The school still had to let them attend. Polio infection still occurs. it was not wiped out. At least 40 cases were noted just last year in the United States.

Insulting whole populations is not going to help you win arguments.
Also do you know Bret Weinstein's work on telomeres, and how he found that everyone around vaccines plays sloppy, and that they were very not interested in dealing with his discovery that there might be a big problem with the mice are used to test vaccines?

Enlighten us Chang, or Chong, or whatever the fuck your name is.
What is the greatest vaccine horror story you know, from the entire history of vaccines?

That rather depends on who you ask. The family that lost a child to an allergic reaction of a vaccine certainly would list that particular vaccine. As you know, allergic reactions to vaccines can occur with any vaccine. As for me, I have a personal story as well. A fellow I used to work for contracted polio as a child due to the vaccine. Rather than preventing polio, the vaccine in his case caused it. He lost the use of both legs, and grew up getting around on crutches.