We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

And once again you do nothing but make excuses for women.
I guess after all this time, some women don't feel that women should have the same right of responsibility. :palm:

When anyone forces you to have a baby you can't look after, pwrdab, we shall all support you! :)
I keep telling them if they want to really SAVE all those fetuses they need to build an artificial womb.

then they may have a point
When anyone forces you to have a baby you can't look after, pwrdab, we shall all support you! :)

I hope you realize that at least half the people in the world weren't planned to be here.

Meanwhile you've had scientists, scholars, engineers, doctors, statesmen, and plenty of other vital people to society all sucked through an abortion tube. If I'm not mistaken, Obama wasn't planned either.
Since the act of sex has a greater chance of conception, then hitting a tree while skiing, calling it an "unintended consequence" is just another way of admitting that women aren't responsible enough to take care of themselves. :palm:

You must not be a skiier. It doesnt take much to break a leg or get injured skiing. Certainly it doesnt involve trees.

So, breaking your leg, having a car accident....all people that do that are not responsible.

I see we have someone else here who chooses not to leave the judging up to God.
I hope you realize that at least half the people in the world weren't planned to be here.

Meanwhile you've had scientists, scholars, engineers, doctors, statesmen, and plenty of other vital people to society all sucked through an abortion tube. If I'm not mistaken, Obama wasn't planned either.

The problem is not planning but forced birth. To force someone to be born poor in the USA seems about as evil an act as I can imagine.
And once again you do nothing but make excuses for women.
I guess after all this time, some women don't feel that women should have the same right of responsibility. :palm:

You keep saying this but it doesnt make it true. If you dont want my answer, dont ask.

I didnt say they are irresponsible and I believe they DO have the same right and level of responsibility. As Essence and I have both said, a pregnant woman can act responsibly and the act of getting pregnant is not irresponsible. Hmmm. Care to ask your mom about that?

You obviously arent going to get the answer you want....but I have yet to see you explain how it is irresponsible for a woman to get pregnant? Only her actions later may be....like not taking care of herself during pregnancy, not terminating a pregnancy she cant afford or doesnt want, having a baby in a gas station toilet, not giving up a baby for adoption that she cant afford or doesnt want, going on public assistance after having a kid she cant afford.....THOSE are examples of irresponsibility, IMO.
I hope you realize that at least half the people in the world weren't planned to be here.

Meanwhile you've had scientists, scholars, engineers, doctors, statesmen, and plenty of other vital people to society all sucked through an abortion tube. If I'm not mistaken, Obama wasn't planned either.

The difference is, at least in this country.....women had a CHOICE about whether or not they wanted to go through with those unplanned pregnancies. In this country, those 'babies' are born because the woman CHOOSES that.

So implying that all unplanned pregnancies would be or are aborted is just dishonest (another not-so-Christian value there Philly....you are racking them up!)
You must not be a skiier. It doesnt take much to break a leg or get injured skiing. Certainly it doesnt involve trees.

So, breaking your leg, having a car accident....all people that do that are not responsible.

I see we have someone else here who chooses not to leave the judging up to God.

I understand.
You don't thing women can be expected to be responsible for their actions.
You've made this quite clear.
You keep saying this but it doesnt make it true. If you dont want my answer, dont ask.

I didnt say they are irresponsible and I believe they DO have the same right and level of responsibility. As Essence and I have both said, a pregnant woman can act responsibly and the act of getting pregnant is not irresponsible. Hmmm. Care to ask your mom about that?

You obviously arent going to get the answer you want....but I have yet to see you explain how it is irresponsible for a woman to get pregnant? Only her actions later may be....like not taking care of herself during pregnancy, not terminating a pregnancy she cant afford or doesnt want, having a baby in a gas station toilet, not giving up a baby for adoption that she cant afford or doesnt want, going on public assistance after having a kid she cant afford.....THOSE are examples of irresponsibility, IMO.

OK bitch, you want to bring in family.
My mom died in 1999 and every day I wish she could have spent more time with her Great Grandchildren and for them to get to know her better; but it's apparent that the only reason you went this route, is because you've finally realized that while you keep saying women are responsible, you really don't think they're capable of it.
Did your father, if you knew him, ever say if your mom sucked dick really good or not?
I understand.
You don't thing women can be expected to be responsible for their actions.
You've made this quite clear.

You willfully choose to ignore or cannot understand what I wrote. (And couldnt answer a direct, bolded question)

Ok, no need to discuss further. Please see the line in my signature in green :)
OK bitch, you want to bring in family.
My mom died in 1999 and every day I wish she could have spent more time with her Great Grandchildren and for them to get to know her better; but it's apparent that the only reason you went this route, is because you've finally realized that while you keep saying women are responsible, you really don't think they're capable of it.
Did your father, if you knew him, ever say if your mom sucked dick really good or not?

Hmmm. I didnt say anything mean about your mother. I asked you to ask her a perfectly legitimate question. One you asked ME. You cant...I'm sorry for your loss.

And I'm not concerned about your comments on my family. Why would I be? You dont know them or me and I'm not real concerned about the opinions of a defensive Internet bully.
You willfully choose to ignore or cannot understand what I wrote. (And couldnt answer a direct, bolded question)

Ok, no need to discuss further. Please see the line in my signature in green :)

Thanks for conceding that you do think women are incapable of being responsible for their actions and need to be taken care of and protected from themselves.
Hmmm. I didnt say anything mean about your mother. I asked you to ask her a perfectly legitimate question. One you asked ME. You cant...I'm sorry for your loss.

And I'm not concerned about your comments on my family. Why would I be? You dont know them or me and I'm not real concerned about the opinions of a defensive Internet bully.

Congratulations for finally coming out as a liberal; because liberals think it's ok to make remarks about family, but then want to refer to anyone who responds in kind as a "bully".

You didn't respond:
Does your mom suck dick really good?
Thanks for conceding that you do think women are incapable of being responsible for their actions and need to be taken care of and protected from themselves.

Again...you got a complete answer. Just like you did here.

You cannot understand it. That's a shame...but it's easier than admitting you're wrong or cant answer my question.
Congratulations for finally coming out as a liberal; because liberals think it's ok to make remarks about family, but then want to refer to anyone who responds in kind as a "bully".

You didn't respond:
Does your mom suck dick really good?

I am a self-identified liberal and stated on the forum many times. Wake up! lolololol

And since I didnt say anything malicious, not sure how you could consider me a bully...or anything like you at all. (Esp since I can understand the written word and you cant...another big difference, lol)
Again...you got a complete answer. Just like you did here.

You cannot understand it. That's a shame...but it's easier than admitting you're wrong or cant answer my question.

Your myopic view of women seems to have extended itself to you also.

I guess you feel that you can't be responsible for your behavior either.