We absolutely must defeat fascism and fight for freedom

Up is your word for down.
Says the White lib Jew hater :palm:

The German people were proud National Socialists. They were ordered to "serve the State". Businesses were PINO, Private In Name Only. Serve the State or die, or have your property confiscated and be thrown in prison.

They hated "classical liberals" aka conservatives. They would have loved you Big Gov't neo libs and your push for a massive welfare State similar to Imperial Germany's Otto Von Bismarck's.

The Brown Shirt leadership was homosexual. And they were led by Ernst Rohm, an openly homosexual man and Hitler's BFF. And Hitler was a drug addled, hippy dippy failed artiste, former homeless gov't leech, complete with weird facial hair. These are all the trappings of the modern white lib.

It is the democrats that want one party rule, and to enlarge the scotus to stack it. And it is Democrats protesting on campuses and in the streets for the Death of the Jewish State.
Says the White lib Jew hater :palm:

The German people were proud National Socialists. They were ordered to "serve the State". Businesses were PINO, Private In Name Only. Serve the State or die, or have your property confiscated and be thrown in prison.

They hated "classical liberals" aka conservatives. They would have loved you Big Gov't neo libs and your push for a massive welfare State similar to Imperial Germany's Otto Von Bismarck's.

The Brown Shirt leadership was homosexual. And they were led by Ernst Rohm, an openly homosexual man and Hitler's BFF. And Hitler was a drug addled, hippy dippy failed artiste, former homeless gov't leech, complete with weird facial hair. These are all the trappings of the modern white lib.

It is the democrats that want one party rule, and to enlarge the scotus to stack it. And it is Democrats protesting on campuses and in the streets for the Death of the Jewish State.
shut up
If you really cared about defeating fascism and fighting for freedom, you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.

If you really chose to not be part of a corrupt future, you wouldn't be a Trump supporter.

Trump is the epitome of everything you claim to be against and of nothing you claim to be for.
You can't blame your problems on Trump or anybody else, Norm.
Government power over individual rights is ALL LEFTISM, including fascism.

Conversely, the Constitution is the greatest right wing document ever written.
Is it?

What about womens rights?

LGBTQ rights?

black rights?

Islamic rights?

YOu kids wanna take all those away.

You wanna take away the rights of social media platforms.

You wanna take away the right to vote.

You wanna censor public schools.

The list is nearly endless.

Republicansim is just another name for fascism.
Socialism is the modern word for monarchy.
Lol, no.
The German people were proud National Socialists. They were ordered to "serve the State". Businesses were PINO, Private In Name Only. Serve the State or die, or have your property confiscated and be thrown in prison.

They hated "classical liberals" aka conservatives. They would have loved you Big Gov't neo libs and your push for a massive welfare State similar to Imperial Germany's Otto Von Bismarck's.

The Brown Shirt leadership was homosexual. And they were led by Ernst Rohm, an openly homosexual man and Hitler's BFF. And Hitler was a drug addled, hippy dippy failed artiste, former homeless gov't leech, complete with weird facial hair. These are all the trappings of the modern white lib.

It is the democrats that want one party rule, and to enlarge the scotus to stack it. And it is Democrats protesting on campuses and in the streets for the Death of the Jewish State.
The GOP will go down in history as one of the most loathsome political parties ever to exist.
Says the guy that supports the party of secession, slavery, and jim crow.
The people who advocated for secession, slavery, and Jim Crow...were Democrats. I grant you that. But what you want to hide is that those people transferred over to the Republican Party. That is why the major areas of secession, slavery, and Jim Crow are now almost solidly red.

You people are pathetic and stupid to bring that up...although I recognize that you will dispute it. I don't blame you. The ideas behind that mid 19th century secession and the slaver and Jim Crow came from reprehensible people...like you people are now.
The people who advocated for secession, slavery, and Jim Crow...were Democrats. I grant you that. But what you want to hide is that those people transferred over to the Republican Party. That is why the major areas of secession, slavery, and Jim Crow are now almost solidly red.

You people are pathetic and stupid to bring that up...although I recognize that you will dispute it. I don't blame you. The ideas behind that mid 19th century secession and the slaver and Jim Crow came from reprehensible people...like you people are now.
There was no magical switching of party names, Frank. That is a white lib myth. The repubs passed the first CRA, the 1957 CRA. Championed by Nixon and signed by Ike.

The leftwing socialist, FDR, opposed the anti lynching bill.

You claim you are the "good" whites. Look at what the "good" white have done to Black Americans ...

Why do you support these white lib plantation policies
1. deny Black children an education
2. demonize their religion and fatherhood
3. destroy their traditional families
4. keep Black Americans trapped in Northern ghettos
5. encourage Black women to kill their children before they are born for financial reasons
6. create permanent poverty with generational welfare
7. deny them police protection
8. release criminals back into the community
9. dump infected illegals in their neighborhoods.
10. and "Lynch" Black republicans

The Democrat party is still the socialist party of racism, bigotry and hate.[/B]
There was no magical switching of party names, Frank. That is a white lib myth. The repubs passed the first CRA, the 1957 CRA. Championed by Nixon and signed by Ike.


The American south...the states that ended up seceding from the Union was absolutely dominated by Democrats. In most of those states, even being thought of as a Republican would be dangerous for the thought-to-be Republican.

Now those same states are thoroughly dominated by Repblicans.

Get your head out of your ass, Dog, if that is even possible
. But what you want to hide is that those people transferred over to the Republican Party.
don't kid yourself......those of us who left the demmycrats for the Republicans weren't the racists......we left because of Carter to vote for Reagan.......the racists never left, they went into hiding in place like Grand Dragon Byrd........

The American south...the states that ended up seceding from the Union was absolutely dominated by Democrats. In most of those states, even being thought of as a Republican would be dangerous for the thought-to-be Republican.

Now those same states are thoroughly dominated by Repblicans.

Get your head out of your ass, Dog, if that is even possible
Massive LIE by racist white libs. Ike signed the first CRA in 1957. A higher percentage of repubs than dems voted for the 64 CRA.

Electoral maps

Northern States voted republican


Southern former Slave States voted Democrat


Northern States voted republican


Northern States voted republican


Even at the State level, Southern States continued to elect democrats


Massive LIE by racist white libs. Ike signed the first CRA in 1957. A higher percentage of repubs than dems voted for the 64 CRA.

Electoral maps

Northern States voted republican


Southern former Slave States voted Democrat


Northern States voted republican


Northern States voted republican


Even at the State level, Southern States continued to elect democrats


If you are too fucking stupid to realize that the political dynamics of the American South has changed from almost solidly Democratic during the times of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow, then you are too fucking stupid to understand anything of importance.

If you are such a fucking dissembler to acknowledge that the political dynamics of the American South has changed from almost solidly Democratic during the times of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow, then you are too much a fucking dissembler to bother with.

So shove that bullshit you are trying to sell to sane people up your ass. Or try to sell it to the other morons of the MAGA RIGHT.