We absolutely must defeat fascism and fight for freedom

If you are too fucking stupid to realize that the political dynamics of the American South has changed from almost solidly Democratic during the times of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow, then you are too fucking stupid to understand anything of importance.

If you are such a fucking dissembler to acknowledge that the political dynamics of the American South has changed from almost solidly Democratic during the times of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow, then you are too much a fucking dissembler to bother with.

So shove that bullshit you are trying to sell to sane people up your ass. Or try to sell it to the other morons of the MAGA RIGHT.
When was the magical switching of names, Frank?

When was the magical switching of names, Frank?

Whenever it was...IT WAS.

The change has happened...which is what I have been arguing...NOT when it happened.

YOU, on the other hand, have been arguing that it hasn't happened.

It is a stupid argument on your part, Dog. It is beneath you.

Just give it up.

We absolutely must defeat fascism and fight for freedom​

Start by ending arms sales and support to fascist Israel.
Whenever it was...IT WAS.

The change has happened...which is what I have been arguing...NOT when it happened.

YOU, on the other hand, have been arguing that it hasn't happened.

It is a stupid argument on your part, Dog. It is beneath you.

Just give it up.
Poor dodge, Frank. Claiming YOU don't know when it happened.

If you are too fucking stupid to realize that the political dynamics of the American South has changed from almost solidly Democratic during the times of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow, then you are too fucking stupid to understand anything of importance.

If you are such a fucking dissembler to acknowledge that the political dynamics of the American South has changed from almost solidly Democratic during the times of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow, then you are too much a fucking dissembler to bother with.

So shove that bullshit you are trying to sell to sane people up your ass. Or try to sell it to the other morons of the MAGA RIGHT.
It’s been explained to them countless times. They are just too fucking stupid to absorb it.
Poor dodge, Frank. Claiming YOU don't know when it happened.

Poor, poor Dog...
...pretending it matters when it happened.

If it happened before today...


The racist, banjo playing, ignorant shitbirds who used to Democrats...are now Republicans.


And figures you do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge that.

You assholes of the right could hold your annual conventions in a local Elks Club if it weren't for those racist, banjo playing, ignorant shitbirds who switched.
It’s been explained to them countless times. They are just too fucking stupid to absorb it.
Yup. I used to think they did not want to absorb it. But it is becoming more and more apparent that they are too fucking stupid to absorb it.
The conservatives of the day. You’re a conservative, aren’t you?
Wrong. There was no magical switching of party names.

The leftwing socialist FDR opposed the anti lynching bill. The KKK voted for the leftwing socialist party. Racism has always been a leftwing socialist plank.

Conservatives are classical liberals. Not socialist monarchists like you neo libs.
How about you just die? That would be sufficient.
Another violent left winger talking about people being killed or dying,....just like the dirt bag who tried to kill POTUS Trump last night. What sad miserable lives you must have,...so glad Im not you.
Poor, poor Dog...
...pretending it matters when it happened.

If it happened before today...


The racist, banjo playing, ignorant shitbirds who used to Democrats...are now Republicans.


And figures you do not have the ethical wherewithal to acknowledge that.

You assholes of the right could hold your annual conventions in a local Elks Club if it weren't for those racist, banjo playing, ignorant shitbirds who switched.
YOU made the claim, but can't say when :palm:

It matters because the switch was not due to racism as YOU claim. It was for reasons of economics and freedom in the 1990's.
YOU made the claim, but can't say when :palm:

It matters because the switch was not due to racism as YOU claim. It was for reasons of economics and freedom in the 1990's.

YOU made the claim, but can't say when :palm:
Okay, you are more than deep enough, but you want to continue to dig. Lemme help you.

MY CLAIM was that the change happened. I even clarified my claim more by saying, "...political dynamics of the American South has changed from almost solidly Democratic during the times of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow."

You are the one suggesting that the claim did not happen.


The south during the time of slavery, secession, and Jim Crow WERE DEMOCRATS.

Those people of "slavery, secession, and Jim Crow"...not matter when and no matter why...

...switched from being Democrats to being Republicans.

If you want to pretend that the kind of racism that inspired slavery, secession, and Jim Crow was not a factor in why the change took place...you are free to show your stupidity all you want. None of us are trying to prevent you from doing that.

It matters because the switch was not due to racism as YOU claim. It was for reasons of economics and freedom in the 1990's.

Try selling that to the fucking morons on your side of the aisle, Dog. Don try to sell it to intelligent, sane people. Try, instead, selling it to the stable geniuses of your side.
Wrong. There was no magical switching of party names.

The leftwing socialist FDR opposed the anti lynching bill. The KKK voted for the leftwing socialist party. Racism has always been a leftwing socialist plank.

Conservatives are classical liberals. Not socialist monarchists like you neo libs.
American conservatives are a bunch of crybaby fools...buying into monarchy without being intelligent enough to see it.

When did the magical switching of party names happen, Boomer?
LBJ, when the Democrats passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 said, "“We’ve lost the south for a generation.”

The switching (nobody but you has called it "magical", I would call it "inevitable"...began almost immediately. Yeah, there have been some continued voting for Democrats in the South, which the assholes of the American right want to sell as evidence that the switch happened for other reasons. But that bullshit is laughable.

Nice try, Dog. But as usual...a fail.
American conservatives are a bunch of crybaby fools...buying into monarchy without being intelligent enough to see it.
I know, right?.......all you fuckwits did was try to assassinate your political rivals and we're whiners because we don't think you should do shit like that......
Wrong. There was no magical switching of party names.

The leftwing socialist FDR opposed the anti lynching bill. The KKK voted for the leftwing socialist party. Racism has always been a leftwing socialist plank.

Conservatives are classical liberals. Not socialist monarchists like you neo libs.
KKK were and are conservatives. You’re a conservative.
Another violent left winger talking about people being killed or dying,....just like the dirt bag who tried to kill POTUS Trump last night. What sad miserable lives you must have,...so glad Im not you.
You reap what you sow, cocksucker.