Watching the LA Fire Press Conference officials. Six of seven are women.

It sure does look like the penny is dropping in Hollywood, that they are beginning to understand that competence matters and that they have been betrayed by the so called leaders of CA.

Even before this the vagrants showing up in their hoods and the massive crime was teaching them.
Parents and society thrust upon them.
Some people are too weak to fly the nest. Notice the ones who want Daddy bird to take care of them.


The chronology of the posts proves you lie.

Kill yourself.

Maybe you should have read your own MSN 'factcheck': "That meant the department's funding saw a decrease of $17,553,814"

If I am paying your 27 dollars an hour and then next year pay you 10 dollars an hour, that is a cut. A decrease in funding, is a cut. Nice job selfpwning though.