Was/is Obama really a closet fiddlestick?

Lying about lying is a bit ironic. Who doesn't hate Hillary? Isn't that a bit redundant?

Even Democrats had to hold their nose to vote for her and are now glad she's gone.


Lying about lying is a bit ironic. Who doesn't hate Hillary? Isn't that a bit redundant?

And why does everyone hate Hillary? Is it because she is a woman? Is it because she is a Democrat? Is is it because you are a hateful asshole?

In your case, I am going with all 3!

Give me one reason why you hate Hillary- That cannot be said about Donald Trump?

Of course, We will all understand if you can't!
And why does everyone hate Hillary? Is it because she is a woman? Is it because she is a Democrat? Is is it because you are a hateful asshole?

In your case, I am going with all 3!

Give me one reason why you hate Hillary- That cannot be said about Donald Trump?

Of course, We will all understand if you can't!

Because she's a liar and corrupt. Honesty and integrity are what we should expect from our leaders. Their gender, sexual preference and skin tone doesn't matter.

Trump is as corrupt as Hillary. What made Hillary so dangerous is she's a smart crook. Is there any doubt she's always been the brains behind "Billary"? Trump is a stupid crook which is why it's so easy to catch him. Hillary will never go to jail, but I think there's an ankle bracelet in Trump's future.
Because she's a liar and corrupt. Honesty and integrity are what we should expect from our leaders. Their gender, sexual preference and skin tone doesn't matter.

Trump is as corrupt as Hillary. What made Hillary so dangerous is she's a smart crook. Is there any doubt she's always been the brains behind "Billary"? Trump is a stupid crook which is why it's so easy to catch him. Hillary will never go to jail, but I think there's an ankle bracelet in Trump's future.

You can accuse Hillary of anything you want- You cannot prove she is lying about anything- Not even Comey can prove she was lying about anything.
I want to make a bet with my poker buddies. Could you link me to the medical records of this so that I can take them for a solid hundred?
ALL medical records have been ERASED, ya fartknocker. It is NOT to be known that Michelle Obama was/is actually Michael Robinson. The public CAN NOT know that Barry The Fairy married a tranny. Didn't you know this? Come on, have you been or are you still, living in a cave?!?!
Comey did prove it. It's in his testimony. Care to lie some more?

Comey's testimony of his investigation of Hillary has been debunked by the OIG!

The OIG has since reported to Congress that Comey's testimony of the documents in question of being marked as "Classified" were not accurate.

As those documents when Hillary received them or forwarded them did not have the proper Identification of being "Classified"!

These were documents that Intelligence has since upgraded to classified after the fact!

And why does everyone hate Hillary? Is it because she is a woman? Is it because she is a Democrat? Is is it because you are a hateful asshole?

In your case, I am going with all 3!

Give me one reason why you hate Hillary- That cannot be said about Donald Trump?

Of course, We will all understand if you can't!

I'm not a fan, although I did vote for her in 2016 because the alternative was a shitstorm. Why don't I like her? It's probably a stupid, petty reason but it exemplifies how I see her. A day or so after 9/11, W was addressing the assembled chambers of congress. I loathed him as well, but he was doing his best to bring us all together in a united front against those who attacked us. As he was speaking, the camera was slowly panning across the solemn faces of the Senators and Representatives present. It caught Clinton smirking and whispering to whoever was sitting next to her, like a bratty teenager. To me it was appalling.

I don't believe all the bullshit lies the Reichwingers have made up about the Clintons for decades. Mrs. Clinton, as far as I can tell, served honorably both as Senator and Secretary of State, and was well-respected by others. But that one moment did it for me. It illustrated her character in a spotlight.
I'm not a fan, although I did vote for her in 2016 because the alternative was a shitstorm. Why don't I like her? It's probably a stupid, petty reason but it exemplifies how I see her. A day or so after 9/11, W was addressing the assembled chambers of congress. I loathed him as well, but he was doing his best to bring us all together in a united front against those who attacked us. As he was speaking, the camera was slowly panning across the solemn faces of the Senators and Representatives present. It caught Clinton smirking and whispering to whoever was sitting next to her, like a bratty teenager. To me it was appalling.

I don't believe all the bullshit lies the Reichwingers have made up about the Clintons for decades. Mrs. Clinton, as far as I can tell, served honorably both as Senator and Secretary of State, and was well-respected by others. But that one moment did it for me. It illustrated her character in a spotlight.

Of COURSE you voted for the Hildebeast. You're a moronic liberal lunatic. 'Nuff said.;)
I'm not a fan, although I did vote for her in 2016 because the alternative was a shitstorm. Why don't I like her? It's probably a stupid, petty reason but it exemplifies how I see her. A day or so after 9/11, W was addressing the assembled chambers of congress. I loathed him as well, but he was doing his best to bring us all together in a united front against those who attacked us. As he was speaking, the camera was slowly panning across the solemn faces of the Senators and Representatives present. It caught Clinton smirking and whispering to whoever was sitting next to her, like a bratty teenager. To me it was appalling.

I don't believe all the bullshit lies the Reichwingers have made up about the Clintons for decades. Mrs. Clinton, as far as I can tell, served honorably both as Senator and Secretary of State, and was well-respected by others. But that one moment did it for me. It illustrated her character in a spotlight.
I had a friend who worked for her campaign that said she was tough but also fair and very caring. I listen to those people who know her personally.
I didn’t respect Bush in that moment because I knew what he’d do with the collateral. I was right.
I had a friend who worked for her campaign that said she was tough but also fair and very caring. I listen to those people who know her personally.
I didn’t respect Bush in that moment because I knew what he’d do with the collateral. I was right.

The Hildebeast is an evil monster. The sooner you can admit this to yourself, the better.
And why does everyone hate Hillary? Is it because she is a woman? Is it because she is a Democrat? Is is it because you are a hateful asshole?

In your case, I am going with all 3!

Give me one reason why you hate Hillary- That cannot be said about Donald Trump?

Of course, We will all understand if you can't!
I hate Douchebag Donald, as well.
The Hildebeast is an evil monster. The sooner you can admit this to yourself, the better.
Go away, Steven, I’m not going to admit such a thing because it isn’t true. You can look at peoples long term relationships and be able to judge a person. Hillary has childhood friendships. Monsters don’t have friends stay by them for 50 years.

How many childhood friends do you still have, Steven?
Go away, Steven, I’m not going to admit such a thing because it isn’t true. You can look at peoples long term relationships and be able to judge a person. Hillary has childhood friendships. Monsters don’t have friends stay by them for 50 years.

How many childhood friends do you still have, Steven?

I DO have a childhood friend from the early to mid 1970's that I keep in touch with. He lives a few towns over now, probably 20 or so miles away, so we don't get to see each other much anymore. But we DO keep in touch.