Watching the LA Fire Press Conference officials. Six of seven are women.

Once again in typical maga mook fashion to save face, your moronic myopia tries to discredit the basic facts that YOU DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH. Sorry toodles, but just because you personally surmise something doesn't negate ALL pertaining information.

Like I said early, you maga dimwits just regurgitate your "got'cha" point ad nausea, then ignore (or your case blow smoke about) all other pertinent facts as the chronology of the posts shows.

So unless you've got something else beside the SOS, I'll just move on let you parrot and fluster. Carry on.
Again, your own source debunks you. They cut funding. Funding was decreased from the previous year. There's no getting around this.
I won’t do your homework for you. It’s not that hard. Go to his threads.

Go to his threads

No slur at all. He’s well known for being a fake Jew.
If anything he’s the one that slurs jews.
Umm, put on your socks and shoes, toddle down to your local library or high school, and ask about the rules of debate. See, if YOU make a statement or an assertion, the burden of proof is on YOU. If you can't or won't, then people consider what you say just a piss in the wind.

A "fake Jew"? How did YOU determine that. Just curious.
Umm, put on your socks and shoes, toddle down to your local library or high school, and ask about the rules of debate. See, if YOU make a statement or an assertion, the burden of proof is on YOU. If you can't or won't, then people consider what you say just a piss in the wind.

A "fake Jew"? How did YOU determine that. Just curious.
The list of people who accuse Guno of being a "fake Jew", among other things, is interesting.

I don't know why they hate him so much. It goes back before my time.

Im not talking about red haired , fake Jew , high yellows....Im talking about actual Black people. ;)
Poor old angry fake Jew.
If he was a real Christian, he would not have done it, you Fake Jew.
Really? What? That Guno is a part time Janitor??? That is all the fuck is good for and I am certain he sucks at that. That he is a fake Jew? He is. A fake Vet? He is. Guess what else? He is a fake Black. Once again you stupid cunt, the truth is not bigotry.
fucking inbred retarded khazarian european fake jew, amirite?
What happened to all those threads you started showing whites are now a minority and republicans will be extinct? :thinking:
it's coming :)

Five charts that explain the desperate turn to MAGA among conservative white Christians
(RNS) — White Christians’ attempt to halt their demographic slide has fostered two narratives of American life.

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