We absolutely must defeat fascism and fight for freedom

Says the White lib Jew hater :palm:

The German people were proud National Socialists. They were ordered to "serve the State". Businesses were PINO, Private In Name Only. Serve the State or die, or have your property confiscated and be thrown in prison.

They hated "classical liberals" aka conservatives. They would have loved you Big Gov't neo libs and your push for a massive welfare State similar to Imperial Germany's Otto Von Bismarck's.

The Brown Shirt leadership was homosexual. And they were led by Ernst Rohm, an openly homosexual man and Hitler's BFF. And Hitler was a drug addled, hippy dippy failed artiste, former homeless gov't leech, complete with weird facial hair. These are all the trappings of the modern white lib.

It is the democrats that want one party rule, and to enlarge the scotus to stack it. And it is Democrats protesting on campuses and in the streets for the Death of the Jewish State.
nazi businesses still made money and were happy to have the monopoly.

businesses are not always morally pure.

I will cure you of your neoconism, and corportation fetish.
If you really cared about defeating fascism and fighting for freedom, you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.

If you really chose to not be part of a corrupt future, you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.

Trump is the epitome of everything you claim to be against and of nothing you claim to be for.
I picture you in an all white storm trooper uniform explaining why Darth Vader is the good guy
I picture you in an all white storm trooper uniform explaining why Darth Vader is the good guy
Nomad is correct. If you truly cared about defeating fascism and fighting for freedom...you would stop supporting Trump...a guy devoted to furthering fascism and lessening the freedoms we have.
Nomad is correct. If you truly cared about defeating fascism and fighting for freedom...you would stop supporting Trump...a guy devoted to furthering fascism and lessening the freedoms we have.
He did no such thing during his 4 years as president.

And you still have presented absolutely zero evidence that the South switched in the 90's because of racism.
Dog, there was a day where I enjoyed talking to you. But now...you are fucking insane.

Get help.
Throwing a temper tantrum, Frank? Really?

You refuse to present ANY evidence to support your argument. Zero, nada, zilch! And that's my fault?
Throwing a temper tantrum, Frank? Really?

You refuse to present ANY evidence to support your argument. Zero, nada, zilch! And that's my fault?
The entire voting pattern change of the American south is support. Absolute support.

You cannot see it because you have willed yourself blind.
The entire voting pattern change of the American south is support. Absolute support.

You cannot see it because you have willed yourself blind.
That is not evidence of racism.

You provided ZERO evidence that it switched in the '90's because of RACISM.

And you are implying that the democrat party were still white supremacists, decades after the 64 CRA.

When did you become a democrat, Frank? Was it during the Democrat racist years before 1990? Were you a republican before then?
That is not evidence of racism.
If you see the scum of the MAGA dominated GOP as not-racist...fine with me. I don't blame you, in fact. That scum must be disgusting to have constantly touching your skin.

But racist at its core IS what the MAGA dominated GOP is.

You provided ZERO evidence that it switched in the '90's because of RACISM.

If you want to suppose the major reason for the switcheroo of the racist Democrats of the American South to becoming racist Republicans...was not racism...fine with me.

I do not blame you. Being part of that scum must be close to intolerable.

And you are implying that the democrat party were still white supremacists, decades after the 64 CRA.

I have no idea of what you mean by that.

When did you become a democrat, Frank?

I registered as a Democrat in my 20's. I ended my time as a Democrat in the 1980's. (Can't remember exactly when.)

You, I suspect, have always been a registered member of what is now the thoroughly racist, disgusting MAGA dominated GOP.

Was it during the Democrat racist years before 1990?

As I said, I was in my 20's...and I ended being in my 20's in 1966. That was before 1990. At the time, the Democrats had most of the racists of the American south in its compliment, but was decidedly anti-racist...unlike the decidedly mostly racist MAGA dominated GOP of today.
Were you a republican before then?
Although both my parents were registered Republicans, I have never been a Republican. I have, however, always been a small "r" republican...and will continue to be one until I die. Too bad you and the other MAGA GOPers aren't.
Massive LIE by racist white libs. Ike signed the first CRA in 1957. A higher percentage of repubs than dems voted for the 64 CRA.

Electoral maps

Northern States voted republican


Southern former Slave States voted Democrat


Northern States voted republican


Northern States voted republican


Even at the State level, Southern States continued to elect democrats


Indeed, Bigdog.

Very persuasive.