Tranquillus in Exile
New member
Flat earth is a spoof similar to the satanic bible.
Neocons such as Dick Halliburton Cheney, Paul the Project for the New American Century Wolfowitz, Larry A. buy terrorist insurance Silverstein; planned, implemented, and covered up 911. These are real life court cases with overwhelming evidence.
The crime of the century is not going away, while flat earth is a fun study on the human mind.
The usual motive cited is that the Bush-Cheney gang wanted an excuse to invade Iraq. So they organized the 9/11 attacks and pinned them on 15 Saudis, 2 Emiratis, 1 Egyptian, 1 Lebanese, and 0 Iraqis Does that make sense?
It’s possible they were making a stab at being really subtle. Subtlety, thy name is Dubya!
Btw, the Flat Earth movement was a genuine conspiracy theory going back to 19th century England.