Was/is Obama really a closet fiddlestick?

That is not the only reason. THE VOCAL MAJORITY OF AMERICANS ARE SICK AND FUCKING TIRED OF THE HILLARY/OBAMA/LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT haters that have been running their mouths for the last 12 years about Hillary and Obama.




Your screams of butt-hurtedness aside, Hillary was a crook. The hate against Obama was racial, some of it self-induced.

My advice to the Democrats is simple: run better candidates. The fact that the best the Democrats have to offer as President is Joe Biden signals to the entire planet that the DNC is more fucked up than a soup sandwich.

Biden's campaign slogan should be "Vote for me. I'm not Trump."
There are psych studies which indicate a link between homophobes and latent homosexuals. It's kind of like how the worst anti-smokers are often former smokers. Repressions of desires cause conflicts in the mind and can result in anger towards the repressed desire. In this case, latent homosexuals, toe-tapping Republicans, etc make a big deal about gays when, in reality, they want to be gay but are afraid to come out.

Notice how Stone and Steve are giving each other virtual handjobs. It's a "safe" form of homosexuality.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It must suck to have to walk around all the time pretending to be macho and that you like women. Notice how the guys who get the angriest at female posters here also closely coincide with the same guys who bash gays? To be fair to Stevie, he *does* have the hots for the fake teacher. The one who looks like a man. Gonna take some serious psychotherapy to parse that mess out. :laugh:
Ive heard it said the old Jews in Chicago used to pass him around like a 2 dollar whore. They named him bath house Barry. Ive also heard there has been much trouble in his marriage of late. Finally coming out?

Here is a pastor talking about Barry's perverse gay lifestyle...

Seek help, shitposter.
Because Barry The Fairy has had, and still IS having sex with other men, ya dumbsh*t.

Face it Steve, remember what the psychiatrist told your care givers? Boarder line retarded also with poor impulse control who is a follower.
that is why you have and need a caregiver and have been shipped back and forth across the country
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It must suck to have to walk around all the time pretending to be macho and that you like women. Notice how the guys who get the angriest at female posters here also closely coincide with the same guys who bash gays? To be fair to Stevie, he *does* have the hots for the fake teacher. The one who looks like a man. Gonna take some serious psychotherapy to parse that mess out. :laugh:

Excellent observation and agreed! Is it really a surprise the Alt-Right, QAnon and Incels are all interwoven with each other? It's almost incestual!

As for Stevie, I think it's more Oedipal in nature....or it could be just the old fashioned Mommy Complex. Consider QAnon, ostensibly anti-woman, and their homoerotic focus on male unity. Homoerotic or not, they have an Oedipal attraction to Super-Cougar Dr. Tammy Towers (Parry) https://twitter.com/tammyparry?lang=en.

Incels are even worse, but mostly a subset of the Alt-Right nutjobs.
Excellent observation and agreed! Is it really a surprise the Alt-Right, QAnon and Incels are all interwoven with each other? It's almost incestual!

As for Stevie, I think it's more Oedipal in nature....or it could be just the old fashioned Mommy Complex. Consider QAnon, ostensibly anti-woman, and their homoerotic focus on male unity. Homoerotic or not, they have an Oedipal attraction to Super-Cougar Dr. Tammy Towers (Parry) https://twitter.com/tammyparry?lang=en.

Incels are even worse, but mostly a subset of the Alt-Right nutjobs.

Would you please come over here and wipe this stuff off me that your post flung all over. It stinks and I think it's crawling. lol

Isn't it also fascinating that the Reichwingers -- all manly men who adore tight-fitting trousers and shining black boots -- think that there's nothing at all wrong with Der Gropingfuehrer grabbing die Katzen und die Brüste of women-not-his-wife ?

There's some serious pathology going on in this thread, starting with the OP.
Would you please come over here and wipe this stuff off me that your post flung all over. It stinks and I think it's crawling. lol

Isn't it also fascinating that the Reichwingers -- all manly men who adore tight-fitting trousers and shining black boots -- think that there's nothing at all wrong with Der Gropingfuehrer grabbing die Katzen und die Brüste of women-not-his-wife ?

There's some serious pathology going on in this thread, starting with the OP.

I wanted to give Stevie a thrill. He's been a little down lately.


So Larry Sinclair made a bunch of silly claims. So what? A polygraph machine doesn't really do what it's claimed to do, which is why it's not admissable in court. There are many known techniques for "beating" polygraph machines to get a desired stress reading, and by employing such techniques, you can easily fool the person reading one.
Excellent observation and agreed! Is it really a surprise the Alt-Right, QAnon and Incels are all interwoven with each other? It's almost incestual!

As for Stevie, I think it's more Oedipal in nature....or it could be just the old fashioned Mommy Complex. Consider QAnon, ostensibly anti-woman, and their homoerotic focus on male unity. Homoerotic or not, they have an Oedipal attraction to Super-Cougar Dr. Tammy Towers (Parry) https://twitter.com/tammyparry?lang=en.

Incels are even worse, but mostly a subset of the Alt-Right nutjobs.

That's an interesting observation. There is a lot of overlap with incel culture and alt-right ideology. Some of Trump biggest supporters are the thirty-something neckbeards who still live with mom.
Ive heard it said the old Jews in Chicago used to pass him around like a 2 dollar whore. They named him bath house Barry. Ive also heard there has been much trouble in his marriage of late. Finally coming out?

Here is a pastor talking about Barry's perverse gay lifestyle...

Are you gay?
So Larry Sinclair made a bunch of silly claims. So what? A polygraph machine doesn't really do what it's claimed to do, which is why it's not admissable in court. There are many known techniques for "beating" polygraph machines to get a desired stress reading, and by employing such techniques, you can easily fool the person reading one.

Those two words are the most important part of your response: "So what?" So what if Obama is gay? Did he break the law? Is he the first man to cheat on his wife? Hide that he's gay or Bi? He also served as President for 8 years and is now both retired and often dutifully silent.

If Obama wants to come out of the closet, I want him to start speaking and writing about the direction America should be going. Be a statesman and do it in a non-partisan, non-racial manner. His would be a unique voice of moderate leadership.

The only reason to start a thread on this is partisanship and/or distract from Trump's failures.
All I had to do was whistle,..... and those old flea bitten mutts came a running ! Too funny! Even ones who CLAIM to have me on ignore! ..... " I have no interest whatsoever in ANYTHING Stone has to say!!! So I think I'll open up all of his threads and READ THEM! " ...... Bwaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha

Caught you again,.....retard. ;)


You've only managed to make yourself look like a retard. And guess who is really laughing? :laugh:

And you've actually managed to make yourself look like a fag. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Now that's funny!
Been nice playing with you. Was worth it just to make a fool out of Owl again and show what a total liar she is. I mean really,....with all the things one could lie about,....WHO the fuck lies about putting someone on ignore? LMAO......


She has two windows open. One under her owl account with the ignore,....the other open under a sock account to read me. Not exactly rocket science you stanky OLD queef.

She can read the thread title, dumbass.