We absolutely must defeat fascism and fight for freedom

Is it?

What about womens rights?

LGBTQ rights?

black rights?

Islamic rights?

YOu kids wanna take all those away.

You wanna take away the rights of social media platforms.

You wanna take away the right to vote.

You wanna censor public schools.

The list is nearly endless.

Republicansim is just another name for fascism.

Lol, no.
So @Earl , which one of those rights makes you barf?
So @Earl , which one of those rights makes you barf?

DEMOCRATS support sexually deviant behavior.
DEMOCRATS support the murder and mutilation of children, and the teaching of sexually deviant behavior as "normal".
DEMOCRATS hate women, using them as mere pawns, and encouraging them to abandon their special heritage as women.
DEMOCRATS support tyranny.
DEMOCRATS support fascism, communism, and slavery.
DEMOCRATS discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.


That was before 1990. At the time, the Democrats had most of the racists of the American south in its compliment, but was decidedly anti-racist...unlike the decidedly mostly racist MAGA dominated GOP of today.
Frank, this makes no sense at all.

If the South votes for "a party", then that is the Racist party, right?
Frank, this makes no sense at all.

If the South votes for "a party", then that is the Racist party, right?
You are correct. Your question makes no sense at all, Dog.

You had asked, "When did you become a Democrat, Frank? Was it during the racist years before 1990?"

I told you I became a Democrat during my 20's (actually it was early in my 20's...the first time I registered to vote...during the election when John Kennedy was running.)

I mentioned that during that time that "most of the racists of the American south" were Democrats...but that the party was "decidedly anti-racist."

Both of those things were true. The Democrats of the late 1950's were the ones proposing and arguing for anti-racist legislation (or as anti-racist as things could get in that complicated environment)...and the Democratic Party of the American south was decidedly VERY RACIST. Both of those things are very well known to people with any appreciation of American history.

So my comment, "As I said, I was in my 20's...and I ended being in my 20's in 1966. That was before 1990. At the time, the Democrats had most of the racists of the American south in its compliment, but was decidedly anti-racist...unlike the decidedly mostly racist MAGA dominated GOP of today"...makes sense
Helps to remember the meaning of words you throw around: From Websters:

"Fascism: 1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."

Sounds a little like the Trump Republican Party.
Helps to remember the meaning of words you throw around: From Websters:

"Fascism: 1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."

Sounds a little like the Trump Republican Party.
No, sounds totally like the democrat party of today. Take for example the fact that dems use DEI or race identity over the individual, and the fact that the dems are using a centralized autocratic government led by an inept/failed/puppet dictator
that uses severe economic and social regimentation of our middle class and poor people, and suppressing the opposition like they've been doing to Trump for some 7 years or so. Hope this gives you the real explanation and or real meaning of the word
No, sounds totally like the democrat party of today. Take for example the fact that dems use DEI or race identity over the individual, and the fact that the dems are using a centralized autocratic government led by an inept/failed/puppet dictator
that uses severe economic and social regimentation of our middle class and poor people, and suppressing the opposition like they've been doing to Trump for some 7 years or so. Hope this gives you the real explanation and or real meaning of the word
You sound to me like a fascist trying to get others to suppose they are fascists.

The definition Martin gave sounds exactly like the MAGA controlled Republican Party of today. Exactly.

You poor saps being taken in by Trump and his people are the laughable part of the generation now charged with guarding our Republic. You are not guarding it...you are doing your best to destroy it.
Helps to remember the meaning of words you throw around: From Websters:

"Fascism: 1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."

Sounds a little like the Trump Republican Party.
Forcible suppression of opposition...like the Democratic law-fare and shooting at Trump, Marty?

Or removing his name from the ballot?

Poor Marty.
At the time, the Democrats had most of the racists of the American south in its compliment, but was decidedly anti-racist..
interesting......perhaps the reason you believe that the party which had most of the racists and which fought constantly to prevent school dsegregation, promote Jim Crow laws, and block the Civil Rights Act was "decidedly anti-racist" is the fact you were only 20 and were naive as fuck......
interesting......perhaps the reason you believe that the party which had most of the racists and which fought constantly to prevent school dsegregation, promote Jim Crow laws, and block the Civil Rights Act was "decidedly anti-racist" is the fact you were only 20 and were naive as fuck......
He may not remember it but he probably knows what you evidently don't about the racist shift in political parties that occurred partly as a result of school desegregation, with the South turning from solid Democrat to solid Republican in the space of a decade. Maybe this is too complicated for you, it's only been a political fact of life for forty years or so.
You are correct. Your question makes no sense at all, Dog.

You had asked, "When did you become a Democrat, Frank? Was it during the racist years before 1990?"

I told you I became a Democrat during my 20's (actually it was early in my 20's...the first time I registered to vote...during the election when John Kennedy was running.)

I mentioned that during that time that "most of the racists of the American south" were Democrats...but that the party was "decidedly anti-racist."

Both of those things were true. The Democrats of the late 1950's were the ones proposing and arguing for anti-racist legislation (or as anti-racist as things could get in that complicated environment)...and the Democratic Party of the American south was decidedly VERY RACIST. Both of those things are very well known to people with any appreciation of American history.

So my comment, "As I said, I was in my 20's...and I ended being in my 20's in 1966. That was before 1990. At the time, the Democrats had most of the racists of the American south in its compliment, but was decidedly anti-racist...unlike the decidedly mostly racist MAGA dominated GOP of today"...makes sense
Affirmative action programs are government enforced racism. DON'T TRY TO BLAME DEMOCRAT RACISM ON TRUMP!
Helps to remember the meaning of words you throw around: From Websters:
False authority fallacy. Dictionaries do not define any word. That is not their purpose.
"Fascism: 1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Redefinition fallacy (fascism<->dictatorship). Fascism is not a political philosophy. It is a type of socialism. It is government manipulation of markets. Fascism exists in every nation today. Go read the writings of Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, FDR, and Karl Marx.
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."
Redefinition fallacy (fascism<->dictatorship).
Sounds a little like the Trump Republican Party.
You sound to me like a fascist trying to get others to suppose they are fascists.

The definition Martin gave sounds exactly like the MAGA controlled Republican Party of today. Exactly.

You poor saps being taken in by Trump and his people are the laughable part of the generation now charged with guarding our Republic. You are not guarding it...you are doing your best to destroy it.
interesting......perhaps the reason you believe that the party which had most of the racists and which fought constantly to prevent school dsegregation, promote Jim Crow laws, and block the Civil Rights Act was "decidedly anti-racist" is the fact you were only 20 and were naive as fuck......
The so-called "Civil Rights Act" was passed by Democrats. It is nothing more than government enforced racism.
You are correct. Your question makes no sense at all, Dog.

You had asked, "When did you become a Democrat, Frank? Was it during the racist years before 1990?"

I told you I became a Democrat during my 20's (actually it was early in my 20's...the first time I registered to vote...during the election when John Kennedy was running.)

I mentioned that during that time that "most of the racists of the American south" were Democrats...but that the party was "decidedly anti-racist."

Both of those things were true. The Democrats of the late 1950's were the ones proposing and arguing for anti-racist legislation (or as anti-racist as things could get in that complicated environment)...and the Democratic Party of the American south was decidedly VERY RACIST. Both of those things are very well known to people with any appreciation of American history.

So my comment, "As I said, I was in my 20's...and I ended being in my 20's in 1966. That was before 1990. At the time, the Democrats had most of the racists of the American south in its compliment, but was decidedly anti-racist...unlike the decidedly mostly racist MAGA dominated GOP of today"...makes sense
You are the one who claimed The South switching to repub in the 90's is PROOF the party is racist. You have a double standard, Frank.

It took the conservative repubs a 100 years to drag the democrats kicking and screaming, to pass the 1957 CRA which forced Dems to vote for the 64 CRA. LBJ then used his socialist Great Society to destroy Black families and create generational welfare.

And it was the Conservatives that desegregated Southern Schools. They were the anti racist party, not the socialist Dems. It was the racist Biden who called those schools "Racial Jungles".

" The (Nixon) plan proved pivotal to the end of school segregation. In fall 1969, 600,000 blacks attended desegregated schools in the South; one year later 3 million had been integrated. By percentage in 1968, nearly 70 percent of black children were segregated from their white peers; by the end of Nixon’s first term it was just 8 percent."

You were young and dumb so I forgive you.
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Helps to remember the meaning of words you throw around: From Websters:

"Fascism: 1: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control."

Sounds a little like the Trump Republican Party.
Sounds like Socialism and Neo Liberalism ... just like the modern Democrat party.