Was Genesis mistranslated?

They wrote the New Testament as well. Fancy that.

watermark has shown incredible ignorance in this thread

its actually embarrassing....he probably thinks jesus wasn't a jew and none of the disciples or paul

i've never seen anyone argue from such blatent ignorance....and then to repeately continue to argue and argue and try to pass off uninformed opinions as fact....if i didn't like him, i would call him a fucking idiot
Your true enemy is God Almighty. Something happened in your life to make you angry and resentful of God, and as a way of punishing God, you have vowed to take every opportunity to bash Him on an internet message board. It is the ONLY reason or justification you could have for your behavior.


This is the most pathetic of theist arguments. They are incapable of understanding that someone believers differently then they do.

Dixie, would I stop believing in YOU because I was angry at you? How is this line of logic even supposed to work?