We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

USFreedom has boxed himself into a corner and we can all see his tail between his legs.

Dude, take your chew toy and go home.

(Since you cant 'put up.')
Really? You cant count either then.

Not surprising.

Silly wabbit.

I think you're a wiccan within the occult with your little horsey you evil bastard.

You hate men just like every other activist lesbian hates men and you use that occult magic of yours to try to put a heavenly face on every wretched, bloody torn apart remains of an abortion.

Have a nice day.
That's one big puddle of anger and violence...and judgement...coming from a supposed 'Christian' there Silly Wabbit.

Hypocritical much?

Once again...WHO is supposed to do the judging? God is crying as he reads your posts.
Please show where my posts say anything like that? Where did I say women were not capable of not becoming pregnant? Where did I EVER say they needed to be protected from anything? And you never explained how just becoming pregnant is irresponsible or 'negative?'

Your post is a total lie. If not, prove it. Show the posts.

There's really no need to try and re-invent yourself.
Your posts show fully well that you don't feel that women are capable of being responsible and need to be taken care of and protected from their choices.
USFreedom has boxed himself into a corner and we can all see his tail between his legs.

Dude, take your chew toy and go home.

(Since you cant 'put up.')

I can understand your angst over allowing yourself to show that you think women are incapable of being responsible for their actions and need to be protected from their decisions.
I can understand your angst over allowing yourself to show that you think women are incapable of being responsible for their actions and need to be protected from their decisions.

Put up or shut up.

You cant and apparently you cant shut up either, lololol.
Put up or shut up.

You cant and apparently you cant shut up either, lololol.

There's really no need for you to become so upset and create forced laughter, all in an attempt to hide that you feel women are incapable of being responsible for their decisions and need to be taken care of.
There's really no need for you to become so upset and create forced laughter, all in an attempt to hide that you feel women are incapable of being responsible for their decisions and need to be taken care of.

Your intuition is as accurate as your reading comprehension...ZERO.

I am enjoying your display of denial and parroting unsubstantiated statements. It's easy to laugh at you, sorreh, the truth hurts.


Put up or shut up

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL (oh, that was so difficult! not)
Your intuition is as accurate as your reading comprehension...ZERO.

I am enjoying your display of denial and parroting unsubstantiated statements. It's easy to laugh at you, sorreh, the truth hurts.


Put up or shut up

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL (oh, that was so difficult! not)

It's really a shame that you find it necessary to continue to draw attention to your thought process, where you find women incapable of being responsible for their behavior and need to be protected from the choices they make. :palm:
It's really a shame that you find it necessary to continue to draw attention to your thought process, where you find women incapable of being responsible for their behavior and need to be protected from the choices they make.

There's really no need to try and re-invent yourself.
Your posts show fully well that you don't feel that women are capable of being responsible and need to be taken care of and protected from their choices.

I deny nothing....if I am, prove it...show what I am denying.

Put up or shut up.



Please save what little dignity you have left and stop making it possible for everyone to see your low opinion of women and that you feel they're incapable of being responsible for their actions and need to be protected from their own decisions.
Please save what little dignity you have left and stop making it possible for everyone to see your low opinion of women and that you feel they're incapable of being responsible for their actions and need to be protected from their own decisions.
