We absolutely must defeat fascism and fight for freedom

All extremist partisans on either side are fascists.

Anyone who expects politicians and government officials to cater to their agenda or special interest 100% on every issue and throw temper tantrums when compromise is even discussed, is a fascist.

the fascists are experts are hiding in the globalist middle.

Okay, you are more than deep enough, but you want to continue to dig. Lemme help you.

MY CLAIM was that the change happened. I even clarified my claim more by saying, "...political dynamics of the American South has changed from almost solidly Democratic during the times of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow."

You are the one suggesting that the claim did not happen.


The south during the time of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow WERE DEMOCRATS.

Those people of "slavery, secession, and Jim Crow"...not matter when and no matter why...

...switched from being Democrats to being Republicans.

If you want to pretend that the kind of racism that inspired slavery, secession, and Jim Crow was not a factor in why the change took place...you are free to show your stupidity all you want. None of us are trying to prevent you from doing that.

Try selling that to the fucking morons on your side of the aisle, Dog. Don try to sell it to intelligent, sane people. Try, instead, selling it to the stable geniuses of your side.
Jim Crow ended in 1964 when it was made illegal. So thanks for finally naming a date. Clearly, no magical switching of socialists and conservatives happened.

Your claims that the majority of the white race are racists ... are based on white lib lies. The evidence is clear, you have no evidence.
LBJ, when the Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 said, "“We’ve lost the south for a generation.”

The switching (nobody but you has called it "magical", I would call it "inevitable"...began almost immediately. Yeah, there have been some continued voting for Democrats in the South, which the assholes of the American right want to sell as evidence that the switch happened for other reasons. But that bullshit is laughable.

Nice try, Dog. But as usual...a fail.
LBJ was a racist. Who created the Great (white) society to destroy traditional Black families.

There was no magical switching. You have no evidence.
Jim Crow ended in 1964 when it was made illegal. So thanks for finally naming a date. Clearly, no magical switching of socialists and conservatives happened.

No magical switching of parties EVER happened. YOU are the only one suggesting that it did.

But in a gradually increasing exodus from Democrats to Republicans...the racist element of the American south switched over from Democrats to Republicans. Anyone with a functioning brain realizes that.

Whether you realize it or not is up to you.

Your claims that the majority of the white race are racists ... are based on white lib lies.
I defy you to find anywhere during the last 3 decades when I have been posting on the Internet and writing op ed pieces published in newspapers in several states (and in Europe) where I have ever claimed (or even intimated) that the majority of the white race is racist.

That is something you invented out of thin air, Dog. You have become a shell of your former self. You ought to be ashamed, but I doubt you have the character or ethics for that.

The evidence is clear, you have no evidence.
I agree. I have no evidence of what I have never claimed.
LBJ was a racist. Who created the Great (white) society to destroy traditional Black families.

LBJ said what I said he said. You have gone nuts.

There was no magical switching.

I have never ever claimed there was...so?

There was a switching. The scum racists of the old south, for the most part, switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. Anyone with any sense of history knows this.
You have no evidence.
You claim you can walk on the sun.

I say you have no evidence that you can.
Those are the republican exit polling results. You have no evidence.
Anyone with a sense of history knows that although the Democratic Party was totally dominant in the American south from before the Civil War...that it now is almost totally dominated by the Republican Party. That transition actually happened. The time element is disputed, but the time element does not negate the fact that it happened.

You are embarrassing yourself.

Stop fucking digging.
KKK were and are conservatives. You’re a conservative.
Wrong. KKK are socialist democrats. You're a socialist.

White lib plantation polices haven't changed much since your slave days ...

1. deny Black children an education
2. demonize their religion and fatherhood
3. destroy their traditional families
4. keep Black Americans trapped in Northern ghettos
5. encourage Black women to kill their children before they are born for financial reasons
6. create permanent poverty with generational welfare
7. deny them police protection
8. release criminals back into the community
9. dump infected illegals in their neighborhoods.
10. and "Lynch" Black republicans
No magical switching of parties EVER happened. YOU are the only one suggesting that it did.

But in a gradually increasing exodus from Democrats to Republicans...the racist element of the American south switched over from Democrats to Republicans. Anyone with a functioning brain realizes that.

Whether you realize it or not is up to you.

I defy you to find anywhere during the last 3 decades when I have been posting on the Internet and writing op ed pieces published in newspapers in several states (and in Europe) where I have ever claimed (or even intimated) that the majority of the white race is racist.

That is something you invented out of thin air, Dog. You have become a shell of your former self. You ought to be ashamed, but I doubt you have the character or ethics for that.

I agree. I have no evidence of what I have never claimed.
Yep, you still fail to present any evidence. While I have provided loads including electoral maps, governors map, white lib policies for Blacks, and the 1957 CRA.

Pleez, you think all Trump supporters are neo nazi white supremacists.