Was Genesis mistranslated?

the Son of God is mentioned in the OT...and for someone who constantly bashes religion, you have no room to talk about what is offensive

So Jews believe in the son of god? Ridiculous. It's stupid stupid stupid for you to tell me that that book of Hebrew mythology was written with the trinity in mind.
So Jews believe in the son of god? Ridiculous. It's stupid stupid stupid for you to tell me that that book of Hebrew mythology was written with the trinity in mind.

do you deny the Son of God or the Son of Man is mentioned in the OT? do you deny the the Spirit of the Lord is mentioned in the OT?

the jews have rejected jesus and are still waiting for a messiah....
do you deny the Son of God or the Son of Man is mentioned in the OT? do you deny the the Spirit of the Lord is mentioned in the OT?

the jews have rejected jesus and are still waiting for a messiah....

I deny that the trinity exists in the OT. Yahweh was the tribal god of the Hebrew people, and later rulers focused exclusively on his worship. There was no polytheistic trinity until Christians invented it around 200 AD to justify the worship of their pseudo-messiah. And Jesus would've spun in his grave if he would've known Paul brought his message to gentiles. Jesus hated gentiles.
I deny that the trinity exists in the OT. Yahweh was the tribal god of the Hebrew people, and later rulers focused exclusively on his worship. There was no polytheistic trinity until Christians invented it around 200 AD to justify the worship of their pseudo-messiah. And Jesus would've spun in his grave if he would've known Paul brought his message to gentiles. Jesus hated gentiles.

you failed to answer my question and instead spouted lies

the holy spirit is directly mentioned in the OT...and so is the son of god

no wonder you're were to afraid to answer a simple question
you failed to answer my question and instead spouted lies

the holy spirit is directly mentioned in the OT...and so is the son of god

no wonder you're were to afraid to answer a simple question

I've never read those verses, I have no comment on them and won't until I read up on it. I just know there's a Jewish interpretation of those verses, and obviously they came to vastly different conclusions about what that meant long before the birth of Jesus and when the texts were actually written down.

Any Christian trinity interpretation is, at best, a post-hoc rationalization.
Psalm 2: 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry
and you be destroyed in your way,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

there are also many references to the Son of God in Jewish texts that were not included in the Christian canon, including Enoch, 55:2; IV Esdras 7:28-29; 13:32, 37, 52; 14:9
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I just know there's a Jewish interpretation of those verses, and obviously they came to vastly different conclusions about what that meant long before the birth of Jesus and when the texts were actually written down.

the Jews still await the Messiah, they just refuse to believe that Jesus is Him....
Psalm 2: 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry
and you be destroyed in your way,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

And you're honestly telling me that the Jews who wrote this down were referring to some kind of mystical son of Yahweh who through logical contortions was really Yahweh at the same time?
If the Jews who wrote down the Old Testament were really writing with something as important and gamechanging about the nature of god as the trinity they would have been obvious and explicit about it. Are Greeks ever this obscure about any aspect of Zeus? Christians are pulling at strings to defend their contradictory addons to Jewish mythology. You would never get someone to go through this many logical contortions to defend anything that had evidence behind it, but that's what happens with theology, because they find find without evidence instead of letting the evidence bring them faith. There is nothing in religion, the entire study of theology is just a huge case of multiplying by 0.

The Yahweh that the tribal Hebrew people worshipped was a single God, one of many God's until around 600 BC when worship of Yahweh alone was encouraged. There was no trinity in this figure.
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And you're honestly telling me that the Jews who wrote this down were referring to some kind of mystical son of Yahweh who through logical contortions was really Yahweh at the same time?

no logical contortions involved.....the OT clearly teaches that there is a coming Messiah....son of God, son of man (specifically, a descendant of David)....orthodox Jews continue to anticipate his coming....
I've never read those verses, I have no comment on them and won't until I read up on it. I just know there's a Jewish interpretation of those verses, and obviously they came to vastly different conclusions about what that meant long before the birth of Jesus and when the texts were actually written down.

Any Christian trinity interpretation is, at best, a post-hoc rationalization.

iow....you have no clue what you're talking about and are willing to leave it up to others so called "interpretation"....

all you have so far are lies....and you think to talk about christians and logical fallacy....you're arguing from ignorance, relying on others and claiming it is as gospel

i suggest you read those verses and get back me....
If the Jews who wrote down the Old Testament were really writing with something as important and gamechanging about the nature of god as the trinity they would have been obvious and explicit about it. Are Greeks ever this obscure about any aspect of Zeus? Christians are pulling at strings to defend their contradictory addons to Jewish mythology. You would never get someone to go through this many logical contortions to defend anything that had evidence behind it, but that's what happens with theology, because they find find without evidence instead of letting the evidence bring them faith. There is nothing in religion, the entire study of theology is just a huge case of multiplying by 0.

The Yahweh that the tribal Hebrew people worshipped was a single God, one of many God's until around 600 BC when worship of Yahweh alone was encouraged. There was no trinity in this figure.

christians do claim god is god and god alone, in that His spirit and his son are one with him....it cracks me up that all you have is reference to zeus....what kind of stupid logic is it to point to another god and proclaim, well, they didn't do this, so therefore it must so in all other cases as well.....

the holy spirit is directly mentioned in the OT, so is the son of god....read about who came to abraham and read about the 4th person in the fiery furnace....until you actually read what the OT says about the holy spirit and son of god, you're arguing from pure ignorance
the concept of "son of God" was more prevalent in those times that you credit......Israel was in trouble over and over for engaging in the worship of Baal......the origin of that name is Ba El.....which means "son" of "god"......thus the Mesopotamians worshiped a "son" of "god".....simply the wrong one....
no, I'm talking about the next verse....
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.

Yes, in each instance where it says "Elohim" (God) it is singular in that passage you can tell because of the verb "created" in both cases it is singular male third person past tense... However, that is not the passage I brought up. I brought up passages where he is called the God of gods and that they divided the Earth (according to some translations)...

The only reason I spoke of the other passages is because somebody else brought them up thinking that the use of Elohim itself was mentioning the Trinity, which it wasn't.
I brought up passages where he is called the God of gods and that they divided the Earth (according to some translations)...

/boggle....I thought you acknowledged no such passage existed in the bible....there are no translations of any bible text in which deities divided up the earth....
/boggle....I thought you acknowledged no such passage existed in the bible....there are no translations of any bible text in which deities divided up the earth....
I mentioned that I read the Thesis long ago and am still searching for it, however my memory isn't poor. I hope I can find it so that you too can see what I was speaking of...

I even quoted your post where you asked for a cite and gave you a verse where I remember the Thesis taking a starting point from...