We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

That's one big puddle of anger and violence...and judgement...coming from a supposed 'Christian' there Silly Wabbit.

Hypocritical much?

Once again...WHO is supposed to do the judging? God is crying as he reads your posts.

The thing that gets me is how flippantly and how non chillingly she discusses this morbid horrible topic with a humorous spin to all her comments. This is an example of how American society had regressed itself to a point of human degradation with a morally relevant attitude over a practice that she has never known to be absent over her lifespan. It's that commonplace and now no longer a big deal and even funny to her addressing anyone who still holds moral outrage over AOD.
The thing that gets me is how flippantly and how non chillingly she discusses this morbid horrible topic with a humorous spin to all her comments. This is an example of how American society had regressed itself to a point of human degradation with a morally relevant attitude over a practice that she has never known to be absent over her lifespan. It's that commonplace and now no longer a big deal and even funny to her addressing anyone who still holds moral outrage over AOD.

Why do you keep pretending you are a Christian, Rabbit? You show no signs of it whatever. Are you sure you are not the AntiChrist?
Please show where my posts say anything like that? Where did I say women were not capable of not becoming pregnant? Where did I EVER say they needed to be protected from anything? And you never explained how just becoming pregnant is irresponsible or 'negative?'

Your post is a total lie. If not, prove it. Show the posts.

You are wasting your time.

USF is a total coward who absolutely will NOT follow through with any corroboration that backs up his lunacy whatsoever.

Hell, the chickenshit hasn't even had the stones to address me directly since I got his two of his best buds booted from this place.

He'll go on and on, talking ABOUT me with others, but speak to me directly...nope...he's just too big a chickenshit.

One thing you can be certain of though.

When he starts with his ridiculous circular reasoning nonsense and he tries to turn everything back on you and your comments, that's when you can be certain you've got him angry and on the ropes.
It is best that you try to divert from the entire topic of the thread and your embarrassment.

You've been pwned.

You were the one who tried to divert attention away from you opinion that women are incapable of being responsible and need to be protected from their decisions.
I just dedicated a poll to you in the war zone. Participate.

You are so cute, with your Internet demands and fantasies about me. I'm flattered...I know I seem like the unattainable 'bad girl' to you. At least in your delusional fantasies.

I've told you multiple times...I am a practicing Christian. YOU invent lots of things about my personal beliefs...how interesting (for you! lololol).

But you continue to judge and post about violence you would indulge in. Very very un-Christian. Did you forget who is supposed to do the judging Silly Wabbit? (pssstttt! only God.)
You are so cute, with your Internet demands and fantasies about me. I'm flattered...I know I seem like the unattainable 'bad girl' to you. At least in your delusional fantasies.

I've told you multiple times...I am a practicing Christian. YOU invent lots of things about my personal beliefs...how interesting (for you! lololol).

But you continue to judge and post about violence you would indulge in. Very very un-Christian. Did you forget who is supposed to do the judging Silly Wabbit? (pssstttt! only God.)

who defends shooting children