Was Genesis mistranslated?

I mentioned that I read the Thesis long ago and am still searching for it, however my memory isn't poor. I hope I can find it so that you too can see what I was speaking of...

I even quoted your post where you asked for a cite and gave you a verse where I remember the Thesis taking a starting point from...

I'm sorry I thought you had realized it was a silly claim and backed off from it...

Genesis 10:25 Two sons were born to Eber:
One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

so who is it you believe to be the gods who divided the earth...Peleg, Joktan, or their father Eber.....

sorry, Damo....it's a silly claim and you ought to back off from it....

more likely the "division" refers to verse 32 of the same pericope...
32 These are the clans of Noah's sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

it wouldn't be the only time such a "division" occurred....Abraham and Lot decided to go their separate ways to graze their flocks......the tribes of Israel also divided up Canaan....
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I'm sorry I thought you had realized it was a silly claim and backed off from it...

Genesis 10:25 Two sons were born to Eber:
One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

so who is it you believe to be the gods who divided the earth...Peleg, Joktan, or their father Eber.....

sorry, Damo....it's a silly claim and you ought to back off from it....

more likely the "division" refers to verse 32 of the same pericope...
32 These are the clans of Noah's sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

it wouldn't be the only time such a "division" occurred....Abraham and Lot decided to go their separate ways to graze their flocks......the tribes of Israel also divided up Canaan....
Now you are being deliberately obtuse.

From what I have written you can gather:

1. It isn't my thesis.
2. I said I thought it was a reach, however he did support it with biblical references.
3. I haven't yet found the thesis.
4. I will post it when I do so you can read what the guy wrote.

Until then attributing what was in a thesis that you haven't read and I didn't write to me and then attempting to argue against what you haven't read and are just guessing at just makes you look like a total jerk.
Until then attributing what was in a thesis that you haven't read and I didn't write to me and then attempting to argue against what you haven't read and are just guessing at just makes you look like a total jerk.

no....trying to bring something ridiculous into an argument when 1) you can't remember where it comes from, and 2) can't outline the argument and 3) try to do it TWICE....now THAT might make someone look like a total jerk....

of course I'm going to attribute it to you....you're the one raising it in defense of your claim.....
watermark....have you actually read the OT where it talks about the son of god and the holy spirit? or are you still relying on others "interpretations" to do your thinking for you?
The original intent was obvious no trinity. The Christian mistranslation is the trinity. It's all a fairy tale. We may as well be arguing over the meaning of a specific passage in the Odyssey.
The original intent was obvious no trinity. The Christian mistranslation is the trinity. It's all a fairy tale. We may as well be arguing over the meaning of a specific passage in the Odyssey.

you really crack me up...you haven't read the verses, you have no clue the words or the context, yet it is obvious....when you thought you knew what you were talking about, you were all for the argument, when i pointed out to you the fact the OT talks about the son of god and the holy spirit, you all of a sudden don't care....yet its still "obvious"

you've said some stupid things in the past, but this really takes the cake...its like me telling you that obama's inauguration speech really meant he was going to disband all government except the executive office and declare indefinite martial law....you then point out that he never said those words, and i claim, yes he did....you ask me if i read or heard the speech and i say no, but his intent is "obvious"

which is a bigger fairy tale....the Bible or the thought that WM might know what he's talking about......in short, Watermark IS Gretel........
The Old Testament is a fairy tale about the tribal god of the Hebrew people. The tribal God of the hebrew people wasn't split in three until Christian came up with the idea as a way to promote Jesus higher, and also bizarrely decided to make the spirit of god into part of it as well. Christian fairy tales are even dumber than Jewish ones. None of them actually happened.
you really crack me up...you haven't read the verses, you have no clue the words or the context, yet it is obvious....when you thought you knew what you were talking about, you were all for the argument, when i pointed out to you the fact the OT talks about the son of god and the holy spirit, you all of a sudden don't care....yet its still "obvious"

you've said some stupid things in the past, but this really takes the cake...its like me telling you that obama's inauguration speech really meant he was going to disband all government except the executive office and declare indefinite martial law....you then point out that he never said those words, and i claim, yes he did....you ask me if i read or heard the speech and i say no, but his intent is "obvious"


Yurt, I would have to read a lot more than a single verse to understand the context of the statement, I would have to read multiple Christian and non-Christian translations, preferably I would learn Greek and read the original, and then my opinion would still be an ignorant one. I would rather just show you the opinions of people who've worked on this for years, because I don't have the time to do it myself.

The tribal God of the Hebrew people was not a trinity.
Yurt, I would have to read a lot more than a single verse to understand the context of the statement, I would have to read multiple Christian and non-Christian translations, preferably I would learn Greek and read the original, and then my opinion would still be an ignorant one. I would rather just show you the opinions of people who've worked on this for years, because I don't have the time to do it myself.

The tribal God of the Hebrew people was not a trinity.

Support of the Trinity

BTW you're an ass~~~
Yurt, I would have to read a lot more than a single verse to understand the context of the statement, I would have to read multiple Christian and non-Christian translations, preferably I would learn Greek and read the original, and then my opinion would still be an ignorant one. I would rather just show you the opinions of people who've worked on this for years, because I don't have the time to do it myself.

The tribal God of the Hebrew people was not a trinity.

no it wouldn't...you could read a few verses that mention both (take maybe 20 minutes) and make up your own mind who the holy spirit is and who the son of god is instead of relying on others and then passing what others say off as fact....which btw is very disingenuous

i'm a bit surprised you so easily believe the opinions of "others" without doing your own research.....yet do not believe my opinion or other christian opinion that believe the son of god and the holy spirit in the OT are of one nature, this one nature was simply coined the trinity. the oneness and the reality was always there, it was just not always understood....

like other science theories, like gravity, gravity always existed, but we did not understand more fully its meaning....for you dismiss the later learned understanding of others who did not accept the jewish understanding (especially after jesus christ walked the earth), while accepting later learned understanding of science theories is hypocritical.

let's be honest, you don't really care, its all make believe, but you would rather believe jews over christians for absolutely no reason, other than this is what you believe, not what you yourself actually know.....fair enough?
no it wouldn't...you could read a few verses that mention both (take maybe 20 minutes) and make up your own mind who the holy spirit is and who the son of god is instead of relying on others and then passing what others say off as fact....which btw is very disingenuous

Christians don't care what the truth is.

i'm a bit surprised you so easily believe the opinions of "others" without doing your own research.....yet do not believe my opinion or other christian opinion that believe the son of god and the holy spirit in the OT are of one nature, this one nature was simply coined the trinity. the oneness and the reality was always there, it was just not always understood....

Correction: it was NEVER there

like other science theories, like gravity, gravity always existed, but we did not understand more fully its meaning....for you dismiss the later learned understanding of others who did not accept the jewish understanding (especially after jesus christ walked the earth), while accepting later learned understanding of science theories is hypocritical.

No. It isn't. I can observe gravity, and I can observe that it fits with Newton's calculations (in most instances). I can't observe God. It would be foolish for me to state anything at all about the nature of something I can't see.

let's be honest, you don't really care, its all make believe, but you would rather believe jews over christians for absolutely no reason, other than this is what you believe, not what you yourself actually know.....fair enough?

I believe Jews over Christians on the old testament because they wrote it.
I would rather just show you the opinions of people who've worked on this for years, because I don't have the time to do it myself.

you realize of course, that you haven't actually done that, right?....so far, you've only given us your aforementioned, ignorant opinion......
ermark;576754]Christians don't care what the truth is.

but the jews do....seriously, i don't why your buddies on this board go to great lengths to defend how smart you are...i am beginning to wonder if you only debate from what others say, not from what you have actually learned yourself and formed your own opinion on.....

Correction: it was NEVER there

i can see this turning into a waste of time....you haven't read the verses, 20 minutes or less, you don't know what they say.....yet you spout the above as fact....again, you have no knowledge for yourself and you can't argue from the source, yet you ignorantly try to pass off your opinion as fact

No. It isn't. I can observe gravity, and I can observe that it fits with Newton's calculations (in most instances). I can't observe God. It would be foolish for me to state anything at all about the nature of something I can't see.

of course you mention newton.....BEFORE....newton you didn't have a true understanding of gravity, you didn't more fully understand it.....and you can't see gravity, you observe its effect :pke:

I believe Jews over Christians on the old testament because they wrote it.

yet you ignorantly refuse to read what "they wrote" about the son of god and the holy spirit....many ancient ideas were written about, however, they never came to full fruition until later, when people more fully understood them or the science behind them....

if you're just going to be your normal troll stupid self and claim christians don't care what the truth is.....don't reply, because i have no desire to waste my time having such a moronic discussion with you. and in all realilty watermark....it is futile for you to even make an argument as you refuse to read the verses, thus you are continuing to argue from ignorance and that is just a waste of my time. if you want to read the verses and stop your stupid hyperbole about christians, let me know.