Ways That Socialsm Can Be Better Than Capitalism

Hello Flash,

I am not proposing that the government should manufacture anything.

In the case if misleading marketing there is a lot which can be done to alert the public to the situation. If people are dumb enough to pay more for things because they won't listen to warnings that it is a rip-off, then there is no helping them.

Capitalism is going to try to trick people out of their money. Nothing is going to stop that. Government can and does try to reduce it. We need more of that.

A smarter nation is a greater nation.

Then you should be happy with the current U. S. system since we have all those consumer protection agencies. If they are not effective having more of them doesn't help anything.

Do you think the businesses in socialist nations do not try to get just as much money from the customers in any way possible? Greed and love of money is not less under capitalism or socialism.

I don't think you want socialism, you just want more government regulation.
Hello Flash,

Then you should be happy with the current U. S. system since we have all those consumer protection agencies. If they are not effective having more of them doesn't help anything.

Do you think the businesses in socialist nations do not try to get just as much money from the customers in any way possible? Greed and love of money is not less under capitalism or socialism.

I don't think you want socialism, you just want more government regulation.

The function I envision which would alert consumers to rip-offs would not be regulatory.

Regulation is a double-edged sword. Some of it is good, and a lot of it has been corrupted to help the rip-offs.

We need less of the bad regulation; and more of the good.
China is doing very well...and it has been socialistic since 1950. It will almost certainly surpass the US as a world economic power within a decade or two.
Please explain that to residents of Hong Kong. They don't seem to understand how good they have it.
Please explain that to residents of Hong Kong. They don't seem to understand how good they have it.

Are you saying that China is not doing great?

Are you saying that every indication shows they will surpass us as the world's leading economy?

Or are you trying to divert?
Are you saying that China is not doing great?

Are you saying that every indication shows they will surpass us as the world's leading economy?

Or are you trying to divert?

china is only doing great because of treasonous globalists inside other countries. the banker fascists want a totalitarian new world order.

trump has stopped them.

look into yourself and figure out why you're evil.
Are you saying that China is not doing great?

Are you saying that every indication shows they will surpass us as the world's leading economy?

Or are you trying to divert?

I'm agreeing with you. Tell the residents of Hong Kong how much better the rest of China is doing.
Have you ever visited China? I have. their standard of living sucks. But they have a great economy.
china is only doing great because of treasonous globalists inside other countries. the banker fascists want a totalitarian new world order.

China is doing great, because China is doing great.

The poor morons of the American right want to pretend otherwise.

trump has stopped them.

Trump is a fucking moron...and the only people who continue to support him are morons also.

look into yourself and figure out why you're evil.

I am not evil.
I'm agreeing with you. Tell the residents of Hong Kong how much better the rest of China is doing.
Have you ever visited China? I have. their standard of living sucks. But they have a great economy.

My original comment was, "China is doing very well...and it has been socialistic since 1950. It will almost certainly surpass the US as a world economic power within a decade or two."

So you agree with me.
Frankie the dog fucker stool can't come through. Even the dogs now you can't finish. Piece of shit

Ya gotta learn how to insult someone with a bit of class, Yakuda. Your insults sound like they are coming from a petulant pre-adolescent boy...and engender pity rather than anger.

Step up your game.


The highest quality political discussions are about substance, the merit of each argument being the focus.

When it comes down to trading insults then that's just voices showing no respect for one another. The only thing being accomplished in such discussions is venting emotion.

Venting emotion is important to a lot of people.

Maybe if they go online and unload their frustrations on some unseen person somewhere who can't physically attack them or even cast a stern glare, then they might have a better chance of getting along with the people they do encounter in their normal lives.

Unfortunately this function poisons a good academic political discussion.
A society that ensures a healthy vibrant life for all of it's members is better able to function than a society that leaves it all to chance and whoever is the most powerful.
I define socialism as things an organized society does as a collective to ensure that every member of the society has all the basics to be a productive contributing member of that society.
There is nothing about modern socialism which precludes capitalism.

We can have a balanced mixture of both.

The most successful nations on modern Earth currently all have a mixture of capitalism and socialism.
There is nothing about modern socialism which precludes capitalism.

We can have a balanced mixture of both.

The most successful nations on modern Earth currently all have a mixture of capitalism and socialism.

we already have that. you just want less guns and civil rights then?
Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Public libraries
NASA-space program
Public universities

Not one of the above meets the definition of socialism. True they are social programs but maintained by capitalism.

Ans: There is no one owner.

Public Libraries aren't the only ones. Carnegie Libraries are privately funded and often better stocked than public ones


That's just one example. Today, public libraries are largely a joke, stocked with mostly the latest tripe in reading and a place to use the internet anonymously.

NASA is a continuation of the NACA which was simply an agency that collected research on aeronautics and made it available to private industry. We're beginning to see the privatization of space travel and that trend will continue. It is likely NASA will go back to being just a research repository and assistance agency to the aeronautical and space industry.

Public Universities are hit and miss in quality.

Medicare and Medicaid were and are a bad idea that skews the market for health care badly and causes it to be grossly overpriced.

You do know many roads are privately built as part of development of land and then handed to the government by developers to gain tax breaks on their developments don't you? The Interstate highway system was developed for defense not for public use as its primary mission.