Was/is Obama really a closet fiddlestick?

Go away, Steven, I’m not going to admit such a thing because it isn’t true. You can look at peoples long term relationships and be able to judge a person. Hillary has childhood friendships. Monsters don’t have friends stay by them for 50 years.

How many childhood friends do you still have, Steven?

He had two but he had them for lunch. With fava beans and a nice Chianti. :laugh:
If you really *were* smart, which you are not, you wouldn't allow a mentally-ill person like Toxic trigger you into believing that I really do read your posts. I don't. I have no interest in attempting to converse with someone with the mental and emotional age of 7, in an adult body. Give it up, VanderMoron. Go troll someone else.

If you really *were* smart, which you are not, you wouldn't allow a mentally-ill person like Toxic trigger you into believing that I really do read your posts. I don't. I have no interest in attempting to converse with someone with the mental and emotional age of 7, in an adult body. Give it up, VanderMoron. Go troll someone else.

Stevie is obviously mentally ill. My guess is schizophrenia and/or bipolarism. Possible brain trauma of some sort. If he's harassing you on the street, feel free to take him down, but on a forum, he's easily ignored.

The two biggest groaners are Earl and Steve. What do they have in common? Both obviously have mental issues.
If you really *were* smart, which you are not, you wouldn't allow a mentally-ill person like Toxic trigger you into believing that I really do read your posts. I don't. I have no interest in attempting to converse with someone with the mental and emotional age of 7, in an adult body. Give it up, VanderMoron. Go troll someone else.


Stevie is obviously mentally ill. My guess is schizophrenia and/or bipolarism. Possible brain trauma of some sort. If he's harassing you on the street, feel free to take him down, but on a forum, he's easily ignored.

The two biggest groaners are Earl and Steve. What do they have in common? Both obviously have mental issues.

Says the mentally ill one who came from a broken home AND has had several boyfriends beat him to a pulp!;)
All I know is Barry The Fairy AND Traitor Obama, was, is, and ALWAYS will be, a FAG. Thank you.
Says the mentally ill one who came from a broken home AND has had several boyfriends beat him to a pulp!;)
AKA "pole smoker".;)
AND "Bathhouse Barry".;)
He was QUITE popular in the ALL MALE bathhouses in Chicago for an extended period of time.;)
YOU obviously went FULL RETARD a LONG time ago, ya knucklehead.;)
Others can review your posts and decide for themselves. It's not rocket science.
Stevie is obviously mentally ill. My guess is schizophrenia and/or bipolarism. Possible brain trauma of some sort. If he's harassing you on the street, feel free to take him down, but on a forum, he's easily ignored.

The two biggest groaners are Earl and Steve. What do they have in common? Both obviously have mental issues.

Indeed. It's sad that his only friend here keeps trying to convince him otherwise. *She* reads everything I write; I do not read what he writes unless someone not-Toxic quotes it. It just shows how pathetic the both of them are, that they persist in spite of all the evidence otherwise.
Indeed. It's sad that his only friend here keeps trying to convince him otherwise. *She* reads everything I write; I do not read what he writes unless someone not-Toxic quotes it. It just shows how pathetic the both of them are, that they persist in spite of all the evidence otherwise.

The "Birds of a Feather" maxim applies in this case.