Was FDR a fascist?

I think you need to take a realistic view of your goals. Maybe you can convince California or New York, but the Southern Man would rather wipe his ass with an oak leaf as a free man that with a silk handkerchief under tyranny. And as the Cradle of Freedom The South will continue to guide the US on its proper path.

Yes, the South has such a long and upstanding record on freedom, it just boggles the mind. Fucking populists.
Yes, the South has such a long and upstanding record on freedom, it just boggles the mind. F[...]ing populists.
Yes Yes it does. And if you knew your real history of The South (not what's taught in schools) then you would repeat this, but without the sarcasm.
You are nuts. FDR's fascist NRA prolonged the depression by ensuring instability in the markets. It was not until after it was taken down by the Supremes that the economy was able to repair.

Um, no...FDR was not a fascist. FDR sucked balls, but he was not a fascist.

Learn not to argue with people that agree with you, Rstring.
I think you need to take a realistic view of your goals. Maybe you can convince California or New York, but the Southern Man would rather wipe his ass with an oak leaf as a free man that with a silk handkerchief under tyranny. And as the Cradle of Freedom The South will continue to guide the US on its proper path.

Yes, the region that had to abolish slavery after fighting the bloodiest war in American history to keep slaves is clearly the Cradle of Freedom.
Maybe both of you should learn HOW to argue civilly with people who generally agree with you.

He just made a mistake...he thought I was pissed off at this thread because I'm an FDR supporter, I guess.

I'm pissed off because I would rather be associated with Hitler than FDR-- at least Hitler was efficient (albeit evil).
He just made a mistake...he thought I was pissed off at this thread because I'm an FDR supporter, I guess.

I'm pissed off because I would rather be associated with Hitler than FDR-- at least Hitler was efficient (albeit evil).

Alright. I'll try my hardest to associate you with Hitler from now on.
Alright. I'll try my hardest to associate you with Hitler from now on.

I said I would rather be associated with him. That does not mean that I want to be associated with Hitler, because he wasn't much of a fascist, either. Nazism was a far cry from fascism, and an even farther cry from National Collaborativism.
He just made a mistake...he thought I was pissed off at this thread because I'm an FDR supporter, I guess.

I'm pissed off because I would rather be associated with Hitler than FDR-- at least Hitler was efficient (albeit evil).

Okay yeah I'll go ahead and not be associated with either Hitler or FDR.

I hate FDR more than most Americans do, but even I wouldn't put him quite up to Hitler's level.
I said I would rather be associated with him. That does not mean that I want to be associated with Hitler, because he wasn't much of a fascist, either. Nazism was a far cry from fascism, and an even farther cry from National Collaborativism.

I'm not sure "Hitler wasn't a perfect fascist" is really as good an argument as you think it is. :)
I'm not sure "Hitler wasn't a perfect fascist" is really as good an argument as you think it is. :)

Hitler wasn't even a good fascist. I really don't know how many times a person has to condemn the Holocaust before people get it.

I enter into a conversation on the assumption that we can all agree that Hitler was evil and that his Nazism shouldn't be emulated-- I hardly see why I have to spend an entire thread distancing myself from Hitler rather than actually discussing the issue itself.
How would you know?

FDR was a socialist SOB.

You weren't even born yet...never mind your professors told you so...right?

FDR was just a 'War President' at the end of the 'Great Depression'...what would you have done?...Criticisim is easy after the fact...'Arm Chair Quarterbacking' and all! FDR was in the era of the last of the conservative democrats...not socialist...it was not even fad then!:rolleyes:
Hitler wasn't even a good fascist. I really don't know how many times a person has to condemn the Holocaust before people get it.

I enter into a conversation on the assumption that we can all agree that Hitler was evil and that his Nazism shouldn't be emulated-- I hardly see why I have to spend an entire thread distancing myself from Hitler rather than actually discussing the issue itself.

The problem is, you think that Hitler was a great person, besides the holocaust. What's your opinion on Franco?
Hitler wasn't even a good fascist. I really don't know how many times a person has to condemn the Holocaust before people get it.

I enter into a conversation on the assumption that we can all agree that Hitler was evil and that his Nazism shouldn't be emulated-- I hardly see why I have to spend an entire thread distancing myself from Hitler rather than actually discussing the issue itself.

Fine fine. But you understand our trouble with it.

This is quite a leap from the practical discussion of political tactics and campaigns to the ever-zany world of political theory.

For the record, I know you don't support the Holocaust and I'm just ragging on you.
Um, no...FDR was not a fascist. FDR sucked balls, but he was not a fascist.

Learn not to argue with people that agree with you, Rstring.

Yeah, he was. The NRA was thoroughly fascist. It left property in private ownership but heavily regulated and directed it towards supposed "national goals."
The problem is, you think that Hitler was a great person, besides the holocaust. What's your opinion on Franco?

I think that, like all areas of life, the issue is far more complicated than the black and white that modern history would like us to follow.

Hitler had, as with any men, his good traits and his bad traits-- it just so happens that his bad traits were really, really horrible.

So yes, I think that there was some good in Hitler, in some areas. Certainly not all areas, and certainly not a lot of good. But some.

As for Franco, his reign would have been largely free of purging or persecution if it hadn't have been for some complicating events during the Civil War-- Franco, however, seemed more a man in search of an ideology that supported his authoritarianism more than an ideologue himself. If the Communists had financed him and aided him rather than Italy and Germany, I'm sure he would have sided with the left politically.

This is similar to Castro in Cuba, who only became pro-Soviet after the US more or less ignored/alienated him.
One thing does not make FDR fascist...he still remains a socialist douchebag.

When the one thing happens to be the definition of fascism, yes, it does. Fascism is a system that leaves property in private ownership yet directs its use through heavy regulation and direction by central planners.

Your definition seems to be based on how well it worked or some personality nonsense. I don't give a crap about personality. I don't give a crap if you liked FDR. I am attacking the insane notion you presented that fascism is effective economics. It is not and FDR's reign is a good example of how it fails.

Yes, FDR was a socialist douchebag as was Hitler.