We absolutely must defeat fascism and fight for freedom

LBJ said what I said he said. You have gone nuts.

I have never ever claimed there was...so?

There was a switching. The scum racists of the old south, for the most part, switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. Anyone with any sense of history knows this.

You claim you can walk on the sun.

I say you have no evidence that you can.
No, you misquoted LBJ. And his Great (white) Society did destroy traditional Black families.

You have no evidence they switched because of racism, Frank.
Anyone with a sense of history knows that although the Democratic Party was totally dominant in the American south from before the Civil War...that it now is almost totally dominated by the Republican Party. That transition actually happened. The time element is disputed, but the time element does not negate the fact that it happened.

You are embarrassing yourself.

Stop fucking digging.
The South has become less racist. In 1948, Biden's BFF Strom Thurmond lost as the Dixiecrat nominee.

In 1984, the whole North voted republican. Explain.
Yep, you still fail to present any evidence. While I have provided loads including electoral maps, governors map, white lib policies for Blacks, and the 1957 CRA.

Anyone who wants to claim that the American south was not dominantly Democratic from before the Civil War and that it is now dominantly Republic is a goddam idiot. The proof is in today's voting.
Pleez, you think all Trump supporters are neo nazi white supremacists.
I do not think that. Most are too stupid to be Nazi's.
No, you misquoted LBJ. And his Great (white) Society did destroy traditional Black families.

You have no evidence they switched because of racism, Frank.
You are a fool...and should not be engaging in these kinds of discussions.
Wrong. KKK are socialist democrats. You're a socialist.

White lib plantation polices haven't changed much since your slave days ...

1. deny Black children an education
2. demonize their religion and fatherhood
3. destroy their traditional families
4. keep Black Americans trapped in Northern ghettos
5. encourage Black women to kill their children before they are born for financial reasons
6. create permanent poverty with generational welfare
7. deny them police protection
8. release criminals back into the community
9. dump infected illegals in their neighborhoods.
10. and "Lynch" Black republicans
KKK were and are conservatives. You’re a conservative.
That's nothing but an existential fallacy.
They have been described as:

anti-Negro, anti-Alien, anti-Red, anti-Catholic, anti-Jew, anti-Darwin, anti-Modern, anti-Liberal, Fundamentalist, vastly Moral, militantly Protestant.

It preached One Hundred Percent Americanism.

That describes any number of you RW fucks on this forum.
They have been described as:

anti-Negro, anti-Alien, anti-Red, anti-Catholic, anti-Jew, anti-Darwin, anti-Modern, anti-Liberal, Fundamentalist, vastly Moral, militantly Protestant.

It preached One Hundred Percent Americanism.

That describes any number of you RW fucks on this forum.
Okay, that doesn't automatically make them rightwing, conservative, or whatever...
Clearly, the North voted republican in '84. And you have no explanation.

You have failed to provide any evidence that the 1990's switch in the South was because of racism. Zero, nada, zilch.
Having a conversation with you is like having a conversation with a bag of rocks...except that the bag of rocks has a nicer personality.
Having a conversation with you is like having a conversation with a bag of rocks...except that the bag of rocks has a nicer personality.
Frank, I am just waiting for you to provide the evidence that the switch in the 90's was because of racism.


Or evidence that the North voted republican in 84 because of racism.
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Frank, I am just waiting for you to provide the evidence that the switch in the 90's was because of racism.

he can't......the switch between Demmycrats to Republicans was economic resulting from Carter's incompetence.......the exact same thing that is happening right now because of Biden.....unless of course someone is stupid enough to believe racists switched from the racist Demmycrat party to the party that passed the Civil Rights Act......you know, that law that Biden fought......I still remember that moment in the primary debates back in 2020 when Harris turned to old Joe and said "I was that little girl you wanted to keep in segregated schools".........
he can't......the switch between Demmycrats to Republicans was economic resulting from Carter's incompetence.......the exact same thing that is happening right now because of Biden.....unless of course someone is stupid enough to believe racists switched from the racist Demmycrat party to the party that passed the Civil Rights Act......you know, that law that Biden fought......I still remember that moment in the primary debates back in 2020 when Harris turned to old Joe and said "I was that little girl you wanted to keep in segregated schools".........

And like Biden, Carter was a massive failure as CIC, especially with the U.S. embassy hostages and the tragedy of operation Eagle Claw in the desert.