Was/is Obama really a closet fiddlestick?


Well-known member
Ive heard it said the old Jews in Chicago used to pass him around like a 2 dollar whore. They named him bath house Barry. Ive also heard there has been much trouble in his marriage of late. Finally coming out?

Here is a pastor talking about Barry's perverse gay lifestyle...

Ive heard it said the old Jews in Chicago used to pass him around like a 2 dollar whore. They named him bath house Barry. Ive also heard there has been much trouble in his marriage of late. Finally coming out?

Here is a pastor talking about Barry's perverse gay lifestyle...

Its gotta be pretty bad for you handjob, if you must dredge up the 15 year old lies with Larry Sinclair. It was proven bull shit then, and times haven changed
I mean lets me honest here. Anyone remember him wearing the MOMMY jeans? LMAO! I mean,...Just take one look at the guy........THATS a fag.
Men who are overly concerned about what other men are doing with their penises are very likely not straight. Just sayin'.
Ive heard it said the old Jews in Chicago used to pass him around like a 2 dollar whore. They named him bath house Barry. Ive also heard there has been much trouble in his marriage of late. Finally coming out?

Here is a pastor talking about Barry's perverse gay lifestyle...

What's the point of posting this fictitious nonsense??????????????? What do you expect to gain from this made-up tripe????????????
All I had to do was whistle,..... and those old flea bitten mutts came a running ! Too funny! Even ones who CLAIM to have me on ignore! ..... " I have no interest whatsoever in ANYTHING Stone has to say!!! So I think I'll open up all of his threads and READ THEM! " ...... Bwaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha

Caught you again,.....retard. ;)

Repubs at it again. Making up shit and believing what they want to with no proof. Too stupid to understand they are the problem.
Been nice playing with you. Was worth it just to make a fool out of Owl again and show what a total liar she is. I mean really,....with all the things one could lie about,....WHO the fuck lies about putting someone on ignore? LMAO......


She has two windows open. One under her owl account with the ignore,....the other open under a sock account to read me. Not exactly rocket science you stanky OLD queef.
Let's make this in a large font with small words. Maybe, just maybe, the Reichtard will get it. :laugh:

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Ive heard it said the old Jews in Chicago used to pass him around like a 2 dollar whore. They named him bath house Barry. Ive also heard there has been much trouble in his marriage of late. Finally coming out?

Here is a pastor talking about Barry's perverse gay lifestyle...

Does a bear sh*t in the woods? Of COURSE Barry the Fairy AND Traitor Obama was and IS a closet homosexual. Absolutely NO question.